Repill me Sup Forums

Repill me Sup Forums
>hard mode

Where the fuck did crack come from? Was it the CIA? Pharmaceuticals? Jews? or some random ghetto nigger cooked it in a pot without any chemistry knowledge before hand?

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Looks like some good Parmesan Cheese

Some guy decided coke wasn't strong enough so he made crack. Definitely not a nigger because niggers aren't that smart to know chemistry, which you'd need to know if you wanted to make something stronger then coke

I am fairly sure it started in South America.

have you seen how crack is made? some nig was probably just trying to cut the stuff and keep it looking like a rock so he could rip off some other nig

>some random ghetto nigger cooked it in a pot without any chemistry knowledge
It could have been some random degenerate 1st year chm kid (probably a jew), the easy way to make it is just cook with ammonia, not exactly rocket appliances, the baking soda method takes a bit more skill

Well, it was Harlem, 1959...

Well, Cocaine was being funneled in from SA, especially by the Contras (who were very close with the CIA). The glut of cocaine in Miami, LA and NY led them to develop a stronger, cheaper version to compete... there's no doubt in my mind it was created by a professional chemist and the recipe was distributed by the CIA.

Looks like cheese.
fuck it's 9 am and I'm hungry as hell.

Jews. It's never not the Jews.

Wait.... I always thought crack was heroin.. yesterday I read that it's cocain, and now this thread..

Is Mandela changing my reality at the moment?

considering it's incredibly easy to make from what the internet says, I highly doubt it was a white person, probably some nigger was high as a kite and threw some baking soda in a pan with some coke and created some crack.

No, you're just misinformed. Crack was always cocaine.

So much this.

Always been coke. You're probably confusing with smack which is H.

Have you never heard of "crack cocaine" ? Have you EVER heard of "crack heroine" ?

>Imma tick this mark azz bish and cut this shit hurr hurrd
>mix baking soda with cocaine and heat it so it forms a rock
>dis dumb muthafukka ain't gunna know sheeeiitt

I highly doubt a professional figured this out. See:

Journalist Gary Webb (Jeremy Renner) happens upon a story that not only leads to the origins of America's crack epidemic but also alleges that the CIA was well-aware of the dealers who were smuggling cocaine into the U.S. and using the profits to arm Nicaraguan rebels. Despite warnings to halt his investigation, Webb keeps digging and uncovers a conspiracy with explosive implications. As a result of his findings, Webb's career, family and life come under threat.

Ricky Ross

Also, see:

Crack is just cocaine that some nigger chucked in a microwave so he can sell it for 10 times the profit.

Yea, this is probably it.

I was never into it anyways.... recently tried cocaine... holy fuck... I can smooth talk chicks for hours on that stuff..

I looked up benevolent side effects of it, and it seems there are none.. is this true?

Crack came from niggers. The crack epidemic was spawned by the CIA's funneling of cocaine into the US from the Contra Rebels as a way to financially support them after congress cut funding to the Contras. This cocaine was sold in the US by Danilo Blandon to niggers in LA and major cities all over. Crack was technically invented at Yale most likely by a white man but really niggers caught on and realized how much more money they could make off crack vs powder and they flooded their own neighborhoods with the shit. All of this is known fact the CIA admitted to the smuggling of cocaine into the United States years after Gary Webb and some other reporters called them out. They tried to keep it swept under the rug though they released it right when something big politically happened dont remember what exactly.
Selections from the Senate Committee Report on
Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy
chaired by Senator John F. Kerry
archive of original Gary Webb article calling out CIA
nigger who majorly contributed to spreading crack in LA
more reading

No, didn't you hear?
Random niggers all over the country figured crack out in a convergent discovery.


not benevolent. malevolent...

Also, watch Kill The Messenger great fucking movie about the story of Gary Webb

Such a depressing movie. Fuck your "intelligence" agency.

The only ones I know of are holes in your septum and possibly heart issues. But that's only after years of super heavy abuse that you would need to worry about that.

>nigger in a gang tried to rip someone off
>turns out that shitty cut cocaine can be smoked
>fiends everywhere
>bling bling nigga!
>mass produce and distribute it
>other gangs catch on and copycat it

Occam's razor, nigger. If you hang around dope heads like I used to before I kicked the habit years ago, they come up with all sorts of crazy shit from figuring out how to shoot up Opana pills via alcohol based extractions to synthesizing pure morphine from pounds of poppy seed you can buy from the store.

Aside from the fact smoking the shit is about as fun as burning 20$ bills and probably wreaks your lungs, its fine

crack cocaine, mayne, that's no thang.

Okay, thanks.

whats up with that? y'all cowards don't even smoke crack.

This shooting coke is 100000x better every day of the week. Dont do any of that degenerate shit anymore though

no, you can't smoke shitty cut coke because it has no coke in it to begin with, when you cook it down the oil (the coke) is too small to get anything back

Not that simple, you have to cook cocaine with baking soda to turn it into crack, when you cut it you just run it through a strainer with baby laxative

Crack is shitty cut coke that is able to be easily smoked, you moron. Freebase cocaine (pure smokable cocaine) and crack (a shitty version of it) aren't the same thing. Crack has a lot of shitty baking soda left in the final product.

Thanks user this is what I am looking for. I heard of Gary Webb, I will definitely check out this movie.

I also heard of "Freeway" Ricky Ross too. from interviews he claims some "big homie" showed him how to make crack. This is nearly what all other drug dealers from that era that are alive today have claimed, somebody showed them how to make the stuff but they have no clue who came up with it in the first place.

It's not just cut, there's a mild process in addition to the cut that gives it different properties.

>you have to cook cocaine with baking soda to turn it into crack
Using ammonia is the best, and easiest way to make crack, but that involves niggers robbing a pharmacy (I assume they wouldn't just ask for it), baking soda can be shoplifted in any cornerstone, I figure that's why that method is almost universal

Wrecks your nose, and cocaine addiction will ruin your life. It's great for partying though, I'll give credit where it's due.

iirc it came from an attempt to stretch cocaine with other materials

which isn't unreasonable -- heroin is a similar derivative of opium which, at its least sophisticated, is basically heroin and kerosene mixed together much like crack can be as simple as baking soda and cocaine

i dont know much about "modern" crack but i imagine the production has gotten more sophisticated over time

a cursory google tells me that coca extracts were popular in pharmacology for a time, so it could be that some nigga working at a drug store tried to make crack himself with household materials.

I know a lot of people who do coke recreationally and they're some of the most productive and warm people I know

not that they need coke to do it, i've partied with them (and stayed sober but made up the difference with beer because im a square) and they were kinda less fun and less energetic on coke than off it. they were exceedingly awake but not really WOKE, nah mean

ammonia is probably the cheapest cleaning product out there, it's not some crazy industrial object, you can buy it in big jugs for cheaper than you can get bleach

baking soda, baby laxative, kerosene

man niggers are so dumb

even ammonia

Jesus Christ niggers will ingest anything

You can buy bottles of ammonia in the cleaning products section at Safeway or any other store for like 2 bucks.

I know it's the easiest way. You put the stuff in a spoon, pour the ammonia in, gently heat over the stove and it just turns to a ball of pure stuff. Insto presto. Is this a Canadian thing?

I'm miles away from those days though, and happy about it. It's bad news.

Heroin was created in a lab by a pharmacist, though.

Cocaine is the devil.

Fuck the CIA. Also if youre at all interested in more of a documentary about the crack side of the story theres a good documentary about ricky ross called Freeway Crack in the System

Maybe you're right

cocain was already around but some one figured out smoking it was fucking intence high. however if you try to smoke straight coke it just blowes up like gas mainly becuse they use flamable products to refine the coke.

so baking soda it added to it to slow the flame down to alow a better hit. later some folks started cooking cocain water and baking soda together to make the first crack that appered in increasing volume everywhere as a cheap fast highly addictive form of the drug around the mid 80s.

im un sure or where it origanated from i alwase herd it was being bassed down from big time dealer to other dealers ofer time. its kind of like the evolution of any substance. like ppl get tired of smokeing weed after a wile and vape now insted right.

any why the thing about the cia stories is the a gangster by the name of FREEWAY RICKY ROSS real guy in cali was moving bricks of powder for a wile in cali around the same time. also in that time frame the cia was funding the overtrow of several contries and groups in cetral america i.e. army comander Olie North and his Contra`s.
but when funding was cut the gurialla army sold coke by the truck load to rais money for there fight. and mr.north used his cia hook ups to sell the coke in to ppl in the states such as mr. ross aswell. later ross got busted and senteced to 25 years if federal prison for running the biggest and first crack cocain empire in the usa. it was connected that one of his best and most sugsestful cocain hook ups were the contras and also a cia agent. witch they were quick to say that this agent was of corse rouge and thats how the story goes.
real stuff look it up

>Is this a Canadian thing?
I'm not sure, could be. I always just shot my coke, hell of a lot more bang for your buck

This user knows whats up i miss a good ringer.. glad i dont go near needles anymore though

Well, the other problem is coke vaporizes at just about the temperature it burns.

When it's made into crack it drastically drops this, it's not just a matter of "slowing down the flame."

>someone seeing something being made and trying to replicate it is exactly the same as coming up with it independently in a lab setting

guns are made by robots in large-scale production facilities and the designs are come up with by engineers, doesn't mean that some bubba in a garage can't cobble a sten out of pipes and springs salvaged from office chairs and go-kart suspensions

i have never heard of this and i lived with a drug addict for about half a year

NIGGA DID YOU JUS SAY everthang i wus trying to say buy better???!!!! well alright then senpai

>Imma tick this mark azz bish and cut this shit hurr hurrd
>imma tick
why would the person purchasing drugs tick the dealer? if you're on tick, that means you got the drugs for free and are gonna sell then pay, you're as dumb as niggers holy shit.

I mean, you're not wrong, but smoking coke was a thing way before crack. You add ether and presto, free base. Then you douse yourself in 151, set yourself on fire, and run down the street.

How autistic are you to nit pick nigger speak?

kek sorry you had to type it all out. Good on you though for being so based and knowing the truth.

That's how I saw most guys do it because it's so easier. It's pure too, no soda in it.

Also, I meant to type "trick" but I figured that it didn't matter because "ticking" someone doesn't exist in American slang, you faggot.

all you need to know is crack ain't wack, it's just coke you smoke.

don't do it if you value your lungs, money, sanity, or self worth, but if you just want an intense high and don't mind dealing with the dregs of society it's super available and easy to use. I've had a few binges, but luckily never really lost control. Hopefully I never use it again, but I know that just snorting regular coke is not good enough anymore.

Long story short, don't look down on those street people too much until you've had a solid blast that rings your bell. You'll understand how a person without much to lose can throw everything away for it.

Crack came from niggers like Richard Pryor who used to freebase or base their coke. At first you would spread the coke on a tinfoil with some baking soda and water, dry it out, then hold a lighter under the foil and suck the smoke through a toilet paper tube.

Niggers who sold the shit learned that cracking the dope off a foil made it easier to quanitfy. Buying .10 gram of coke from a bag off a brick is difficult and potentially a loss to the dealer.

Cracking it up on it's own, off a foil, made it easy to sell .10, .25, and .50 grams rocks to niggers who were hooked. Most them niggers white.

The whole CIA thing was a dope dealing nigger's jailhouse story.

Buncha dumb fuck whiteboi niggers on this board who will believe anything. Fucking Faggots

>jailhouse story
its like you dont even want to be red pilled

No, Richard Pryor used to base it with ether. That's how he lit himself on fire that one time. Apparently it's dangerous business.

>hurr durr muh ghetto CIA conspiracy theories

Bitch, the cartels, not the contras, brought 99% of the cocaine I to this country

They were violently opposed by the Feds, dea, and especially the CIA

The whole "blame the CIA for crack" myth was cooked up in the ghettos

He lit himself on fire in a suicide attempt after free basing, not from the ether itself. See

Pilled when you were shitting in diapers

>hurr durr muh Iran-Contra
>hurr durr myth invented by niggers


Even if one "rogue" CIA agent smuggled in some cocaine, blacks still invented crack.

So ether was just one way to dissolve it. Niggers found it was easier with low heat and tap water. Gee, it's like motherfuckers lived in a poor ass ghetto or something.

Ether high base was high class shit. Street nigggers ain't dumb, they just degenerate

Crack is a freebase form of cocaine. someone with an undergrad in chem could have figured it out, and given that freebasing is the single most common method of freeing an active amine from it's slat, it's a pretty fucking obvious thing to do.

The conversion was known very early in medical community and research, perhaps as early as the 20's, and IIRC the Italians were the first to do it to sell as drugs in 60's and 70's. nigs picked it up much later.

You are aware the DEA has colluded with the Cartels in narco-trafficking too, right?

>Citing court documents, the Mexican newspaper reports that DEA officers met with top Sinaloa officials over fifty times and offered to have charges against cartel members dropped in the U.S., among other pledges.

>Dr. Edgardo Buscaglia, a senior research scholar in law and economics at Columbia University, says that the tactic has been previously used in Colombia, Cambodia, Thailand and Afghanistan.

Doesn't change shit. Anyone who has followed law enforcement knows coke came primarily from the cartels. Whatever amounts were used to fund the contras was minuscule compared to the literal metric tons shipped into the states by the cartels

Jesus crack a history book you millennial fucktards

And when it comes to drugs blacks can be very inventive

Stop talking like you're black, Kevin.

>triggered retard desperately wants people to think he's smart

There are degenerate druggies on Sup Forums? I didn't know that. I thought you guys were white collar citizens.

If you read the article, it basically states that the DEA was offering to drop charges in exchange for snitching.

It's one of those "the ends justify the means" things the USA is so known for.


Nignogs did it because a few whitbois tried it out and showed them, and the commercial properties were so good it couldn't not stick.

Capitalism in action.

Nigs like that LA faggot just need someone to blame it on and keep their monkeys dumb. Smart nigs buy it off the brick.

I was not aware of that. Ether will kill you though. Boom.

Don't feel bad, there's a shit ton of myth surrounding Pryor's pyro experience. Most people thought the ether exploded, but Pryor admitted it was a suicide attempt.

Fuck Gavin McInnes and fuck the rest of the self-proclaimed crack smoking faggots in this threads.
These people don't represent Sup Forums

If you read it closely, the end of that sentence after "charges dropped" was "among other pledges."

If you had bothered to read the first sentence
>The U.S. government allowed the Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel to carry out its business unimpeded between 2000 and 2012 in exchange for information on rival cartels
Key phrase
>carry out business unimpeded for 12 years

Does NOT mean the same thing as
>they caught them and offered to let them go if they snitched

>the ends justify the means
The article also states the period of closest collaboration, 2006-2012, was the height of the power of the Sinaloa cartel and resulted in the most deaths.

You're just being naive at this point


And you represent Sup Forums?

No, I'm a nosy outsider.

>The article also states the period of closest collaboration, 2006-2012, was the height of the power of the Sinaloa cartel and resulted in the most deaths.

Yeah, because the USA was instrumental in cucking every other rival due to the intel provided by the Sinaloa cartel.

It's far easier to deal with one enemy that you know intimately than 12 others you know dick about. When the Sinaloa cartel is no longer useful, the USA will ban hammer them just like they did to all of the other useful idiots (contras, etc) in the past--effectively neutering all Mexican cartel activity. Again, the ends justify the means because we play the long game. It isn't ethical, but luring the enemy into a false sense of security is effective

ITT: literally white crackheads discussing smoking and cooking coke

gas yourselves degenerates

That's a good hint for people... smoking crack is not good for your head.

I was an opiate addict 6 years ago, but I've been clean ever since. I never did crack, but knew others that did. Fuck off, you nerd.

get a job and have sex gramps

kill yourself


Post more redditfrog, you autistic weeb.

>been clean for the better part of a decade but know how junkies operate in a thread dedicated to the subject
>tell me to kill myself

Retard. Go past a shart meme or some shit, you underage faggot.


The goyim made me do that.

>reddit frog

>this fucking CTR LOSER is bragging to me about snorting shit in his nose

You are seriously autistic and obviously underage. Don't you have a poo in loo meme or shart spam to post, you cancerous faggot?



What does this shit even mean, you generation Z newfag? Are you kids too lazy to type out words?


Insulting the god of Sup Forums won't do you well