The media and liberals are blasting Matt Lauer as a sexist. Some even going as far to call him a racist white male.
Matt Lauer being blasted as SEXIST presidential forum
Never thought I'd say I kinda feel bad for him. He was tough with Trump which is good because Trumps the kinda guy who can take it and likes when people ask the difficult but honest questions.
When you're asking questions to the two Presidential candidates you shouldn't hold back anything because these are the people we're voting for to run the country for the next 4 years, they need to be asked those difficult questions like a leader should and be unafraid to answer them
So real talk, how did Trump do? I see them screaming about Matt Lauer, the Iraq war, and praising Putin, but did Trump really come off bad? As opposed to Clinton?
Eh, it was probably a ruse to make everyone take their guard down for the debates. At which point they will try to fuck Trump over and make her look like a goddess.
Hillary fucked up bad, so the shills are blaming everything under the sun besides her.
Trump skated by, which is what he needed to do.
>thinks Trump "skated" by
Trump slayed Hillary AND Ratface in the fake debate. I am more optimistic than ever that Trump will win.
Kek wills it.
Amderson Cooper is coming for Trumps ass
That sad little faggot asked Ted Cruz is he really sings for his wife. Trumps going to kick that queer's shit in.
This is all about getting journalists afraid of asking Hillary tough questions during the debates.
I mean I honestly thought it was a coinflip but holy fucking shit the damage control is out of this planet.
Literally the entire Huffington Post which I only read for the occasional luls 4 times a year was all blaming Lauer so hard for pwning Hillary and leaving Trump "unscathed" - yeah except for all the 70 questions he asked.
"B-but what about the Iraq Waaar LIEEES" yeah what about this DNC fabricated little barely there blurb where Trump said before we even knew about WMD's in 2001 if he might like to see us invade Iraq and he was like "meh ya I mean I guess I don't know or care" that someone SCREAMS support to them.
"Well, Hillary actually did it b-but saying it on a radio show makes us know Trump LIES wooootweeeee lads"
OK sorry I'll stop this post isn't funny. Just man did liberals get a taste of what BTFO means tonight.
Hillary literally said "No Americans died in Libya" and no one is talking about that.
Pretty much this: Hillary lied many times, in ways that nobody would have bought. Trump made it a huge talking point that he was against the Iraq war and Hillary voted for it twice. She contradicted this and tried to pull one over on us. The dumb cunt was in front of an audience of military people who all knew exactly how she voted and that Trump's opinion as a private citizen led the the loss of zero American lives. Another big one was she claimed Trump wanted to privatize the VA, which he has never even mentioned in passing.
Plus, you add on the fact that she was acting aggressive and stalking around the stage, when she got tough questions from the audience and started her usual lying routine about how she never sent or received classified or marked classified information over email (as if James Comey never contradicted this), it was a really bad image overall. She came off as petulant and defensive.
Trump's part was so good it was almost boring. Even though Matt Lauer played gotcha with his twitter posts, defended Hillary a couple times, and argued with him (which he didn't do with Hillary), Trump was on message and mostly gave good answers. He came off as presidential and well tempered, and to a rational person, calling Putin a well liked leader doesn't come off as radical. The first debate will be absolutely savage. Hillary has no idea what she's in for.
This too.
He obviously did really well, the left wouldn't be freaking out and pointing fingers at Lauer if he didn't.
Got a shitty female candidate? Bribe the internet to accuse everyone of sexism.
all pale faces are raceist
Is this last of the mohicans?
Lol if you go down the tweets, trump people are calling him out on supporting shillary.
then AFTER the debate, shillary shills are calling him out on being a misogynist.
i thought her stalking around the stage was an attempt to come off as strong and healthy. now that i am thinking about this again, when i rewatched the fourm after reading all the twitter nonsense about matt laure one thing i noticed was when hillary was out there were 3 mugs on the table, 2 branded and one unbranded. there were only 2 mugs when trump was out. does hillary have an official spittoon
Pretty much. There were some CTR shills on here earlier trying to say that "I guess" is tacit approval of entering the war.
SJWs lie like they cry - all the time.
he has had interviews like that all the time, he was natural and answered all the questions like he usually does
best i can do on such short notice
Im not scared of anderson
He tried to stump trump during a town hall way back when Cruz was still in the mix
He fucked cooper up and made him look like a fool
I forget what it was but cooper said something and trump pulled out a piece of paper from his jacket and Cooper just went quiet. What was that again?
about how Lewandowski "grabbed" that Reporter Bitch, who changed her Story afterwards.
trump did not do well, hillary sounded like she had her answers pre planned and they came off polished
trump was rambling in a simplistic manner that made it come across like he didn't want to answer any question directly
he better step it up
Jane woke
Utter nonsense my boy.
Thank you for tryin to correct the record though. A fine and shines English penny is on its way to you
He's not wrong
Hillary sounded better because they let her lie
She sounded angry and disrespectful.
Its impossible for her to sound good once you know her lies.
Trump sounded real because he is and some of the questions they asked him were ridiculous.
Hillary was just sound bytes again but this time spoken with anger and hatred.
She's finished lads