What is Sup Forums's verdict? Sorry I'm probably late but I haven't browsed this board lately. I think it's shit

What is Sup Forums's verdict? Sorry I'm probably late but I haven't browsed this board lately. I think it's shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


"Running quickly at the camera while jittering" the movie.


Reddit loved it.
Now get the sneed out of here.

What's the best torrent for this right now?

>dancing clown
>clown suit with frills

The projector scene was the only good bit.


It's a solid 8/10, anyone who thinks otherwise is either a contrarian memer upset at the acclaim or some autist who hasn't actually seen it because it's """"reddit""""


I just saw IT.
This new Pennywise has to be the scariest movie monster I've seen in years. Literally years..
The movie itself seems to capture that 80s feeling we've seen in Stranger Things and other important work. Do your part and see it in theaters.


>It's a solid 8/10, anyone who thinks otherwise is either a contrarian memer upset at the acclaim or some autist who hasn't actually seen it because it's """"reddit""""

That's pretty much everything posted here everyday

Good stuff. I always thought that It (the story itself and the 90's series) was dumb and corny as hell but I still liked it. Kids were good too and not obnoxious. And while I never thought Pennywise was scary as a monster I have to admit that Bill Skarsgard did a great job.
7/10 - solid ass kids horror movie

>it's """"reddit""""
Don't understand how people can say shit like this when it's on its way to being the biggest horror movie of all time.

Can I go to jail for seeing this webm?

Child Actors are interesting and entertaining

Would be way better if they used IT in more creative ways than just creepy noise JUMP OUT and chase you

Yes and I hope you get murdered in prison.

You didn't think the painting was creative? Hiding in the chalk drawing? The projector? Coming out of the fridge? The door trick?

The movie had jump scares, but it didn't rely on them 100% of the time like everyone seems to be pretending it did.

I think the whole central premise of the movie is retarded, the purpose of the IT monster choosing to be a clown is to lure children. To be fun and charming.

If it's going to look like a serial killing CGI demon clown, why the fuck does it take the form then? It's not going to lure anyone. It just looks like a jackass. Tim Curry nailed his role and did this perfectly, a charming, effective clown who is actually a supernatural killer.

I have moderate caulrophobia. This movie is supposed to appeal to me. But it doesn't because the main clown is unconvincing, cringey, and even comical. It ceases being a clown as soon as it greets kids with a menacing grin.

the witch minion was really scary, hope they will release a solo movie about her.

I want to fuck Pennywise's serrated cloaca and then let him put his ovipositor inside me.

i think the painting gig in the beginning was by far the most frightening thing I've seen in awhile. creative

Nothing in the miniseries has aged well, including Currys performance. Nothing's remotely scary about it, it comes off more as an unintentional comedy than anything else

It's purpose isn't to lure in kids. The only time it ever does that is with Georgie

We loved it but don't want to admit it so called it shIT instead.
You know it's true

>taking the opinion of a pedophile
It's shit

The miniseries is scarier


It's bad because if you read and enjoyed the book it's a skeleton of it's source material. Now go fuck yourself

Fuck off nerd, we don't read.

Haha xd

Showed the clown a too much to the point in which it stopped being scary, but still a fun ride. Not what I'd watch again outside a social event, but I don't regret watching it either
Solid 6/10

>Muh orgy scene
Fuck off

Dr. Pennywise, I'm Needles Kane

not disturbing, not unsettling, not lovecraftian


I usually hate horror films but I really liked this one
I've read the book twice as well

Just came back from the theater. Great movie.

ur absolutely right

She clearly has a crush on him

he probably got a better performance out of her because of this desu

Skipped over the fantasy aspects of the book. I can't tell if they're going to just do away with them entirely or save all of it for the second movie.

Life sucks. I can't say I like the ginger one or I'll get arrested.

Library book was good too, and so was the sheep scene.
I do wish the monsters weren't so... out there.
Like the flute lady and the leper, the 2 parts with zombies


It followed the same formula that all shit hollywood movies do now. Wasnt scary at all. I cringed many times at the terrible dialogue. I love how everyone praising this average movie is clearly a redditor. You fags cant hide, its so easy to tell.

And could the studio kikes be any more obvious with their propaganda? That was the scariest part.

123movies.co has a decent camrip

Honestly this.

This is such an obscure meme

This is discus ting. The lack of racial diversity it absolutely abhorrent. This shot needs at least 2.5 more blatinos and a Mongolian chinaman.

this was so fucking stupid

Reddit loves Sup Forums. There is at least three subreddits dedicated to this place, by your reasoning we should all leave this place.

It's shit

It's babiest first jumpscare movie, and it did well at the box office because it had 2 years of shilling due to the whole "lel scary clowns XD" and "CLOWN SIGHTING (GONE WRONG)" bullshit normies love.

it's normie-tier horror.

Jesus look at all this buzzword handwave arguments. And to use the crutch of calling any scare in that movie a jumpscare is just pathetic.

And to act like the clown shit was shilling this movie, live in fucking Chicago you fucking troglodyte, we've had a clown problem since the fucking 80s. And that's not even talking about Gacy.

Does the clown turn into a giant spider?

It's finnkino

Whatever you say, normie. It's shIT, cry about it.

>he believes in the clown meme

my fucking sides, get off of social media.

>kids are going to dress up as nuPennywise this halloween

It could have been worse.
It could have been The Dark Tower.

The miniseries is cancer.

It's better desu, it just aged poorly in terms of effects and cgi