Terrorist attack in London

>terrorist attack in London
>the IRA is responsible in 2017

Other urls found in this thread:


>make it about muslims and have your premiere and multiple screenings shot up and bombed
they didn't want any trabble

The Real or Continuity IRA are still active. Though they mostly confine themselves to blowing up cars in Norn at this point.

Das right white boy

fake news

>London Has Fallen had muslims as the badguys
>""critics"" react "THIS IS FASCIST AND RACIST"
>patriots day, the boston bombing, painted the brothers Karamazov as badguys
>""critics"" react by saying it was racist
>any time there's a strict "these bad guys are muslim" narrative, some antiwestern self-loathing antinationalist pro-terrorist cuckold will cry racism and Islamophobia

the actual state of europe
in all seriousness, why is europe so cucked by islam?
whose fucking idea was it to open the floodgates?

They're still conducting attacks. There's been a dozen successful or attempts this year. Also the book is set in the 1990s.

Non-elected globalist corporate overlords who want further deregulation regarding national trade and currencies so they can do business unimpeded while the only people with brains enough to notice get wiped out and disseminated to the point of irrelevancy. They're not humans.

It's pottery, considering europe was cucked by Islam a lot in history

Except back then some actually fought back and managed to drive them back to their shit homeland

Don't pretend London Has Fallen isn't the most hilariously human rights violating piece of American self insert fanfic
>drone blows up a civilian wedding
>VP: you think that we'll stop droning you because we killed a dozen civilians... But we'll never back down

>Muslim "moderates" protecting, aiding, abetting, funding and refusing to condemn "extremists"

Is there supposed to be some kind of problem with that, commie?

fuck off bullshitter

>American "civilians" funding their Jewish puppet government's atrocities in the middle east

the book it is based on was set during the 1980s


When all is said and done, are irish people white?


>"durr jews"
>not financing the Military Industrial Complex to eradicate arab "civilians" for massive profits and the benefit of your nation's economy

I ain't payin no 3.50 for gas like some cuckold

i really do hate you fuckers linking shit.

>london will now replace new york as the hollywood disaster epicentre after this years bombings and car bullshit

What's your point OP?
You know there's more than one active terrorist group at any time?

But 90% of them are irrelevant in the face of the annual muslim attacks
Fucking jewish extremists kill more than Nazis
Buddhists kill more than Catholics
African Christians kill more than Satanists
It's a bizarre world where no one wants to put blame on the guilty and instead focus on irrelevance and contrived infamy

>studio doesn't want to alienate tens of millions of Muslim movie goers and maximise ticket sales

What are some movies about blowing up, shooting or otherwise eradicating Muslims?

Oh, right. So now EVERY movie has to be about how shitty the islamic extremism is? Fuck off, this actually looks like a decent western Jackie Chan flick.

lol I think you mean drug and gun pushing

Holy shit, even on StartPage?

>I have your wife, Minister.
>she very..VERY big.
>thinking she could slim down
>now you listen to me! LISTEN TO ME!
>today she only lose 2 pound. Tomorrow? 5. Day after that? Who know. You don't give me name, I turn pumpkin back into princess

lol even if this were true, SJWs are already mad about this movie because Jackie Chan's character is Vietnamese and he himself is not.

>dodges actual societal issues to not offend anyone
>subverts Jackie's entire "I DON WAN NO TRUBBO" career for the sake of some hackneyed revenge thing
>will be completely bloodless and without brutality
>isn't a chinese production so the choreography will be wasted in the editing
>shot in television-style without the dynamism or kinetic energy of the TAKEN franchise
>implying there's a single decent western Jackie Chan flick

>Antagonist us a clear caricature of Gerry Adams

>kinetic energy of the TAKEN franchise
gj am laffin

You're welcome user
I'm here all night

I'm honeslty kind of offended by the whole thing desu

>implying any of us are SJWs

I honestly find it hilarious. Can't wait to here what he has to say about it.

Gerry Adams is a caricature of Gerry Adams at this point

>any of us

I'm not talking about "us." There is a whole world outside of Sup Forums.

Wish that fucking taig got grenaded


If you unironically like the IRA you're a commie supporting plastic paddy amerimutt

they mainly do what said along with drug dealing and kneecapping joyriders now

t.lives in west belfast

You sound like my fucking 5th year english teacher lol

I doubt Adams will care, he's not a big pussy like me.
Just the idea of having the IRA be the villains in a terrorist action film set in the present day, with the current mudslime epidemic, is so fucking stupid

Name a villain that was jewish

They should've just gone the Unlocked route and made the jihadi imam and trigger pulling muslim really sweet guys who actually don't want to harm anyone, least of all innocent western children. The true bad guys can then be the blondest, most german looking actor imaginable and Michael Douglas.

What the fuck

Is this actual dialogue

Why are huns such obnoxious sheep?
Please burn down your own house again

Sean Penn in Carlito's Way

How can you expect anything other than a shit flinging contest when you just decide to be wrong for the sake of it?

Albert Brooks and Ron Perlman in Drive
Ben Kingsley in Lucky Number Slevin
Dennis Farina in Snatch

>unironically defending Taken



the struggle to free Northern Ireland has never gone away

Rumble in the Bronx is fantastic. Fuck you.

electing leaders who don't have children

>directed by Hong Kong director Stanley Tong
It's a chinaman production

underrated piers reference

The whole plot is about pseudo-Gerry Adams and his ties to the IRA. Wouldn't be much of a plot if it was a Muslim bomber. What's he gonna do, go to Syria and beat up al Baghdadi?

>the struggle to free Northern Ireland has never gone away

>whose fucking idea was it to open the floodgates

Blame Germany, they are attempting to destroy Europe for the third time in a century

Only because the IRA sucks at it so much. A half dozen attacks this year and not a single casualty


Honestly offended desu. You wouldn't see them doing this with Muslims.

>Born: 7 April 1960 (age 57), British Hong Kong
>British Hong Kong


>dodges issue
>every movie that isn't about obesity is dodging issues
Anyway its an adaption of a novel.

People who moan about 'muh can't do it about Muslims'.


Shut the fuck up.

>whose fucking idea was it to open the floodgates?

thank you for saving this

What if the goal is to make the IRA fight the Muslims?

Oh wow Google is cucking European search results now too?

Friendly reminder that the IRA is good and that even the bad things they've done were done to a much more savage and barbaric extent by the Brits and their ulster Protestant toadys

>truck of peace attack every week
>police held back from enforcing law for fear of reprisal
>only people allowed to vent on are Scots/Irish

It's sad really.

Nationalists abstained from that vote. They still would've lost but that's not an accurate picture and you know it.

Yes. If you're outside Europe it won't show that.

>why is europe so cucked by islam?

Is this real? How hasn't he been crucified in Britain over this?

LOL, looks like the sort of straight-to-redbox trash they deserve.

Says the plastic paddy who has never stepped foot in Ireland Lol

rip sides

>a dim-witted, senile silver-spoon raised millionaire game show host will bring back glory to the white race! He's Charles Martel reborn! T-triggered, libcucks? H-hehehe...

Except he's right. The UVF started murdering innocents before the IRA started their campaign, the British Army murdered countless innocents and jailed them.
The IRA were the good guys in the Troubles.

Because he is, for all intents and purposes, Irish.


>he doesn't support a thirty-six county United Irish republic

Shame on you, Fergus

>Dirty hun has no arguments and denies the facts

>Lenny Murphy was a good la', he dain't do nortin'


Bwhahahahaha, any other good jokes?

I've spent a lot of time in rep of ireland. The average person doesn't consider the north their problem and don't care about unification.

>muh brits dindu nuffin dey wuz gud bois
>Killed more innocents than the IRA
But of course loyalists are niggers who can't accept that they caused the conflict

oh look, It's the hourly Sup Forums thread!