Sad to see talentless (but popular?) ingrates shitting on Mel Brooks. Never thought it would come to this.
How do we fix comedy?
Name one gay comedian who isn't as shitty as their dick on a Friday night.
It really fucking pisses me off seeing tons of no-name fucks insulting Mel Brooks
the chink wants attention to increase his Twitter followers and get viewers for his special. i hope no one watches.
well its fair game he insulted their religion
>Name one gay comedian who isn't as shitty as their dick on a Friday night.
He's azn so he probably strictly bottoms desu.
Getting shit on your dick is now how Comedy Central grants 30 minute specials.
Imagine having the chutzpah to think you have the authority to say that Mel Brooks hasn't grown as an artist.
Never ever heard of him until now and I'm actually in the comedy scene myself.
>westernized asian is annoying piece of shit
imagine my shock
It's 2017 and millennials think Blazing Saddles "isn't funny"
just nuke us already rocket man
>can't handle strangers insulting someone he has no personal connection to
You need to get out more
>Never ever heard of him until now and I'm actually in the comedy scene myself.
where's ur fucking comedy central special then fgt
He's one of those niche LGBTQQRLM "comedians" that's trying to cross over. All he really does is complain about straight people. Fags and women eat this shit up
Comedy Central gave him a special and he's been on Conan.
Nostalgia chick made a video about how Mel Brooks was good but how sjw sensitivities are good.
I wonder what's her response now
glad he's verified so no one will get fooled by the fake joel kim boosters out there
Booster is gay slang for taking a pozzed dick before doing something important, a "booster shot," every time I lean a little to the left they remind they how fucked up they are. It's a shame the right side isn't sexier.
>PC is ruining comedy
>it's comedy that's not becoming PC that's ruining comedy
Huh, never thought about it like that!
He said he loved Mel, but Blazing saddles sucked. Which is true. It isn't good. Mungo knocking a horse out with a punch is basically the only thing worth seeing. Everything else Mel has done is way better.
>Mel Brooks achievements
>this guys
Yeah, you really showed him buddy.
>some Literally Hu thinks he can shit on one of the funniest men to ever live
It's a weird feeling but I can't even imagine being such a joyless fuck that you couldn't enjoy Mel Brooks's comedy. Like how on earth are you going to say you're a comedian when you're such an uptight cunt?
we need more of /ourguys/ in comedy like bill burr
and less of kevin hart, david chappelle, hanibal burresss kind if you catch my draft...
why did you post an anime?
(((Koenig)))....Takes on (((Brooks)))
Wait.......... Mel Brooks??? Is jewish??? are you serious dude????
>Booster is gay slang for taking a pozzed dick before doing something important
fucking what, i looked this up and found nothing
>bitch bitch bitch
Impressive vocabluary for a chinese
>t. Not a part of the gay community
Very bigoted
I would love for Mel to come out and say all these whiny faggots need to grow the fuck up go on a diet and eat less sugar
Very anti Semitic
Thanks for the advice
I used to think Mel Brooks was the fatass in Springtime.
Not so interesting fact.
Who's Mel Brooks?
>JIDF tries to get "muh lesion" to defend some old kike who should have died a long time ago
Comedy Central has gone really downhill in the past couple of years. It was never that good, but now having "comedy" in the name of the network seems like blasphemy. 2003-2004 was peak.
Mel brooks and his friends killed gooks like him during ww2. sad that this one slipped through.
98 was the peak. Early South Park, Dr. Katz, Kilborne Daily Show and endless stand-up reruns
It's funny because he hates himself right? That's his schtick? If he really wanted to make fun of Mel while also being funny he should be pointing out how Mel's nose is taking up a very significant part of his face these days. The rest of his head seems to be shrinking.
why is everything a 'community' i swear nobody ever talked like that until now
Communists have seized control
I hope to one day be able to mass execute these cunts.
thing is, they will try first
Todd glass
People talked like that in the late 60s to mid 70s.
2010's are an echo of the dumb hippy babble, but this time it's with with a thick veneer of consumerism.
Millennials are boomerang Boomers.
>a Chink
I expect nothing less from that gross ugly insect race.
>gay asian making fun of an old jew who made fun of jews and blacks
build nightclubs with built in EMP generators to fuck the audiences phones up.
That would be anti-semetic my dude
The weak should fear the strong
What? Having a really ugly potato on your face?
>plucky gay teen
>his self worth is literally based on his sexuality
>his twitter handle is hating himself
self hatred is good though people who love themselves end up failing
Name one muscular chinese guy that I don't want to fuck in the ass for some reason
Oh wait you can't
Only intermittently funny. Mostly cringe funny. Long, shaggy dog stories aren't funny.
armond white is proof that gay niggers can actually be amazing human beings
god bless that man
I'm not gay but I agree
I think it's the lack of body hair
comedy at this point is the equivalent of an impacted stool
>"I personally would never touch gas chambers or the death of children or Jews at the hands of the Nazis," he told the BBC's Radio 4's Today programme.
Of course it's crossing a line when it's about Jews, but lynching blacks and slavery isn't crossing the line?
i think he's saying that he wouldn't actually gas children
>make me laugh
comedy isn't about making yourself laugh it's about making others laugh
>implying hes thought that deeply about it and isn't just bashing it because its racist
>HA look at your old Jew nose Mel, look at it.
dont think that would work in his favor considering hes in entertainment, bud.
goddamn, this reaction pic works on so many levels right there. not bad.
I honestly think Nathan Fielder is gay.
>PC culture will lead to the death of comedy
no it will lead to an era that will be laughed at for decades in the future
that's next level comedy
How the fuck did this faggot gook get a show?
There won't be a future though.
that's why
that's even worse
Ah, of course.
How foolish of me.
me me me me me!
not with that kind of attitude
pc freaks arent breeding and most live unhealthy lifestyles if not glorify them
most of them will die off in the next 20 years and leave nothing behind
keep your head on your shoulders and have a kid or five and you will all inherit the world the gays and commies tried to steal from us
based kim goku will nuke us and a new era will emerge under nork rule
ugh, I always knew Mel Brooks was a fucking nazi. When can we ban his movies already
Blazing Saddles despite not being politically correct in the slightest was extremely progressive. And Mel fucking fought in WW2. Y'know against literal Nazis. That wanted to exterminate him.
yes but he is a nazi now because he criticized the elites and their forced culture
>wouldn't participate in the holocaust
what happened to this country
Mel Brooks wasn't that funny. His movies weren't much better than the Wayan bros. Anyways this thread was possibly just started as a way to try to get more attention for this guy's special.
Because the homo in OP's pic is an IRL anime.
This. It's not free speech when their speech is attacking your living your way of life, that's fucking assault. Mel Brooks needs to be burned along with all of his films for his racism, hatred, bigotry, and homophobia. This trash has no room in our new world.
it's true though, nobody but has-beens like him and jerry seinfeld or triggered conservatives who are mad their racist bits get them shit bother with this PC IS KILLING COMEDY whining
I'm a leftist but Norm is funnier than literally any young comedian I can think of.
the fuck is this old nazi blabbering about? ever since drumpf took office, comedy culture has been fucking amazing. fuck drumpf
because he's the funniest guy in history
i only like straight guys
This but unironically.
Slightly offensive and silly humor works. Blazing saddles can be seen as slow and dated but it's a classic its racism is funny
>The sheriff he's a n$-$;$8$!
>No no. The sheriff is a No. %&%&%&%&%
>Where the white women at
>constant use of the N word even in friendly talk
>A literal BBC joke
Being a racist isnt funny. Unless it's done in a silly way. Take Chappeles(spelling) shows blind black KKK member skit? Shits pretty racist but seeing this blind black guy yell "I smell niggers. " is funny.
PC humor is never funny or is only funny if you have an actual good comedian doing it. But most of these fags now are trash
who the fuck are either of these people
I think the best part of that skit is at the end when they say he divorced his wife for being a nigger lover.
I disagree with the chink, but I'd still fuck him.
why? he's not even cute there's like a billion asian traps out there who are immeasurably cuter
I'm happily on the outside of any community. I am a community of one.
Whats wrong alt righters? does what he said triggered you? is it because he is 100% correct?
Oh whats that? you gonna cry? you gonna say the n word? you gonna question facts? cmon i am waiting, you can trigger me all you want, but once its legal to hunt nazis again we will be the ones triggering....
see you soon.
You're a literal faggot and your opinion is worthless.
what did he meme by this