How well do you think The Gifted will do?
How well do you think The Gifted will do?
very well
how long until every movie and tv show is based off a comic book property?
I think it will be cancelled after two seasons.
I'd like to utilize her gifts, if you know what I mean.
>Looks like Heroes when it was still good
>Is probably the most watchable upcoming capeshit thing
>Has the potential to not suck and actually be good
>Has Amy in it
I think I't'll do just fine.
>Inhumans dead pre-arrival
>Gifted will get 6 seasons and a movie
Keep sabotaging the X-Men comics Marvel, FOX can keep this up all day!
gay Legion ripoff
It's amazing what makeup can do
>I was a big deal in the 90s you know
It's amazing what god tier genetics and a good life can do. ftfy
It's a superhero show that doesn't look completely terrible, so people will eat it up
It's even more amazing what bad makeup can do. That shit is really caked on.
Root is love. Root is life.
>Not Illyria
Why does Nat Lind always look like she's preparing to have cock in her mouth? Literally every picture I see her in her mouth looks primed and ready for dick
Not that I mind, of course.
10 bucks says amy ackers character is going to die a few episodes before the series finale and then spend the last few episodes playing some kind of godlike being again
watch. its gonna happen
muh feels
Not again plz
That's only happened in 2 series so far
and now its gonna happen in a 3rd. mark my words
People actually find this vapid whore attractive
her giant jugs are attractive, just not her weird down syndrome face
I'd let her drink my piss.
Amy has aged perfectly. Like she's noticeably aged since her Angel days, but in the best possible way. No weight gain, no excessive wrinkles, no sag etc. She looks exactly the same only more mature.
Compare that with all the other Whedonverse girls, who all look very different from their heydays, whether it be through getting fat (Hannigan), having work done (Cordelia) or just plain aging badly (SMG, Anya). Dushku has also aged well but it's not really fair to include her with the others because she's only in her mid 30s.
People are weird
Let's keep the thread comfy
>Compare that with all the other Whedonverse girls
Emma Caulfield
Julie Benz
Mercedes McNab
Eliza Dushku
All have aged better
Where do I get a Blue/Root gf?
Benefits of not being a party girl in her younger days. I'm not even sure she drinks. Which means she hasn't destroyed her body by 35 like most women.
Some of them aged well, but none of them aged better than Amy.
Why do all new series have these typical pretentious one word (or "the"+word) titles, and some fancy banner with a serious looking actor, basically making them all look the same, and coincidentally all turning out to be nothing but shit?
Only about one more week to go before more Amykino... the /hype/ just got real
personally i think just calling it "Gifted" would have worked better tbqh
Obviously I meant all the ones I posted
Slightly more than a week, but still really close. The dawn of Amykino is upon us.
I know I'm not going to get it but all I really want out of this series is to see the genesis and evolution of the Sentinel program
I like the idea that they started as aerial drones and little spider bots that just kept on getting more advanced and bigger until we end up with Nimrod Class super adapting death machines
ayy lmao
It's precisely BECAUSE she's a vapid whore I find it attractive.
You get the sense that, when she was younger, she was a real sweet innocent girl, then she got into Hollywood.
>tfw the Sentinel program in the X men universe is all about super advanced technological menaces chasing down the good guys... Something that actually reminds me of good ol' Samaritan in a way
Literally what? If that looks like an ayy to you, then you my friend might be the ayy.
Go back to your own planet, you dont belong here on earth.
thats pretty twisted my dude
And she has a kid
It's in the same universe as Legion.
She's also 5 years younger than Amy Acker, who herself has 2 kids.
It's like Samaritan, only a lot less cool. Maniacal all seeing ASI>Dinky little robots
>Less cool
Sure, but the point is, the government itself may not be as terrifying as an ASI that actually controls the government, but it's still a very annoying enemy with resources, eyes and reach, which is where my analogy came from... Some similarities to consider and cheer up, even though PoI is over
>cheer up, even though PoI is over
But I cant user, a year later and I'm still not over PoI. All the Gifted can do is cure my Amy withdrawals, but nothing can cure my PoI withdrawals ;_;
is this the weekly amy thread
if so, visit today
It took me 13 years to get over Fred's death. I had to read all the comics to understand she was not gone and Illyria carried on and eventually brought Fred back too. on PoI we don't get much Root grief but there's a greater understanding the Machine merged with Root's spirit. Just like Amy said, in the hypothetical future of the show, the Machine would've build herself a Root-like body and continued to hit on Shaw, then reunited with Harold and the others... well at least that was my way of dealing with it
Only when I need a specific Amy from a specific show or movie or appearance or whatever. I'm good on Amys for now.
Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not agonizing over how it ended or anything, it all ended perfectly to me. It's just the fact that there's never gonna be any more PoI that kills me. No spin-off, no comic, no novel or whatever. It's just over for good, and I'm probably never gonna enjoy another show as much as I enjoyed PoI. And that sucks.
All we've got of it now is loads and loads and loads of terrible fanfiction.
Yeah it was a good ending. And I get it. It's the void that comes after your favorite things end. I have felt it when Fringe ended or Stargate among other comfy shows or even books. I also wish they would make those spin offs. There is plenty of material.
But in the absence of them, I make my on head canon trying to be faithful to the source material.
Must check this out
>But in the absence of them, I make my on head canon trying to be faithful to the source material.
I can't even do that, it's just over for me. All I have left now is memories ;_;
That said, even though I'm not sure The Gifted will be great, it's atleast the first show I've been looking forward to since PoI ended, so I'll have some new tv to occupy me now, so that should cheer me up. Plus, Amy. Nothing cheers a person up quite like Amy does.
Exactly. Just look at her smile. Any day I'm feeling down, any interview with her, smiling, instantly improves my mood. I bet she could cure cancer with that cute smile of hers. All will be fine...
And I just remembered one more thing...
>If you mean something to someone… if you help someone or love someone, and even a single person remembers you… then maybe you never really die at all?
YOU remember, don't you user? We all remember ;_;
She has the most infectious smile I've ever seen. I can't watch an interview with her without grinning like an idiot.
Shieeeeeeet, The Gifted cant start soon enough. Need more Amy on my screen.
I'll never forget it. Finch, Reese, Fusco, Shaw, Root... They're not gone. especially because I'll probably end up rewatching it again sooner or later
Just a few more days to go and she'll make everything better again...