Why do sopranos threads die so fast?
Why do sopranos threads die so fast?
Because its been talked about here for the last decade. Not much more to say senpai.
That's a shame
Someone photoshop mos eisley in the background
Like Lost or Twin Peaks or Breaking Bad. All the best stuff has nothing left to offer. Its kind of a downer.
yeah a shame for you because you just discovered Sup Forums
kill yourself
I always think that's a scene from Star Wars in the background
Because when you strip all the fluff, you get a pretentious sub-par soap opera trying to be a character study and after 5 or 6 "sopranos be goat" replies, theres no discussion left to be had.
shut up faggot
There was a 200+ post one just 2-3 days ago? Name a single show that isn't running anymore that is discussed more often.
Great Sopranos discussion, man. Top show.
because it became shitty with time like HIMYM
Nah he was just having a reaction to his meds
you started it by metaposting like a bitch
Because its overrated as fuck.
I'm not saying its bad, it's just average maybe high average. It's like game of thrones if game of thrones was half as good as it is
this, is anyone talking about Lost or The Wire?
I'll bite. Can you actually describe why it's average and what is something you consider much better?
>It's like game of thrones if game of thrones was half as good as it is
every fuckin time, you fuckin parade float
It's nothing new, just another crime related tv show. There's 100's of them and they all do the same shit. WOW he got shot, never would of seen that coming, wow suicide, wow. If you think sopranos is anything special then you think every crime related show is special.
>If you think sopranos is anything special then you think every crime related show is special
It was just a joke.
oof madon
about 90% of gays aren't really gay so go figure.
Was carmine jr secretly a genius?
I lief every tiem
Too much gabbagool
Bland show, ain't enough to talk about.
>its a New Hampshire episode
post vitos
>t. finocchio
Why isn't he wearing a uniform
i'm willing to bet 80% of the redditor niggers on Sup Forums these days have never even seen the sopranos
I'm watching it a second time and it's still an amazing show. When I tried to watch breaking bad again I couldn't do it. BB relied too much on suspense and doesn't hold up on a second viewing.
They never have the makings of a varsity thread.
No. He just REALLY like Johnny cakes. He'd do anything to get more of them.
Remove Cranston and BB is average. As it stands it's above average, but nowhere near Sopranos.