>then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like I ... like you
Then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like I ... like you
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Im going to leave a tenner and a note.
Is there any line more relatable than
>You're a freak, remain in your compound
Super hans spinoff when?
>I like you. And if you can't handle it, then you can just, you know, fuck off.
>Most people aren't out shopping on a Friday night, yeah?
>Exactly - no queues. So who exactly is winning?
"People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis. You can't trust people."
Mark Corrigan is literally me. I don't think there's any character in all of fiction who embodies myself better than Mark.
>tfw american peep show remake is coming in 2018
Once again we will make the superior show
he can't be literally you when he's literally me
> Oh god, why won't everybody leave me alone?
Hopefully it won't go as badly as the first time they tried to make american peep show
Hopefully it'll be better than american inbetweeners
>tfw american peep show remake is coming in 2018
Why would they do this? I can understand why they remade Wilfred and Shameless, because the original accents were incomprehensible to normal American humans.
Hope you enjoyed the shitty American versions of Being Human and The Office.
Americans don't have the mental capacity to comprehend of cultures beyond the USA so they need shows to be set in it
>it's real
Third times the charm. it will blow the britbong show out of the water. They just need the right awkward lead instead of the forced geek like last time (the guy from big bang theory)
Why did you post this
Are americans really so retarded they can't enjoy a show not made in their country?
Fuck off, he's mine
It can't be worse than American Red Dwarf
This exists? What the fuck? What's next? Blackadder the yank goes forth?
You seen Soph 'round here m8?
>american it crowd
Just saw it, it had that hideous american sitcom lighting
>This exists?
Only the pilot luckily. Literally the only good thing is the actor who plays Kryten.
really? jeez
I have mentioned this before on here that I'd only like an American adaption done by Million Dollar Extreme and not try at all to mimic the storylines or characters of the original series. I think they'd use the internal monologue and head-mounted cameras well
>tfw no nazi larper best friend
>You could have your cock in her, and you still wouldn't have the balls to fuck.
This show is comfy, recommend me more
I'm Alan Partridge
Apparently some of us are. It's pretty embarrassing living here sometimes.
There is worse; American Porridge. It was even written by the same people, even using the same jokes and plots. It was just awful.
That Mitchell and Webb Look (if you want more of Dave and Rob)
Curb Your Enthusiasm is the only other show that really pulls off this type of humor as well.
I really don't think it will work, they won't be able to capture of culture nor the weirdness/cringe moments as well. I bet if they do somehow make the show it's going to be another shitty cbs show that will only have a season or two, and it probably won't even be POV.
I always enjoyed Red Dwarf a lot for comfy. It was only let down by Monster Of The Week Syndrome. Though they tried to fix it by bringing up old stuff to try and sort situations.
Everything else is more cringey than comfoy. I like Porridge as comfy. I also like Open All Hours as comfy.
>growing up wanting to be jez
>then realising oh fuck im Mark
>then realising oh fuck im actually marks racist mate
I love this character so much, I just fucking hate him and it's brilliant.
>peep show
I dont think youre watching the right show
that's not how the song goes
let's just hope they don't fuck it up like the other 19 times
That's the mark (ha) of a good villain, the one you love to hate. He makes you angry everytime he shows up but he's just an actor, a good guy in real life.
I think about this A LOT
Detectorists is actually comfy. Like top tier comf.
they can't, there's way too many things wrong with American TV to get it right. First off, they should not speak to copy the characters or plot lines and should just focus on some sort of comedic duo and the camera/internal monologues. Peep Show was highly rated but wasn't that popular in the UK, it won't be here either and the creators would need to accept that and being willing to write a show that isn't blandly appealing a large audience
That quote is my life, as much as I hate being in relationships (fuckign annoying most of the time) lonliness is a fate much, much worse for me anyway. Being single is good for awhile but the depression slowly feasts on you.
I'm thinking of having some naan with my dinner today, how many should I get?
Four is a nice even number.
Ones enough. You know it. Nice curry and naan fills you up
Four? FOUR NAAN? That's insane.
I've got us both a lovely big curry, as a treat. There's a naan and a half each.
I fucking love seasonal beatings
this is correct. i watched the first season in about a day or two as theres only 6 eps in it after seeing some user recommend it a few days ago. Pure comfy
The Trip and The Trip To Italy. Haven't seen the third series to Spain so I can't comment on that yet.
Just watched the trailer. there's the villain from sherlock and the warg guy from game of thrones, and geek from the office, in it. surely you jest good sir?
> surely you jest good sir?
why would i be?
That crack is a bit moreish
Yes. This so much. The ending actually made me cry and smile like an idiot. Lovely series
>h-hello it's me!
best peep show scene
Mark and Jez taking the wedding car is the perfect ending to that episode.
>what a brilliant joke
Super Hans is the perfect side character. He's amazing, doesn't steal the show but he's never overstaying his welcome.
>he took a little bit of cocaine to calm himself down
heh, it did degenerate
She didn't force anything up my bum. That's why it's not rape.
>I've accidentally run to Windsor
No, not bum rape, Mark. No one said it was bum rape.
Except it isn't rape. UK law says it isn't rape. Girls cannot rape men. There is forcing penetration and forced to penetration. If a girl puts on a strap-on and pegs you against your will, it's sexual assault with an object.
what if she straps you to a chair, gives you viagra, then forcibly rides you for hours.
Sexual Assault with Forced to Penetrate.
that's just a roundabout way to describe rape though.
Honestly it would have been a good ending to the show.
Sounds like a good time, as long as nothing goes up my bum.
I always like how as the show goes on the characters change, reflecting the fact that Mark's perception of them is becoming more realistic.
Jeff goes from being a chad to just some beta who's slightly more confident than Mark.
Sophie goes from his dream girl to a horrible bitch.
Johnson goes from a business mastermind to a lunatic.
The only one that feels jarring is Dobbie because they didn't do it naturally.
>"Rape is a statutory offence in England and Wales. According to the law, rape occurs when one person penetrates another with their penis without the consent of the person being penetrated. If a victim is forcefully penetrated with an object, this is classed as "Assault by Penetration".
Holy fuck you're right, my god what sexist times we live in.
Nope. In the UK, rape is if you force a penis into a mouth, vagina or anus. That's it. End of. If she forces your penis inside of her, she is forcing you to penetrate, but it isn't rape.
We're a backwards country, user.
now THAT'S a stag.
The justification for this is to prevent lawyers arguing that the woman forced the penetration, rather than the man forcing it on her. Something about preventing women not reporting the rape or some shit I dunno.
In the USA, rape is when you have sex with consent, end of. Doesn't matter who or what. Also, as for Scotland and Northern Ireland, their laws might be different.
Were they trying to replace Toni with her?
>i've always kind of wanted to poo in a pool
Without consent. Why do I always forget to say certain shit?
Does it actually matter though? If the sentence is the same, it's just another ancient law no one has any reason to bother changing.
>that johnson scene where he says the business is fucked and flees
For me Jeff loses his edge once he starts taking care of Mark's kid. The show presents it as if Jeff is getting one up by raising another man's child, but really it makes him the even more pathetic one.
I don't think it has the same sentencing though. Sexual Assault has a shorter sentence than Rape.
Cause you're human. You're an evolved monkey.
I never really thought about it until recently but he's probably the one who pulled the fire alarm.
>to be honest I'm a bit of a pedophobe
Mark isn't man enough to be a father, seems to be in line with the cockless eunuch thing.
>people replying to this implying that The office isn't better than anything their shitty island nation has ever made
You're an island too, user. You're just bigger. Any nation that doesn't have water surrounding it on all sides is exempt from the island meme.
>emoji response
Says alot from a land who's ancestors are from this ''shitty island''
>americans like to identify themselves as ''irish''
>in truth, 86% of americans descened from ENGLAND
It will be just like the Office, which missed the point of the original completely.
>Average Joes trapped and unfulfilled, trying to make the best of things and only occasionally succeeding.
>Better give them happy endings and see that they're all fulfilled.
most english people got MICK'D but honestly most american's do have irish blood as they used to breed a lot