At what age did you grow up and stop being a racist?
At what age did you grow up and stop being a racist?
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Literally never.
>1st amendment
>political correctness
pick one
>that filename
thanks for the bait, kiwinigger
I guess a few years ago when I stopped believing racism was a real thing.
i grew up and became a racist, so probably never
racism means abusing lessers , its natural and every animal does it . you stop being racist once you think that you are equal with the lessers
Nice one shill. Never used to be racist until I realised how horribly everyone treated me for being "A white dog/white cunt". Apparently everyone who cries racism is racist themselves.
>At what age did you grow up and stop being a racist?
I actually grew up in a super white liberal neighborhood so I wasn't racist as all, as I got older and was forced to go to school with nigger and spics I became redpilled. iwas totally naive and ignorant to think we were all the same as a kid