>"I've been thinking. I want you to fuck me in the ass""
Do women really talk like this? Do they really think such thought?
>"I've been thinking. I want you to fuck me in the ass""
Do women really talk like this? Do they really think such thought?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not to me
what movie? I need to fap to PG-13 like right now.
Yeah this one slut I was seeing loved to talk dirty
Some do, depends how openly sexual they are and how comfortable they are with you.
>inserting something into her rectum
That sounds so painful. Why would she want that?
Convincing a girl to fuck you with her butt is true love
>Do they really think such thought?
Why did we give shitskins the internet again
women who know what they want and aren't afraid to ask for it do
girls beat around the bush and play fucking head games
Are you saying it doesn't feel good when you poop?
Now imagine that interwoven clitoral structure double-lined with the back side of her vaginal cavity...
It's a bliss or a pain or a feeling of fullness, if they want it.
Yup. Girls are just as horny as men until menopause. And they enjoy sex more than men
Men are so horny that they might do it by force. Where are the countless women rapist in the world?
men are even less likely to report getting raped then women are
If you're alpha, yes
Whoa whoa, sounds like you ate your feminist flakes this morning
Why don't you just let people enjoy themselves, k?
That only works for men because of the prostrate. Women only do it to keep their companions hooked or out of sheer masochism.
You are talking out of your ass but yeah sure. They would probably enjoy it too so we have:
Men enjoying sex too much that they do it by force and then men who get assaulted and enjoyed the assault.
Can't get hornier than that.
this is a ridiculous feminist myth. what is testosterone? its something that makes men horny that we have 10-20x more than women
So it's masochism or control, but there's plenty o girls who o from their other hole.
A woman must never do the first step or even open her mouth, she must just nick if someone ask her to go with her, all the work that must done is on the mans shoulder.
If a female wants Sex: she must just exist and go out of her house and there is a 100% chance that 100% of all single men and certainly 70% of all men in a relationship would fuck her and try to hit on her.
If a guy want Sex: he must go out and talk to 100 females to have a 1% chance to fuck only 1 woman
Men are able to do it by force because they are able to overpower the opposite sex. It's the fundamental difference between the two sexes, that one is capable beating the other to death with their bare hands. Women don't rape because they can't overpower us. And it's why there's so many female teachers raping their students as opposed to adult men
>Being such a turbovirgin that you cannt fathom the idea that sexual assault is a bad thing to experience because in the end they still had sex.
Seriously, fuck you.
I'd say men are hornier, but women are definitely kinkier. Men generally just want to ram their dicks into a pussy until they cum, while women have all sorts of fantasies.
correction: you do
sex is only hard to get for a man if you're ugly, listless or fat
>I was hooking up with a lady I met at a bar
>when things got hot and heavy she admitted to being on her period
>she suggested we could try "other things"
>pulls out my dick and proceeds to start blowing me
>sweet, this is pretty great too, super spitty and sloppy
>pulls off her pants and turns around and starts teasing her own ass with my diamond hard benis :DDD
>slowly backs her ass onto my cock
>eventually she's loose and I am slamming her in her ass
>came buckets
That was my first anal experience, it's actually pretty awesome if she knows what she's doing and is slutty
>And it's why there's so many female teachers raping their students
source on this bullshit claim?
>bohoo, someone gave me chocolate but I didn't want it at that particular moment in time bawwww
grow up
only horny women whose boyfriends have small dicks ask for anal
The vagina and clitoris are more senstitive than the penis and although the male orgasm is more intense, it's abrupt, whereas the female orgasm lasts much longer
Anal on the period is 10/10
Also wearing a rubber on period sex is fine too
Ghostbusters 3
Ass fucking is natural
Watch the news cunt
things that never happened
Should be the end of the thread right here.
wearing a condom is worse than masturbating with my hand. literally no fucking point to have sex with condoms.
>I-I-I swear i-i-is real, j-j-just search it yourself
American Beauty you fucking plebian.
Never happened to you? Correct. Things like this do happen, though.
i dont doubt that but it has nothing to do with what i stated. men are infinitely more horny and easily aroused than women due to heightened testosterone levels.
t. did steroids a few times and has experienced normal T, high T, female levels of T
I had this exact sentence prhased in my head and prepared to type. Are you me from the future?
How does it feel to have sex?
I thought I was just getting a blowie but apparently she was getting me all lubed up. Pleasant surprise.
You don't think it's possible to have anal sex with bar sluts then your standards are too high.
salty milk and bags of sand
I wouldn't know.
Feels good man
If someone doesn't want tea they don't want tea you colossal faggot. C class troll, only a couple (you)s
Women are more sexually depraved than men. They don't want sex as much but they have such an urge to defile themselves and piss off the memory of their dads combined with increased vulnerability to social pressure and no real morals in themselves, that they engage in everything they can that you wouldn't believe.
> in b4 r9k, i have a ltr with a rare decent girl, i just feel incredibly sorry for anyone under the age of 25 and single.
>Do women really talk like this? Do they really think such thought?
Yes. You can even manipulate them into doing it. It's as simple as letting them watch something like this by themselves with a hot chick in it saying it to make them want to do it.
You know that feeling your foot gets when you put on a warm sock, fresh out of the dryer? It's like that, but with your penis.
Condom or no?
its all pointless anyways, women are gross and vagina is a meme.it always takes me forever to cum in a condom (I dont think ive ever actually cummed while wearing a condom), so stamina isnt an issue, women are just uppity cunts who are dead fish. anyways,ive had sex with three women (all long relationships), and it was always awkward as fuck and they all rush me to finish and bark orders at me while we fuck, making me nervous and making me take longer to cum, Women act as if sex is the most painful experience for some reason. Also, even the hottest, cleanest girl starts to sweat and smell gross within a few minutes of initiating sex. Also, vagina is literally a meme, fucking a vagina literally is the exact same sensations as fucking my lubed had, except my hand doesnt rush me to finish and yell at me if I get an awkward position wrong
You probably need smaller condoms user. That or more foreplay to get her extra (((moist)))
Awful. It's exerting, messy, and awkward.
A quick, monthly jack-off is way more practical use of time.
Citizen Kane.
Pretty good, but it usually is only better than jacking off because there's another person involved in it. It's like, your horniness is amplified most of the time because you're having intimate physical contact with a woman. But sometimes, that's not enough if the chick is boring at sex.
Feels great when you both want it hard. And the smell man, no one talks about the smell when referring to sex. Casual sex fucking reeks of dirty ass cheeks and dry sweat. Shower before every sex act if you can.
>long term relationships
>using a condom
>not busting a nut as fast as you can then rolling away from her
>not liking the stink
You can fuck off.
>getting a woman pregnant
t. virgin
>no one talks about the smell
Unless the smell is fish.
Yes, at times.
I don't have a lot of experience but I got just enough to know that.
>Convincing a girl to fuck you with her butt is true love
What is a girl convincing you to fuck her in the butt?
>not busting a nut as fast as you can then pushing her out of bed
>What is a girl convincing you to fuck her in the butt?
You're birthday 2 of the past 3 years. I miss her bros...
Sometimes you want something hard shoved up your ass, you know what I mean? What?
make her eat the pill you nerd. jesus fucking christ i would break up with my lover of several years if she decided i need to use condoms
all of this. women are only good to look at from afar and fap to. I once, by some miracle had a 10/10 gf (she made the first move, even a sperg like me couldnt have fucked it up). She treated me like dirt the whole relationship (I put up with all of it with a smile because she was the hottest girl I was ever with)
So anyways, we stayed together for a few years, and her side of the bed was always a mess of her hair, her drool on her pillow and sweat in the morning. There was always hair all over the bathroom floor, sink, and tub. HAIR EVERYWHERE. Also, most mornings she wouldnt shower, and many time we would have sex in the night and she would go straight to sleep and wake up the next morning and put on fancy clothes and douse herself with perfume and hairspray and makeup etc.. and go to work without showering because "she didnt want to miss 10 minutes of extra sleep to shower" and would sometimes go whole weeks without brushing her teeth, instead using weird whiteners
Women are disgusting
For me it seems, that during sex your thoughts are amplified to really like it but once you cum you just want to be alone. The idea of GF is usually always only appealing to me when i'm horny.
>fucking with her hormones
I'll just wear the condom.
If you don't wear a condom wile doing anal you risk a fuckton of nasty infections, son.
is like...is like UH OH hot dog.
>implying the risks don't make it hotter
fuck outta here
Sounds gay. Probably she is testing you to see what fag you are.
anal sex is ok, it just kinda hurts. I prefer sleeping with women desu
Yes, once a woman gets comfortable with you she becomes hornier than the average man. Women are into all types of degenerative shit.
>his gf doesn't let him fuck her ass
How much AIDS you got now?
are murrican shows really that dark?
>sex with women
pick one
it made her cry the first two times and the third time i got shit all over my dick
Roma, Cita Apperta
>it's a neckbeards talk about what women want in bed thread
Hilarious every time
>penetrating your gf's ass
>not just giving her a rimjob
Plebs. All of you.
>tfw banged six chicks despite being a skinny ugly beta
went to an asian massage place and the girl shoved her fingers up my ass. felt amazing
>his gf doesn't fuck him in the ass
Sometimes meh
what some porn where man cum inside woman's ass
Weird my google search says Lili Simmons Hawaii five o
ive never had sex without a condom because my girlfriend wont allow it, 5 years in. I literally never cum during sex and go on and on and on until she says she orgasmed then keep on going as she tries to get me off, but i always lie that I came because the condom literally chokes my dick.
she thinks im some sex god because of how long i last. she has no idea that the issue is Im not freaking cumming. Ive never came during sex. not even once. shes a gorgeous thin blonde,so I cater to her every whim (including the condom silliness) im hoping once we marry we can cast aside this silly condom stuff
Like warm apple pie my friend. Just don't try to fap with the ones from McDonald's that shits burny
this is true
I usually would be happy with normal penetrative sex, but my gf wants to be slapped, choked, anal etc
And this isn't uncommon among women in general
>gorgeous and thin
>implying Chad hasn't cum in her bareback several times before she met you
>fun fact: if you're a woman suffering constipation, it's recommended that you insert a finger inside your vagine and massage the inner wall that's next to your rectum. Woman can actually - feel - the stool inside of her by pressing against the wall, and even squeeze it out in this way.
Quit jerking off so much. Better yet quit jerking off altogether. Get a better fitting condom.
its not like shes gonna leave you because you start cumming in 5 minutes. my gf says she likes getting filled with cum more than the sex itself.
honestly you deserve a hard smack in the face for that post if its even close to true
i know that feel bro
my gf is on the pill but still makes me use condoms
she's terrified of getting pregnant