Was this the peak of the capeshit genre?
Was this the peak of the capeshit genre?
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no, dark knight is
blade is
Man Of Steel is still the unbeatable capekino
These are all good films. Good job Sup Forums!
pretentious bullshit
What could possibly have come across as pretentious? An ethical dilemma?
said the pleb
>stop worrying about what actual people would be like in a superhero universe and just have fun!
It sucked. The comic was a great comic but the movie was just an ok movie. Snyder is a hack.
Nobody said that you fucking autist. Also the only people that care about superheroes being "realistic" are 12 year olds who want to seem "more mature" despite liking superheroes and manchildren with the same want to seem "more mature" despite liking superheroes (hint: actually mature people don't care about superheroes)
Hint: You are a huge faggot and your mother is a whore.
I think it was man of steel. WB obviously had a clear vision and took a bold step. And while MoS was a pretty good movie, the move really backfired because muh superman doesn't destroy cities and muh superman movie should be about hope.
Hence WB went apeshit and here we are on the brink of another generic superhero universe.
It wins because of fantastic casting and the fact that the source material they had to work with shits all over just about everything else in the genre. It's hard to find contained capeshit stories that are on the same level as Watchmen, and stuff like Saga of the Swamp Thing and The Killing Joke are also written by Alan Moore.
That LSD eating wizard fuck had some writing chops in the 80's
... but "stop worrying about realism" is the counter to criticizing how the movie's ending would've resulted in instant thermonuclear war, not world peace.
Iron Man will always be the best capeshit
Dark Knight is the best dark superhero movie
Unbreakable is the best modern cape flick
Superman 1 is still better than any of those
All other opinions are underage or shills
its a movie for potheads
>Cavalleria rusticana starts playing
LMAO, pretentious shit. Batman Begins, TDK, Spiderman 1+2>>>>>other capeshit
Hide your samefagging next time
better ending than dropping a bunch of giant squids on cities
are you sure about that?
no Justice League will be. even though Joss Reddit did reshoots he cant contain Snyder's kino
Spider Man 2 and The Dark Knight are the only ones who even into the tier to vie for the top spot. Anyone saying otherwise is a contrarian
After BvS, Watchmen doesn't engage me like it used to.
which version is better ultimate cut or directors cut ?
i really like it. I'd say it's possible that it's the best capeshit out there
How does every Watchmen thread get so many replies?
Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up, you fucking faggot.
Ultimate Cut has an animated story within it. I prefer the DC version. Has the best pacing.