is the strain any good?
Is the strain any good?
S01 is kino, and the rest is pretty bad to mediocore.
I'm glad it is over.
No, they fucked it comepletely up.
Season 1 episode 1 was the best.
Nope. Season 1 is ok. Everything else was crap
Thomas Eichhorst and Abraham Setrakian are pure Kino though, their actors are great.
They get kinda dumbed down when it is convenient though.
The first two seasons are enjoyable. The fourth was straight up disappointing.
Just watch Blade 2
Although the last episodes were obviously rushed and doctors son actor is cringy as fuck to watch.
lmao no
Watch the first season at least, it drops off after that. Eichhorst, Palmer, and Setrakian are the only characters I ever felt like watching, Quinlan was also kinda cool but even Fet was ruined with melodrama.
>you think you hate me now?
>hold my nuke
why so?
The kid was so fucking annoying that i couldnt watch it. Like most people said season 1 was kino then it went downhill.
It was really hot when the nazi guy almost monster tongue raped that one woman.
No, but it has its moments.
Someone got the Angel Webm?
His death was pretty kino.
What did you expect?
its not good, but definitely has its Sneeds and Feeds
The Strain falls in the weird category where nearly all the actors are good in something else but this show.
The script is simply shit.
but thats why I WANT to watch the STRAIN
This ins one of the Top 5 scenes in the entire show.
the show is about comedy?
Got context for this?
I don't recall this scene.
They're about to be murdered by vampires and he gets someone else's credit card so he decides to spring for premium gas
i think it was the part were they were trapped in a gas mart surrounded by vamps and had to fight to get to a truck and refuel it to escape
It's S01E01, some of the main characters just met at a gas station and are trying to escape while under attack by the strigoi. Fet snatches some guys credit card to fuel up their getaway car.
yes, i recall this now. thanks, Fet was pretty good throughout the show
fav character imo
and to OP yes the show is good its at least better than the other crap that was on at the time
Better acting, better writing, better action, better vampire creatures.
Better everything really.
Idunno mang
The master is a classic depiction of a vampire.
Not this gay shit like in blade
who here agrees that the original masters body is best and should have been the only one for the whole show
Some great practical effects and sets here and there, some other not so much, but completely ruined by awful nonsensical story and just shameful editing with action scenes so slow you will wonder if you are watching a movie from before the first war.
As most anons in this thread said, everything past season 1 is unwatchable, the fact it wasnt canceled after season 2 but got shit canned only after season 4 was complete trash is some kind of miracle.
Blade 2 is pretty much the main reason The Strain even exists
OP here, why? that sounds kinda cool since I liked the blade movies
better than walking pleb, but that isn't saying much.
>mfw Quinlan's London waifu practically begged him to do the same thing
You mean S01E01 is kino
Yeag I don't care what anyone says about his fish lips being goofy or whatever, I loved him as this big gross sewer-dweller. Though I feel like it was an important plot point for his pride to be wounded by his centuries-old trophy body being damaged beyond repair by Setrakian's lowly little band. Quinlan even mocked him for it when he first found him in the Bolivar body at that construction site.
I thought the strain existed because of the graphic novel
why zach detonate bomb at end?
fuck that
guillermo del toro Got the idea for The Strain from the work he did on Blade 2.
Quinnlen = Blade
Strogoi = Reapers
so wait, the master just hops between bodies whenever he feels like it as the show goes on?
Yeah but the when, why, and how are a little spoilery, and it's a bit more of an ordeal (that leaves him weakened and vulnerable) than just willing it to happen. There's a lot more to him, his capabilities, and origins than what's first apparent, but sadly for reasons beyond me the show decided to omit some of the crazier stuff from the source material.
just read the wiki
also losing sardu would have been such a bummer
dont find those everyday, poor sod
like how The Ancients are seven original vampires, three of the Old World and four of the New World, that were created at sites, scattered throughout the world, where remains of their progenitor, the fallen archangel Ozryel, were strewn.