Leonard Nimoy cameo

>Leonard Nimoy cameo
>adds nothing to the episode and defies the logic of the series by introducing transporter technology outside of a ToH episode
>Kesha song
>adds nothing to the episode but it at least is contained within the intro and not the show proper
Why is one beloved yet the other reviled? Is it because you're seen as smart if you recognize entry level sci-fi but a dumb pleb if you enjoy contemporary pop music?

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For what it's worth I think Marge Vs The Monorail is quite an overrated episode on the level of Last Exit to Springfield and that Hank Scorpio one.

Transported technology exists in real life. People who like Kesha do not.

Why the fuck You Only Move Twice is considered the best Simpsons episode? It's quite out-of-ordinary.

quite ordinary, I mean

One of them actually contains jokes.

I agree those are the top 3 most overrated episodes, but I still enjoy Last Exit and Monorail, I just feel fans are hypocritical about some things like pop culture references.
You Only Move twice though is dragged down by the contrived family garbage. Hank Scorpio was a good concept (Bond villain that's nice to his employees) wasted on a mediocre episode and in a show where it doesn't quite fit. It actually could've worked better in Futurama.

If you listen to the commentary on that episode they start ribbing Conan saying he's the reason why the Simpsons went whackier and wackier and one of the producers said "If you didn't do that we'd be King of the Hill!"

They were clearly joking but there is truth that the Spock teleportation gag set a bad precedent even though it's an amusing gag.




one is a joke
the other is...?

For fuck's sake, that is hardly a mediocre episode. Overrated, maybe, but it's plenty funny. I'll be fair though; I've never liked Homer Goes to College all that much, so I do have a classic I knock on.

Nimoy was comfy

>>adds nothing to the episode
>And let me say, May the force be with you

Were there ever any examples of freight monorails in the real world? E.g. in the agricultural sector, transporting feed and seed products to farms?

because they actually say that it's wierd he didn't contribute anything

why are mods deleting all the simpsons threads?

They are seething with rage because they don't have enough hotpockets to feed on.

>Sup Forums isn't a safespace

Because cartoons have a cartoon board

how dare they not appreciate how funny and original you faggots are

probably because

1.because there is only a few of you doing it
2.you spam multiple threads
3.spam the same images and quotes
4.descend into smugness

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