What is the ultimate destiny of Mankind?

What is the ultimate destiny of Mankind?

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you getting the fuck off my board

To become Love

Colonize to another planet and start over

not the pic you posted


Total entropy of all matter

Doom, ultimately. Nothing lasts foreva.

Create AI strong enough to recreate the Big Bang.

To die.
>Nuke ourseselves.
>Run out of oil and eat ourselves.
>Die of plague.
>Die of asteroid or other cosmic shit.
>Die to space aliens.
>Run out of suns for power.
>Survive all of this
>Die with the inevitable heat-death of the universe anyway.

Literally no winning scenario.

t. Optimist.

Oh god I want this so badly.
Sometimes I feel like all life and activity is a mistake, a temporary hiccup in the quiet nothingness of the universe.

The ultimate destiny of the goyim is to respect us and work hard.


To rule the universe until its end.

Or we all die from AI 10 years from now.

To become God.

>That was kind of a cool story desu

To be ruled by the Jew for 10,000 years.

Developing interdimensional transportation technology to avoid the inevitable heat death of our universe


Extinction. After having fun with the Imperium of Mankind that is.

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- for ever."

-- George Orwell, 1984

A lucky few will go to Mars and the rest will perish slowly on Earth

Thanks senpai


Third Impact

to create a new form of life to surpass itself

Sad thing is if you just cut a bit on the genocide we'd be quite willing to go along with it.

Just let us live half decent lives, we'll do the work.

Wait, do you actually know what story I'm talking about?

The invention of an actual God as opposed to the fictional ones we have today.

What if humanity evolves long enough to have a chance at evolving into conscious waves of electromagnetic radiation that will stream across the universe at the speed of light for all eternity?

Spiritual fulfillment.

good goy

Getting this sick dubs

That's the individual's goal, not all of man kind. Though, every man should strive for spiritual enlightenment

Whites wiped out, Niggers and Chinks are left, they spend all day arguing about how to get things done


Just look at this goy... I bet he is non-white.
Slave mentality.

collapse of civilization after reaching peak degeneracy. followed by the long slow descent of humanity back into a primitive species.

Maybe. But then again, maybe we aren't the master race. Maybe the jews won this one.

Thats not how civilization collapse works.

All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate the people one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will place the sheep on His right and the goats on His left.

Read Genesis. The destiny of mankind is to rule universe


It depends. AI may be not even possible to develop a consciousness.

To jerk off.

Watch Evangelion.

>mfw likes are the only existing people on earth
>mfw they go into a civil war that wipes out humanity

>Or we all die from AI
It will be more like a body snatchers style takeover.


We are living electrochemical systems. We will one day master them.

or more likely

To surpass ourselves and continue our Race.

I do, good story

Okay, but i'm not sure that Superinteligence is possible. Its still a hypotheis.


Perhaps. Quantum computers are being worked on. They can compute giga-problems in minutes what classical (binary) computers would literally take thousands of years to solve.

Personal and collective developement, making the universe become aware of itself and as a sidequest: Colonize the stars.

Time is a flat circle, I'll live forever

under achieve everywhere

Maybe well surpass the universe somehow. For all we know its just some kind of bubble and something is outside. For all we know the heat death thing is wrong.

Lmao you're entirely wrong but alright

Consciousness isnt needed. Just takes a coder to fuck something up on a super weapon and it kills all the human.

This is the downside of all those science fiction movies. All it takes is the predator drone auto attack system to have a unforeseen bug and a strong enough predator system.

Do either of you have that pic where the ai recreates the universe?

Are you talking about the spoopy story about a programmer's passion project?


Extinction is the only inevitability

The one where the universe slowly dies and some ai after the end has enough knowledge and says "Let there be light"

Mastring our own body, the universe and what lies beyond
or Islam

To kill every jew to improve.


Conquest of time and space

Calm down there, Rust

>colonize a 2nd planet, thus expanding the survival of the species by another million years
>use this vast sea of time to expand even more, eventually becoming so large that only the death of the Milky Way could kill us
>become powerful enough to prevent the heat death and save the universe
>eventually change until a god like extra dimensional status and live on forever

None of it will happen if whites get taken out though. By the time other races have taken it upon themselves to really go hard at space travel, something will have come along and wiped us all out.

To be balls deep in a beautiful black woman's ass



Falling for the hip hop ass meme

I was thinking more of a matrix future. Not meaning AI takes over or anything. But probably a lot of fake realities hooked up to a lot of paying customers.

Hip hop? My favorite band is Arch Enemy I just like to eat black women's ass

Sup Forums
>muh white race muh historical achievements muh original non-degenerate culture
>literally has the same ass taste as niggers
u wot mate?

Wage slave serfs living in an increasingly toxic and violent environment with a .00001% ruling class laughing at us from orbit. Luckily we'll have tons of drugs and VR porn to keep us entertained. Don't forget to check your privilege.

I like Sup Forums but I also like black women I know what a contradiction

Mars life is just a propo created to bring back optimism to us. The fact is, we're all gonna suffer here on earth.

at least you know

Accept our fate as a super organism and colonize the know universe

yes, yes, let's go back to posting in "why do x girls love y guys so much" and "drumpf btfo" threads

you fucking ingrate

To Conquer the Universe under the God Emperor.

I'd probably go with AI. All life follows patterns repeating, so it makes sense for us as beings of higher intelligence depended on procreation to create beings of even higher intelligence that are not dependent on procreation.

They'll likely develop even higher bio-organic creatures that will be dependent on procreation as we are, because that will be the pinnacle of their experience and desire.

Makes me want to read "Last and First Men" again.

To enjoy while it lasts

You're delusional if you think there is one

We'll come and go, and in the grand scheme of the cosmos our entire existence will be nothing but an insignificant blip

This. Just do what we do best. Expand and progress until we finally become aeon life old space beings




We stand on the brink of a golden age of mankind.

to serve the jew

slavery, because the wealthy cant see past their own reflection. we will never leave this planet

Colonize space, create AI and leave the confines of our physical bodies.


Why does this philosophy sound like the kind of thinking a cuck would have?

To reproduce