>The absolute state of late night talk shows
The absolute state of late night talk shows
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Meanwhile, Conan is in Israel hooking up with qt jewess beauties.
Literally /comfiesttalkshow/
I don't know what Kimmel thinks he's trying to do here. Colbert at least dresses up his schtick in cutesy humor but Kimmel is playing it completely straight like he's some kind of educated authority. It's quite confusing. Is he trying to get a new job as a political commentator?
and its backfiring on them
my wife is bored of all the drumpf shit and she's a mexican who was pissed that he won
she didnt even chuckle at the anti trump shit at the emmys
they've pushed their hand too much
>Doing PR work for Bibi
Thought Conan was better than this
>Takes money from Jews
>Better than anything
Good goy
probably wants the colbert audience.
>tfw cassidy graham bill would actually improve healthcare for all americans but because obamacare is called obamacare is has escape scrutiny from the left for its entire existence and they pretend it actually works
kimmel monoloque is honestly infuriating, he has like four major bullet point which he uses to bitch about the bill despite ignoring that all the criticism applies to obamacare as well and the changes would actually help decrease the problems
>qt jewess beauties.
And slope head McRatface
>cassidy graham bill would actually improve healthcare for all americans
All 5 of his viewers
My brother is one ;_;
that pusy gap though
>they all work for the jews, conan is atleast not hiding it by going to isreal
Watch the video before you comment. He literally stated he's not trying to be an authority figure, he's just calling attention to something that actual authority figures have come down on. I think the only reason he's so fired up about it is that his son almost died.
Opposite world
>american entertainment
When Craig left, it was fucking over. They needed him.
Fuck off retard
Look at the thumbnail in the first link. Do people pretend not to notice that shit?
>I'm not trying to be an authority figure, but FUCK DRUMPH AND FUCK WHITE PEOPLE
>i-it's not propaganda goy! i-it's entertainment!
I'm as anti-semitic as they come, but I would literally convert to Orthodox Judaism tomorrow and move to Tel Aviv just to sniff her underam sweat
You also take money from jews. You're just too dumb to realize it.
>giving a fuck about politics
>thinking YOU matter
>thinking YOU can make a difference
why are people so fucking stupid
read the bill
the issue is the left and the media has been painting the bill as a "repeal and replace" of obamacare when in reality it's a very small cutback of obamacare
it mostly deals with funding mechanisms that will force states to either elivate regulations or absorb the higher prices of insurance, which is a good thing. lower regulations means more competition means lower prices and better quality for healthcare
the meme that the left is peddling in response is that some people will lose their coverage, which is true to some degree. it is a meme however because coverage doesn't equal care. many, many doctors have stopped taking medicaid because the reimbursement are so bad. these people are technically "covered", but they dont receive care because the system is broken.
the core of the issue is that the dems are refusing to see reality, you cannot have a healthcare system that is a) universal b) affordable and c) high quality. you can't, nowhere in the world does healthcare work like that. but acknowledging that would also mean acknowleding that obamacare is a massive failure and you cant have that
Only one I have a problem with is the first one. Politics in talk shows is nothing new
This is not a drill
Sup Forums is always right.
>three cucks scream and cry about politics
>based James sings in a car with the Foo Fighters
Society is made up of people last time I checked.
Nice post, retard.
When its talked about during 90% of the show and hosts try to be the "voice of reason" than it becomes an annoyance
Letterman, Leno and Ferguson didn't open every show with DUDE BUSH LMAO
What do Israel and the US have in common?
They both have Jewish Presidents
These entertainers aren't entertaining people anymore. I like that Conan is still trying to entertain
think you mean jewish presence, cause trump is a christcuck
James Corden is definitely the one eyed man in this scenario, though I don't stay up that late, hes pretty all right. If he hosted the Emmys I bet they'd have had a decent rating.
>coverage doesn't equal care
Fucking this. I have health insurance, but ever since Obamacare kicked in the deductible has become so high that I can't even use it unless I'm literally dying. It won't pay for my prescription, and it won't pay for regular physicals with my general care doctor.
But thank God the democrats have ensure that everyone is """covered""" as well as I am.
I seem to remember Leno doing a shitload of "Bush is a retard" jokes in his opening monologue
The other two not so much but they still snuck them in there
>But in the post-screening Q&A, some audience members expressed their discomfort with the footage. What was the context of the killing and who was at fault? And if you're going to show Palestinian sorrow and suffering - what of Israeli suffering? What of Israeli victims of terror, who have watched their families be slaughtered? Or those who live in range of rockets from Gaza?
"I will build you a brother."
Except Natanyahu is not your average kike and even him is getting jewed by un jews making me question this whole Sup Forums thing.
Did you knew Natanyahu denied the holocaust?
>We could have lived in a world where Craig got Lettermans spot and is still to this day flirting with the hot babes of 2017
>Follow up with Cordon's kinder gentler splash of political humor
Would have been God Tier late night.
is conan our guy?
The difference was that Bush got us into a shit war and deserved the mockery, Trump hasn't done anything yet to warrant the non-stop assault he gets from lefty cuck faggot hosts.
the country of israel is just an elaborate ruse
>Nuh-uh! Look at this tweet that I personally think is silly!
>Trump hasn't done anything
And yet he is still more successful than King Nigger
It's been confirmed all the late night hosts get their material from John Podesta. They're STILL working for Hillary's campaign.
I like how people here try to complain about Trump. Politics aside he's provided more content and entertainment than any politician in 4chans history
Conan does Trump videos at the pace of how late night shows did Obama videos. At a fair pace
>Donald Trump sex jokes
Comedy that doesn't mask itself as news
So, are these late night shows basically just politics shows now? Do they attempt humor beyond "Fuck Tenald Drumpf, those white Republicans are evil Nazis, and here's why you're a fucking heartless racist asshole if you're anything right of center"?
Remember when late night TV shows used to have celebrities on to promote new films, albums, books, tours, etc. or to discuss the juicy celebrity gossip? When did it all become so political? Johnny Carson never used to do this shit. What happened? I blame Jon Stewart for this, to be frank.
they would be dead and gone if not for drumpflets
Yeah Conan likes to make jokes about inane, ridiculous shit instead of filling his whole hour with Trump bashing.
>animal expert brings some animals on to the show
>the host pretends to be afraid because its "funny"
Sometimes, just sometimes, it works out.
Kimmel has done the same schtick each time that animal guy has come on, its not funny.
If you're gonna rip off Carson and Jack Hanna at least be funny
does what he's told
what's the mystery here?
>ever watching cordon
off youself
I should've stated that the only funny part of the vid was Larry David leaving.
>I didn't know you were here...haha