Name a sadder kino than Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father

Name a sadder kino than Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father.

I'll wait.

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more like schlocko

I can't, this documentary got me really fucked up.

I remember watching this in high school and it had me sobbing like a little bitch, not sure if I could watch it again

Grave of the fireflies

Quick rundown on this documentary?

Guy dies
Crazy old girlfriend did it
Flees to canada
gets arrested, let out on bail
is pregnant with his son
gives birth to his son
grandparents have to share custody of son
kills his+her son and herself


Really awesome doctor with a heart of gold that everyone loves gets murdered by some crazy bitch he was dating. they can't pin it on her immediately but when she finds out the police suspect her she flees to canada. while they're trying to extradite her back to the US, she gives birth to the murdered guy's son. the guy's family and friends hate her fucking guts but love the kid so they go to canada to help take care of him. crazy bitch gets let out on bail by some dumbass judge, she immediately kills herself and the kid by jumping in the ocean.

plot hole: his ex fiance didn't love him enough to marry him!

Sounds shit.

Canada deserves to be nuked desu.

Shit made me want to rip a hole through the face of reality with a fist covered in tears

Tears of rage maybe.

Dear Zachary isn't sad, though.

If you're even remotely familiar with drama structure you could already see bad shit was coming when the mom got the kid back, or whatever.

Anger-worthy? Yes. Sad? Nope.

I'm genuinely shocked that Judge Gail Welsh didn't get doxxed to hell and back after this movie.

an infant got murdered, how is that not sad?

>Canada deserves to be nuked desu.
What's wrong with Canada?

Okay that's a little extreme. Just publicly execute Gail Welsh and we're square.

because Canada's justice system is basically

... wait then who is the letter to? You just said the son is dead? You're bad at this.

>... wait then who is the letter to? You just said the son is dead? You're bad at this.
The filmmaker started filming before that murder

Not him but that shit happens all the time.

The director of the documentary originally started making it as something to show the kid so he would know about his dad.

I've been told I'm a sociopath because I have little emotion.

>Bagby began a relationship with Shirley Turner, a twice-divorced general practitioner thirteen years his senior.
he fucked up

>The director of the documentary originally started making it as something to show the kid
he started making it before he knew about the pregnancy though?

how does it make it less sad? is their a quota for how much sadness there can be?

why are you people all so fucked up?

I laughed, but I have a dark side to me.

this is the follow up