I'm actually enjoying this shit. The fuck is going on?
Actually feels really Star Trek and the usual retarded Seth shit is kept to an absolute minimum so far.
I'm actually enjoying this shit. The fuck is going on?
Actually feels really Star Trek and the usual retarded Seth shit is kept to an absolute minimum so far.
If you want Star Trek just wait a little bit till discovery drops. It's going to be better and there's less sexist jokes and stuff check it out
>Seth shit is kept to an absolute minimum so far
Pathetic jokes, yes, but the character is way overplayed. Got tired by episode 2. Fuck this guy, he ruins even his passion project with his egotism.
Its going to be the new lensflare and explosion star trek, not ethics discussion trek like the old days that orville seems to be aiming for.
Is it worth a try? My wife actually wants to watch it with me since she couldn't stomach all of Star Trek with me
>le women are equally capable as men in every way, there's absolutely no difference even though there clearly is
It's a great take on Star Trek, so of course Sup Forums hates it
>.10 cents have been deposited into your shillpay accout
It will be grim dark story about racism and evil white men with lots of lensflares and explosions. Not exactly the escapist utopia Trek was in.
>abbreviation is STD
If it's got less sexist jokes then it sounds terrible.
I just have to say, as a trek fan, I really enjoyed The Orville. My wife, her son, and my /orville general/ bros were sick and tired of white men on our screens who weren't seth mcfarlane, and his take on trek was just so refreshing and damn funny.
I am seriously looking forward to the second season and if you aren't, well what's wrong with you!
Everything in it seems very middle-of-the-road. The comedy is "sensible chuckle" at best. The story is completely predictable. The characters are fairly average in all things, but that makes them more believable, though that isn't really much of a thing that's needed.
It feels like you are watching a Star Trek series that takes place in the real world for the most part. Where everything is fairly mundane in execution, though a bit more exciting than you'd expect I guess. It is more of a comfy time killer than anything else. Like you watch it in the corner of the screen while shitposting.
I'm trying to give it a chance but during the last episode I started wondering why I was watching this instead of watching old episodes of The Next Generation again. This has been done before, but much better. TNG has funnier jokes as well.
Have you watched any of "Star Trek: Continues" yet? If you like the TOS stuff then you should love it.
I don't know what to think about that last episode. Was the Union right or the Moclans?
>"Circumcision is not a life-altering scenario"
It really isn't. Your dick is cleaner, looks better and you last longer in bed. That's about it.
your dick might've been cleaner if you lived in the desert, but not in the modern world and you will cut of a big part of the nerves making you feel less during sex.
Actually, the pain experience by the baby alters its DNA, making it less able to handle stress later on in adult life. There's all manner of physiological problems that arise from this. Also, the complete or partial loss of sensitivity makes the adult have all manner of hang ups with sex and sexual performance issues.
It's ok man, I'd come up with any excuse I could if I was mutilated at birth as well
>i mutilate my penis because i'm a premature ejaculator
>having a jew cut the tip of your dick off and suck the blood is not a life altering scenario
I want my fucking reparations now you piece of shit kikes
It will be full of all the wrong kind of ethics discussions.
Ok not watching that then.
This is a meme.
It is literally high order, fully accepted MK Ultra tier shit they do.
>Cutfags think boxing will be die out because it's barbaric, but genital mutilation will endure for centuries afterwards.
Confirmed for not watching even ten minutes of the show.
Why uncircumcised niggers always this defensive?
>mocks circumcision
>posts image of circumcised penis
Le epic stronk women haha she so stronk.
I'm and I'm cut and only speak the truth as science and my personal experience knows it. I have to have toothy blowjobs just to get off. Everything else is boring as fuck since I can't feel much of anything.
>The story is completely predictable.
you knew that Bortus's mate was born a female and that at the end they would also assign the new born baby girl and make it a male and not keep it a female? episode 3 was predictable to you?
Its not a WOMYN ARE SAME AS MEN meme. She has superhuman strength.
what's your point, user? i could be mutilated just like you within a week i could get circumsized any time i want. sure it would hurt and i would remember it but i could be mutilated just like you..
>what is science fiction
she's from a high gravity planet
Autism spotted.
I like the sex jokes.
This problem is not related to your circumcision. You're just a weird pervert.
episode 3 was predicable? yea right, nerd.
But do they have the equivalent of Data?
What's with the astroturfing surrounding this show? Is it just one turboautist who's trying to force an Orville vs STD flamewar? The shows are totally different. You have OP shilling Orville then a convenient first post that's trying to make STD seem like SJW shit (not that it isn't).
And the men in her species are still stronger. I wonder how sex between them goes.
Is it as violent as Klingon sex?
They do have a robot that feels superior to all the skinbags.
They don't seem as violent as Klingons as a species, although we don't have much info yet. Maybe on their planet it doesn't matter because everything is built stronger. So it evens out.
Racist robot but still analytical.
Yes, it is predictable. That's how plots work. The small details never matter. This is why I know you have autism. You can't see past the details and think everything is all new and awesome. All this shit is as old as Greek comedies, kid.
If you actually had the skin removed from your cock head someone did it wrong.
heh... nothin personnel... child
Carbonist, not racist. Robots are not a race or a species. He hates all carbon-based life.
OK good go ahead and kill yourself.
>genital mutilation has a correct method
Racist is a funnier word.
>still buying into the "cleaner" meme
Goddamned mouth breathing carbon based species.
I came
The problem with this explanation is that if it were so her physiology would be different from a standard human because her species evolved in a different environment.
Imaginary literally writing this post out, and you have all the tie it takes to go and do the captcha to think about it, and then you still click Post because you still think it's a good idea
Maybe she would accidentally break every bone in your body while riding your dick.
Would that be worth it?
Notice how the new "roastie" trend started, vilifying normal looking vaginae?
ah, that's disappointing.
Does the Robot hate the jelly blob for being a jelly blob, or just because he's a degenerate who wants to fug carbon-based pussy?
As long as my dick don't break my bones will always heal.
>t. triggered
Agreed. Earth humans (at least IRL) have all sorts of bone density problems, muscle atrophy problems, etc from being in microgravity long-term. One can assume that she would have all sorts of organ problems and shit from being in lesser gravity. But it's just a fun TV show so I try not to get mad over inconsequential stuff like this.
She could probably crush it. Sticking it in would be a gamble.
Meh. She could just watch me and give me JOI while I whack bag looking at her ayyyy vagine and I'd be fine with that.
Episode 3 proves that The Orville is at its best when it's not trying to be funny. But that best is still just a pale imitation of TNG.
They could avoid some of those issues if they said her cabin had its gravity adjusted to match her native environment but even then she should be much more muscular and dare I say it, thicc, if she evolved on a high gravity world.
Before the show came out the thrust seemed to be that the new Trek was SJW propaganda and this was the anti-SJW show and the reviewers on RT were just giving it bad reviews because of their liberal agenda or something.
Now that the show is out and that all turned out to be stupid, I'm not sure why it still gets so many threads.
>I'm actually enjoying it
Fuck off you repeat post faggot. You've made this thread half a dozen times now. Show is awful and your constant shilling won't change its cancellation before season 2
That's literally what the last episode was about you stupid shit
>gives you that look while you pump dat alien pussy
I put my Orville image folder in my Star Trek folder
This show is fucking good. It's goofy, it's cheesy, it's ham-fisted as all fuck, and it's got a heart as big as all outdoors.
It's the Second Coming of Star Trek.
Star trek already did this episode. It was an episode of TNG where Riker tries to get some point from a sexless species. In the end they wound up fixing her too.
Pretty toothless stuff. If they were trying to make a point and be edgy maybe they should have made the episode about the problems involved in trying to force your cultural norms on another culture.
why are you people such whiny faggots?
t.CBS TrekShill
The seth character is fine, the tone of the show wouldn't work as well if it wasn't such a blatant self-insert
>the usual retarded seth shit
I do not enjoy hearing the “R” word: “retard” and “retarded.”
And I will tell you why...
As these two words are now commonly used? They are (at all times), meant as a euphemistic put-down. And the genesis of the “put-down” itself is based on disparaging a population of special needs individuals who have always been viewed as inferior to the person mouthing the words: “retard” and “retarded.”
What does it mean if one’s best friend is acting “retarded?” He or she is behaving like a crazy person. Or, conducting him- or herself like a whack job. Far, far afield of any recognizable vestige of that person’s typical or acceptable comportment.
When a party is said to be “retarded?” That party is understood to be insane, stupid or just plain ridiculous. When a friend tells another friend to “stop being such a retard,” the admonishment is targeting an unflattering or all too simple-minded behavior that is only marginally tolerable when exhibited even by “those” people — who damn sure aren’t like “us”!
When the suffix “-tard” is added on to any adjective or noun, the resulting conjunction is intended to render a word that will connote an inferior, idiotic or dumber-than-dirt, juxtaposed quantity.
As one looks more closely at the contemporary use of the words — “retard,” “retarded” and the suffix “-tard” — the pattern that clearly starts to present is simply this: When employing this specific language, the objective is to separate and distinguish the “user” from those being “used.” The user in this case, of course, is the person spewing the words: “retard,” “retarded” and “-tard.” Those being used are the original population of special needs individuals who served as the catalyst for this kind of disparaging vitriol in the first place.
There's a really dedicated shitposter from /trek/. I know, because he's just as annoying and autistic in trek threads.
>and that all turned out to be stupid
What turned out to be stupid?
I was into this but this episode did it for me. I'm out. All of the executive officer's arguments were stupid as fuck - comparing males of one species to females of a bunch of different species made no fucking sense. Typical SJW bullshit.
It sucks. I wanted to give it a chance but I lost all interest somewhere between episode 2 and 3. That's how bad it is. I feel like it might be good but it's been so bad I can't even be shitted to try it any more than I have.
this is pasta, yeah?
You mean you want to watch while your wife will be busy with a bull.
I think you're all forgetting she's an alien and not a human in a high gravity world
>t. Expert on Alien Evolution
She's an alien that has the exact same build as a human. Again, if she evolved on a high gravity world she would not look like a human.
>the usual retarded Seth shit is kept to an absolute minimum so far.
i'm not going to be too suprised when he starts shoehorning his preachy BS but hopefully we'll get a season or two first.
I think he kinda starts putting in BS once he loses interest.
First season or two of his shows are usually pretty good, it's just when he starts driving jokes into the ground that you know he's lost interest.
Did they get last with her makeup here? One of her eye ridges didn't even match up.
The Orville episode was much better written than "The Outcast." Except for the sliding in of their greatest writer being a female they *happen* to find.
Overall, it could have gone many ways. There is no clear cut solution to the ethical dilemma.