The Chad Laura vs. The Virgin Audrey Edition
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>brainlets can't into the cerebral sawmill plotline
Reminder that Frost & Nevins lied to us.
>“(The final episode of Season Two) was going to be the basis of our argument for whether we were going to come back or not. As was the structuring of all the cliffhangers that we included in the story to try to induce them to say, well you know, people are going to want answers to all these things.” - Mark Frost, interview with NY Times, May 17, 2017
>"It resolves the questions left from the original series.” - Showtime President David Nevins, Seattle Times, August 11, 2015
>“It’s designed to be a close-ended, one-time event." - Nevins, Entertainment Weekly, March 10, 2017
>tfw Audrey and Laura would have been BFFs if it wasn't for Ben Horne
It's not fair bros
Stopped at fifth episode. Is Coop back or it's stll Dougy show?
Dougy is the best part
>stopping at peak dougie-kino
Part 11 is peak dougiekino, though.
How do we stop him?
bengin the benguine xD
lul so randum x)
Nothing random about it, it's a clever and funny joke.
He is a good director, yes. If he ever goes ahead and makes a film about what's really on his mind, instead of hiding behind sophomoric humor and the cop-out of 'parody', he may realize the early promise of his Eraserhead. But he likes the box office prizes that go along with his pop satires, so he makes dishonest movies like this one
*holds up spork*
I want a spin-off show of the Fusco Boys chasing down the Mitchum Brothers and I want it NOW
what the fuck is this about?
Wild at Heart
I started rewatching the first season the other day, is it just me or does Maddy had a weird accent? Almost like an English one
Sometimes I have to remind myself that I actually got to witness Twin Peaks the Return as it aired. Truly a blessing
All things considered, the final /tpg/ is not as bad as I always thought it might be. As long as you can keep the fear from your mind. But I guess you can say that about almost anything in life. Its not so bad as long as you can keep the fear from your mind.
season 4 confirmed
It really was. I loved being part of /tpg/ for the entirety of its run, it's the most positive experience I've ever had on Sup Forums in my many years of browsing this shithole.
I can tell it is going to be a show I will look back on with great fondness, as well always remember the times I spent memeing with the beautiful people of /tpg/
funny but rks me how chad laura is on the left
>Ebert later called Fire Walk With Me “the worst film in the history of Cannes”.
Why was he such a pleb?
He said that about The Brown Bunny tho
Why did he have a dog leg in his car?
He also hated Blue Velvet because Isabelli Rosselini standing naked on the lawn upset him.
Mark Kermode is clearly /ourguy/
Damn, Muad'Dib got old
>even the name of my bone disease is a killing word
Those sweaters were comfy af
>don't make me end your story as well
WHAT did he mean by this?
He's ABC.
watched it again recently and do people really not like straight story or is not considered lynchian enough since he didn't write it? always makes me cry and think it might be upper tier for me.
it's the dougie show until the end-ish.
almost dropped the show entirely because of that shit, but powered through.
Please rate the roadhouse songs
Lucy > Annie > Nadine = Lana
I'm laughing really hard because I only just now realized that the running gag the directors of the show had going with The Great Northern having various conventions/events going on at times, and them trying to one up each other.
Then I rewatched "Lonely Souls" the final episode Lynch would direct before departing and he has all these fucking sailors bouncing rubber balls all over the place, it was already funny originally, but the idea that he pretty much took it to a place so overtly in your face that it couldn't be outdone by anybody else kills me.
1. Chromatics
2. Lissie
3. Eddie Vedder
4. NIN
5. James Marshall
David is a sick man
Fake news
1. James
2. The Nine Inch Nails
3. Green Onions
4. Eddie Vedder
9001. everything else
dubs confirm
should have brought the pig head in first
I hate those brainlets that believe Lynch values feeling over meaning completely and TP's story is completely inane, no, it's just too dense for brainlets to understand even somewhat. It's like Mulholland Drive, there is for sure a definitive story layered under it all. That's not to say that it should story should be valued over the style and feeling of Lynch's work, but to completely dismiss any sort of plot as meaningless is fucking stupid. Also I rewatched most of the final three episodes and it's just mind boggling how many potential interpretations there are... as well as how well filmed and captured everything is. I think that Coop really started to become at a loss as for what to do after Diane awoke amnesiac and believing herself wholly and truly to be Linda, because I feel like Diane was integral to the Fireman's plan in some way, so he left in a daze trying to find her. I think everything after this point is a result of Coop's searching for what to do next only to be completely at a loss and realize he's in over his head, and eventually failing and finally losing his trademark cool and optimism
I'm part of a minority that loves all the songs equally.
I love the Dougie story line, maybe even more than the original run. I've never seen a show that I feel I can relate to more to be honest. Something about the persistence of the characters around him to derive meaning from their tortured interactions with Dougie just really portrays life the way I see it to be. I feel a lot like Dougie in a way. So many times in my life I've felt that nobody was paying attention to my completely detached behavior as long as I continued to show up in the right places at the right times. This might just be my experience living in a big city, but I don't see any of the interactions we've had with Dougie as unrealistic at all. I encounter people everyday that I feel are acting (or not acting) in a way very similar to Dougie and no one really seems to care. Or they only seem to care enough to shuttle them through to their next painful interaction.
Lissie!!! is the one true roadhousefu
1) shadow
nothing else was "music"
That story should be valued*
Believed herself*
And just generally realizing he's meddled with forces far beyond his understanding and was possibly even unwittingly used as a pawn by sinister forces. I don't like optimistic interpretations of the ending or the sync theory at all
Tasteless brainlet detected
This post made me feel
Accidentally deleted my Twin Peaks folder
Please post all the kino shots
sure, frenlo
>post every frame of every episode
user pls
What's this from?
I'm guessing she's talking about the Leland/BOB rape scene in Laura's room? If so she was right, it was already terrifying enough, a fucking pig head would have been hacky
>I don't like optimistic interpretations of the ending
Yeah, I don't follow happyendingfags reasoning at all. The last 5 minutes of ep18 are filled with dread.
*blocks your path*
every episode is peak dougie kino desu
What is Happening ??
I love straight story.
friendly reminder that doppelcoop did nothing wrong and Cooper was the real fuck-up the entire time
fucked up the 2nd link
Contributing to kino