Paramount switching its marketing for Mother!

>Come watch this movie that's so controversial you'll probably hate it!

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Im going to see it saturday probably

Honestly pretty smart marketing. Might aswell make its polarizing receptiion an appeal. Films should be that.

MOTY, by the way.

They probably shouldn't have been marketing it as a normie horror movie in the first place.

>"The most subversive studio film in decades"
What did they mean by this


70% of the US is Christian

probably shouldn't alienate them so hard if you dont want to flop

julia stooles


Explain how you think this movie alienates Christians.

I'm really curious.

The guys behind the marketing for Jeb!/Mother! are terrible. Of all the trailers and campaigns I've seen, not a single one actually bothers to tell us what the fucking movie's about.

it does

>Every single reviewer in the picture is a far-left extremist or a Jew
Movie by pretentious Brooklyn kike attacks Christianity. Wow so groundbreaking, unique, and brave. Never been done before. Spellbinding.
Pls gib us your moneys. pls.

Great answer. How about next time you try watching the movie before giving your opinion. Seems like this movie only alienates stupid people. Though obviously there would be a high overlap with the aforementioned group.

She looks like a skyrim preset character, now

but it does though

This is the Arnofsky flick isn't it?

He hasn't made anything bad yet, so I'm in


Nice bait

umm, the only good thing he made was pi. everything else was shit.

No but really, what DID they mean by this? The film's message is literally just destroying the environment is bad. In what universe is that subversive?

How does a retelling of the Bible alienate Christians? This is effectively a Christian film.

How is it attacking Christianity? Its a shitty movie, but it's misanthropic more than its anti-Christian.

"Most expensive art film ever made."
- Paul Verhoeven

Wait, Jlaw becomes Asian in the movie?

The entire movie is a retelling of the Bible, but primarily the New Testament, and they sacrificed and ate a baby that pissing everywhere from fright and it was supposed to be Jesus. There's nothing else to the movie other than "mankind bad, Christians REALLY bad!"

I want to make a movie on a $30 million budget where it's nothing but Jews slaughtering peaceful Canaanites, raping their women, slaughtering the men like cattle, gangfucking little kids on altars to Moloch before being sacrificed and their hearts torn out and thrown into flames, and whole species of animals and shrubs being exterminated all because some mutual Semitic delusion commanded the Hebrews to do it. Can I have that money, Hollywood? Are we greenlit?

The people in the house represent literally all the people in the world, not just Christians. If I'd thought you'd seen this movie, I would say "I don't think you got this movie."

>haha look mommy, I'm being anti-Semitic on the internet again xD

So Aronofsky dethroned Von Trier.

*autistic screeching*

>Using buzzfeed as a quality indicator on your marketing campaign

How to spot a tryhard.

Says the guy that literally parroted what's being said since the first screenings.

I kinda wish Antichrist had had a deceptive ad campaign like mother!'s. People go to see a low-key horror thriller starring the bad guy from Spider-Man and BAM he's cumming blood.

>it's okay for them to attack your culture and traditions and race in mass-media, but don't you dare do the same! They're CHOSEN cause muh shoah muh holy scoll

They're trying to market this as an horror movie. Gimme your shekels you filthy goyim! Darren Aronovski made two AMA on reddit, sounds like desperation.

Reminds me of The Room poster.

That's pretty smart. People like hearing about crazy controversial stuff so this could work

>No critic calling it Lovecraftian

>"I don't think you got this movie."
There was nothing to get. It was a big budget student film. It was also not even remotely representative of all the people in the world, stop the bullshit pretending. Only one religion got bashed, and the "diversity of peoples" on-screen is because Christianity is the only truly cosmopolitan religion in existence. Both Islam and Judaism are racial supremacist. And the fact the director is a Jew makes it no mystery of what happened here.

If you wait for Hollywood to put out a movie where Islam or Hinduism is criticized through teenage reddit-tier cinematic gorefests, you'll be waiting until you're a spoopy skelly, because it will never be made. Only one ethnic group runs that city and their vested interest is in overthrowing one specific religion. Just because you don't believe in all this religious crap doesn't mean they don't. Bloody arguments and agendas from 70AD didn't simply cease to be just because we have iPhones and shit now.

>it's current year! SURELY they don't still have an axe to grind?
Yes, they do.

im so sick of this world

pi is nothing happens: the movie

watch it, buddy

Would be based if:

So Christian in allegory it pisses of the Jews.

Watch "The Passion" then. They fucking hated that movie.

I'd say it's rather kafkaesque

>movie poster is literally pic related

brava aronofsky

Funny, another film with a similar title did this many years ago. Didn't work out too well then, either.

>A month after the film was released to bad reviews, audiences flocked to see the film armed with Ajax and wire hangers to actively "participate" with the film in a manner similar to The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975). Paramount seized on this new found notoriety and began to bill the film as a camp classic, with ads and posters proclaiming, "Meet the biggest MOTHER of them all!"

The title is so cute

Isn't it a little late for that? Also

What a cunt.

Whilst your red pill addiction is showing, unfortunately I agree with a lot of what you said. This film was juvenile bullshit masquerading as Christian critique / artistic expose / deconstruction of the patriarchy. Unfortunately Aronofsky undid it all by ignoring something called subtlety and ramming his new gf's tits in our face. It's like if Snyder tried to do Bergman. Total hypocrisy.

It is based on gnosticism, which is a Christian heresy.

> We want the "IT" audience
Watch our movie it's really scary...plz

>Only one religion got bashed, and the "diversity of peoples" on-screen is because Christianity is the only truly cosmopolitan religion in existence. Both Islam and Judaism are racial supremacist.
Well that is just incorrect. Islam welcomes converts and does not elevate one race over another. With Judaism you have more of a point because while it is possible to convert, they make it difficult and don't encourage it, and as such Jews are both an ethnic group and a religion.

Look, man. God just wants to write poetry and his wife just wants to make the house look nice because it's God's house, yo, and she loves him. Visitors are assholes.

>“Mother!” is Darren Aronofsky’s “Stardust Memories,” his vehemently exaggerated satire on the burdens of fame. And for anyone who thought that Woody Allen’s 1980 film looked a gift horse in the mouth, critiquing fame from within its comfortable confines, “Mother!” tops it—it’s the cinematic version of an equine root canal. The films’ similarities in intent and differences in degree emerge in one aspect in particular: while “Stardust Memories” doesn’t exactly flatter Allen’s character, in Aronofsky’s film the artist—freed from direct identification with Aronofsky’s own persona—comes off as an ingratiating monster. “Mother!” is the story of a mid-career male artist—a writer, played by Javier Bardem—whose conjoined qualities of celebrity and vanity give rise to a uniquely destructive power. For Aronofsky, the calculus is cruel: the adoring crowd is motivated by a greedy and cavalier selfishness that is sought, enabled, nourished, sustained, and encouraged by the artist himself. His film flirts with the ridiculous and sometimes falls into it—though to ridicule it, or Aronofsky, for doing so is to miss both the point and the pleasure.

>mind blowing