
Jay recommended this film to me, so I watched it. It's very visceral, with a lot going on in different layers from the literal to the more allegorical. But hard to make sense of as a whole, like a Lynch film. It has some beautiful but unsettling shots that invoke the opposite of a Wes Anderson aesthetic, where Anderson is cheerful, mirrored, quirky and fast-paced while this film has shots angled unnervingly, claustrophobic, with a sense of urgency even when at rest. Then there's the horror elements, with some fantastic creature effects, that may even be termed "Lovecraftian".


I found it more Kafkaraftian myself.

It got based Sam Neill so who cares

for me it's a film about relationships between men and women, it goes much deeper than that but I don't feel like writing an essay right now.
The most interesting parts for me are Adjani's representation of what goes on in a woman's mind in Op's pic, and the reverse Oedipus complex Sam Neil has for their 'child' who's replacing him.

This is also my new favourite movie after hearing about it on RLM.

I feel it lacked sneediquette

Why was she cumming that liquid?

because a subway far far away is actually hell

is the joke here that it's hot garbage and Jay likes shitty movies?

What do you think the shots of the Berlin wall and the guards peering at the camera with binoculars signify? I thought it was obvious at first but now can't quite see its significance, as blatant as it may appear.
>The most interesting parts for me are Adjani's representation of what goes on in a woman's mind in Op's pic
What's interesting about that scene is how revealing it is about the narrator; basically, it's shown as a flashback, but it cuts to Anna narrating to Mark of her miscarriage, meaning the scene is shown from Mark's point of view. So it appears to me that it's not so much a flashback as it is Mark interpreting Anna's story in his own mind. This makes truth and fiction much less clear.
Also, the line about "faith" I feel is important, as is the mention of God throughout.
She had a miscarriage.

Jay is the only one with taste. Mike has never talked about a good film in his life.

Who's Jay? I watched this movie a few months ago, couldn't understand any of it.

hey where did you see it,

Very lovecraftian

wow did he really recommend it to you? he must really like that film because he also mentioned it in the last HitB


I agree
I'm just conditioned to expect elaborate sarcasm at this point


Been searching for this movie since I saw this scene as a kid. Holy shit, what a rollercoaster ride of emotions I'm experiencing right now

>I saw this scene as a kid
That cannot be healthy for a child's developing psyche.

might explain why he browses Sup Forums
