No Orville thread?
No Orville thread?
What I want to know is how the fuck City managed to get the broadcast rights to it up here. They're the smallest broadcaster by a wide margin, they'd need like 50 people watching to be begging Fox for a second season.
-the nigger OP
Why are RT critics such plebs?
Probably because they thought it would bomb and the other networks are airing more popular shows at the time time.
I checked the catalog and couldn't find one
The last thread literally JUST 404'd due to bump limit minutes ago and now you look stupid.
It is bombing. Not to mention on Thursdays it's soon going to be up against other Primetike Network shows. I'd be surprised if it gets a season 2.
>actually watching anything made by Seth MacFarlane
Worst show ever. I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder.
I only have a very passing interest in star trek. Basically I pretend to like it because I've seen other nerd-types say it's really good. Should I watch this show?
It's either because they hate Seth, they hate the fact it's a better Trek series then the actual "diverse" Trek that's coming out, or both.
Cuckville will have way more sjw rhetoric than std. This is mcfarlane we're talking about after all. And the show is just overall bad.
>hear about all the negativity it's getting
>Sup Forums can't decide if it's good or bad
>find it online (not showing in uk yet) and give first episode a watch
>it's a light hearted adventure with some chuckles
>seems to be made by people who enjoyed the hay-day of Trek
>likeable characters who aren't overdoing it
>some nice visuals too
I mean, I know we like to hate on things, but given the shit that's on television to day are we really going to complain that much about this? Regardless of whether STD is good or bad, or if Orville gets a second season this was fun.
You do realize we're already 3 episodes into the show right?
>seems to be made by people who enjoyed the hay-day of Trek
Not just that, quite a few people involved where involved in the TNG era series. Given how Seth pitched a Star Trek series to CBS that was rejected, I honestly think this is just using those scripts but repurposed just enough to not be sued over
This it's so obvious. It's like Gamergate all over again with the false reviews.
The Orville is like Trump to these people. Like Kryptonite. They are absolutely buttflustered.
>STD pushed people so hard in the opposite direction they're actually convincing themselves that Seth MacFarlane's show isn't leftist.
Almost like it was planned all along...
>I have never watched a single episode of this show: The Post
Yes and the third episode was complete leftist propaganda
leftist "propaganda"?
in a trek knock off?
wow what's the world coming to
Confirmed for not watching the episode.
Imagine living your life like this.
The show is leftist you mong. Just because they're not saying "FUCK TRUMP" doesn't mean it's not lefty.
>show has a moral dilemma that makes you think
>leftist propaganda
Umm no sweetie. Leftist propaganda is shit like the Washington Post.
>Captain Mercer, tell me about your penis
>user? Meet shill. Shill? Stop spamming canned posts.
>anti-trans episode
>leftist propaganda
Best thing Seth MacFarlane ever did was have Adam Carolla and Norm MacDonald play Death.
After that, his big band stuff is good.
The rest is his handful of jokes on repeat...
jfc I hate Sup Forums
Star Trek has been leftist since the very first episode in 1966. Do you really think you are breaking some big secret here? Based on the very limited amount we've been told about STD (and its creators) there is no way in hell that Orville will reach anything close to the full-blown leftard nonsense of STD.
If you personally don't want to watch Orville because it's leftist, then don't. But don't think you're opening anyone's eyes. You sound ridiculous.
These are shilling levels that should not be possible. Shills working overtime so hard they're even admitting STD will be Star Trek: SJW shit-show.
>Reddit: The show
yeah no thanks
lol did you even watch? The baby was given a sex change, this triggered the left. You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Idiot.
Retards probably never updated their scripts from Reddit shilling.
So is it true that Fox is airing the episodes out of order?
I like the direction they took Captain Mercer. I really liked his outrage at Bortus for setting up the rendezvous, and the way he dodged Bortus's request to be his Advocate and put it on Grayson instead.
so far episode quality has gone
3 > 2 > 1
I've watched them all through Amazon
1, 3, 4, next Thursday is 2, then the rest air in order.
>watching anything by cuck mcunfunnylane
they're paid to shill for corporate crap
I'm looking forward to an Isaac episode. Bortus and Kitan episodes so far.
2 must be fucking dreadful because 3 and 4 weren't great
2nd episodes are usually the worst as they are the hardest to make, though. 10 days to write a follow-up to the pilot and you haven't found your production rhythm yet and learnt what works.
They really dropped the ball on the second part of the episode. First part was pretty good but then the humans didn't even TRY to give good arguments as to why the procedure should not be performed, only the most retarded anti-arguments. Then they had to resort to a complete and utter asspull to win. I'm glad that the tribunal was ultimately unswayed at least, but it's clear the moclans in the audience did not agree with this, which was retarded.
I'm assuming episode 2 must be the one from the trailer where they accidentally shoot some guy on the forest planet? Everything else from the trailers seems to have been from the pilot
The change to thursday for Orville was not good ratings-wise, it went down to a 1.1.
That said it still did better than the season premiere of Gotham (1.0).
Trek was not leftist propaganda. It was based on leftist ideas but was extremely clear about concepts like non-intervention and tried to present even-handed debates on relevant issues (of course it was biased toward the leftist ideal, but it was always presented as a close debate where the audience was completely allowed to agree with either sides). That's the difference and that's why people hate the SJW niggers: it's all about giving all sides a fair shake even if you, with your own biases, decide which side will ultimately win. This is called "good writing". Shoving your opinion down other people's throats while being unable to form a single argument, let alone a good argument, all-the-while letting your opponent make several unassailable arguments, while still proclaiming that you win, is called
Well my time machine is in the shop this week so I'll have to wait to tell you if you're right or not.
Jesus christ what a faggot.
Agreed, i don't know why but i started tearing up at the end of ep 3, at the start when it was about sex change surgery i was pretty convinced it was gunna be a shit/preachy episode and the beginning of Orville's downfall, but it turned out to be the best episode.
I wanna fuck their super sayjin bajoran
Bortus's last line got me too, user. Not ashamed to say. But I'm a parent, so I'm sure that factored in.
Was pretty fucking surprised at how the last episode ended. This show really has some balls for a sci-fi comedy.
I'm a parent. I have both a boy and a girl and this episode had no resonating effect on me as my kids are aware that there are infact only 2 genders then a fuck-tonne of mental health issues.
Jeez, the first couple episodes were sort of entertaining, but last night was a straight up turd. What the hell were they even trying to say? "Girls are good too" seemed to be the most complex thing they were able to say about whatever vague gender issue they were trying to tackle.
Probably not. It basically apes TNG shamelessly under the pretense of being an homage, but then replaces any nuance or complexity with McFarlane humor. It's watchable, but if you're not a fan of Berman era Trek and McFarlane comedy, there isn't much there
It is to most people though. Even the janis don't sort by catalog.
The part that resonated with me as a parent was Bortus saying that their duty as parents was to give their child the best life possible.
This, friends, is a CBS shill post.
>a nearly 70% gap between critics and audience opinion
Media Tricks 101: How to identify when the mainstream media is shilling for or against something.
Nigga, thats basic 101 shit.
You're one of those faggots that says stupid shit like 'I take care of my kids' like it's something you should be praised for, arent you? Every parent thinks they need to give their kid the best life possible for fuck sake, the fact it 'resonates' with you shows how fucking retarded you are.
Third episode really got me thinking. Sitting there in silence for a moment. That episode was deep stuff. Wasn't expecting that. Their starship looks so comfy.
Actress in that scene was good. I'm glad to see they turned up the moral dilemma /serious episode knob on this soon. This is getting legitimately good.
Notice the quotes.
I thought their take on the current relevant issue of trans-bullshittery was really good and startreky.
Did you really consider it "propaganda"? I think you could basically agree on any side of the main debate presented in the episode and still have doubts about being the right one, regardless of where you sit on the sociopolitical specturm. The whole GRRL POWER kinda thing felt tacked on, but I guess it was necessary after all.
I'm completely expecting STD to be all annoying with this kind of shit though, with everything they've released, or not released, so far.
We'll see.
Thank fuck this turd is being flushed
So far its fucking great. Its a funny TNG. I dont hate any of the characters. Even had Hank Kingsley. Fuck discovery, it looks like action trash
>the third episode was complete leftist propaganda
Not at all. If anything, it probably triggered a lot of libtards. You literally just read the basic synopsis and didnt watch it.
the guy from the dancing cumming sheeps is the lead actor?
lmao the movie must be a joke
They also redpilled people on circumcision and female weak strength.
Every time they say Mercer I remember that abortion called Mass Effect Andromeda. Seth McFarlane would make a good playable character.
F-fuck you!
Yeah, they handled that issue far better than I'd ever expect for network television. And besides, it was shown that giving a sex change before someone can decide is wrong. Leftist propaganda would have been 100% pro tranny babby all the way. The "villains" would have been against the sex change if this were leftist propaganda.
I thought they did a generally good job until they went to mocliss, then it was awful. They should have acknowledged that they had no arguments for why they shouldn't be performing the procedure, the female moclan shouldn't have been the moclans' foremost author. For example, if they wanted to go with a leftist agenda, they should have submitted the female moclan to a series of physical and intellectual tests. These tests should have shown results lower or equal to an average male, and it could have been determined that not enough data was available to rule that females are in fact incapable of serving in the society. For example, they could have decided to allow the child to be unmodified under conditions that its development be monitored. If they wanted to be less even-handed, they could have even made the female statistically identical to the average male and be done with it and it would have still been acceptable.
If they wanted a more neutral tale, they should have offered better arguments, such as with regard to genetic mutation as a significant, universal factor in species evolution, or the rarity of the mutation making study of the phenomenon rare, such that assumptions that females are weaker or dumber most likely having no basis in fact rather than myth (and indeed they could have found/presented such evidence rather than found a live female).
In the first place they could have written the story in a very different way so as to not be wrong BY DESIGN while trying to turn it around yet being so unable to do so they had to 1- repeat an argument that they've already tried to make, only for it to be defeated once again 2- engaging in "not all X are like that" falacies (in particular, there exists one dumb human male therefore all moclan women are smart compared to male moclans? Was that their argument even? I think they simply very poorly presented the argument that intelligence is not an indicator of ability but that's even worse, execution-wise)
Fucking gold, cant believe he pointed out how bad male genital mutalation is. No wonder the jews rejected his star trek pi
i was legitimately convinced they would bring up the wage gap luckily they didn't
Also as mention, yet another alternative would have been to say that they will allow the procedure to take place but cannot accept the moclan couple back aboard the ship because they find this to be immoral, while acknowledging this stems from a difference in sensibilities from their different species.
The point is, there were many ways they could have handled this and I think they took the worst one. It's really the asspull which I think is the worst part of it all, though. But without the asspull, I would even have said they were going too strong with conservative propaganda because they made the liberals look like they're clinically retarded.
Alara Kitan is cute
>there exists one dumb human male therefore all moclan women are smart compared to male moclans
>there exists one cute girl from another species who live under high gravity so they're super strong, that means moclan women are okay
Yeah that bit annoyed me a bit too, but in the end that might have been Mercer playing some sort of 4D chess with this whole thing, he knew his ex could stall the process with bullshit arguments while until he figured something out, at least that's my head-canon and I'm sticking with it.
>they should have submitted the female moclan to a series of physical and intellectual tests
The last sentence she said could be interpreted as "well, I might not be as intelligent or as strong, but I can still be a productive member of this society".
Those other alternative scenarios you presented sound cool, but I'm still not disappointed at all with the direction they took.
Can't these fuck ups come up with a scifi uniform that doesn't look so BORING? From TNG to Orville it's all cancer.
>MacFarlane is an SJW cuck
When, why, and how did this meme start?
what a gay comment
That's more or less how I took it, it was clear that Grayson didn't really have a strong case. Mercer was basically just trying to play for time in the hopes that they could pull a Hail Mary late in the trial. They pulled it off, but it was too little too late.
One contrary example, no matter how compelling, is not enough to make an entire culture completely shift it's opinion on something.
What's a good uniform?
IMO, Starship Troopers had the best officer uniforms. They were literally germans.
>Captain mercer, tell me about your penis
kek, macfarlane is going in deep with the TNG references
Apparently you can't be in favor of atheism and weed without being a bra burning fag
>Its okay to be a weed smoking cracker an a fedora tipping memelord fuck da church lmao
Dumb commiecuck
>womyn can do everything a man can
>planet of fags
>same planet is full of pollution and the main industry is weapons because men
>let the child decide its own gender when it older
>this womyn is stronger than any man >no proof that her same species males are stronger
>best male author is actually a womyn ha gotcha.
Perhaps it's too subversive for a mental midget like you but for anyone with even slightly below average IQ the propaganda is obvious
But isn't that the point?
It's a parody.
>"well, I might not be as intelligent or as strong, but I can still be a productive member of this society".
Would have been great, if she wasn't such a well-known, respected and celebrated author. That's why I didn't like this part: it was another form of "not all X are like this". Instead, they could have gone with something a lot more natural, such as if all her life, she had been helping the infirm or some shit: an activity that is objectively useful to society, doesn't require being magical and unique to prove, and doesn't require enhanced strength or intelligence.
They are union/federation, boring is a requirement.
It's funny how many people don't make that connection to the German Nazi propaganda films... always cracks me up.
Maybe my memory sucks but I am pretty sure that episode failed to explain why a female Klingon would ever be as strong as a male Klingon. The only leg up the woman Krogan had was that she was some prolific philosopher for 5 seconds. In reality men are the prolific philosophers so it fell flat unless you haven't ever read a single book in your life. I'm not the one putting thousands of dollars into faggot social politics so don't get bitchy at me for talking about the episode.
I’m just wondering if anyone here even understands what leftism actually means besides “not liking Trump” or “this tv show has women and black people in it.”
They're vulcans, not klingons. Get your analogies right faggot.
Does it matter? We judge things based on our media, this is Sup Forums, so to Sup Forums, BLACKED is leftist propaganda.
It doesn't matter if there is more to that in the leftism spectrum. We care about what we care, not irrelevant shit.
You could read the thread and educate yourself, SJW tumblrtard.
>or perhaps you would have achieved glory for guiding Santa Claus on Christmas Eve
>so to Sup Forums, BLACKED is leftist propaganda.
It is. The modern right wing pretends racemixing is cool but either way the leftists are the ones rallying for open borders and single mothers, no?
Not denying it. I do believe it too. Just explaining to that user why Sup Forums only talks about certain aspects of the left and not others.
this episode was good
why did fox change the timeslot? are they also airing the episodes out of order again?
I'm assuming the timeslot change has something to do with STD airing sundays, but I don't know shit about this stuff.
nobody wants STDs
they need not worry