What does /tv think of this guy?
YMS thread
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if you condone meat eating it is hypocritical to condemn animal fucking
Obnoxious RLM knockoff, same kind of autistic "I am objective in all things" aura around him that most redditors have, wants to fuck dogs. He sucks.
Is that Adam Johnston from YMS (YourDogSucksMyCockdotORG) who is a dog rapist and enjoys bestialty?
Stop fucking dogs
Please don't tell my you're subscribed to him, OP?
nitpicks shitty movies nobody cares about without the humor of RLM
How can anyone honestly take him seriously after that stupid fucking quote where he says "People who like Kurosawa and Welles are pretending"?
He genuinely thought that Herzog only makes documentaries and sometimes, sometimes movies. He's regular on imdb how the fuck do you miss his entire filmography?
Since he's gay does he only want to fuck male dogs?
this. And he really does nitpick. Like, as if he goes into a film looking for minor logical inconsistencies.
reminder that there's nothing wrong with fucking dogs
I like his videos. He makes some funny shit
I just want him to stay away from my dogs.
I think he makes some good points from time to time, his walking dead rant is really good imo
for adam
I like his content and theres two films I'd like him to do short videos on but I'll never suggest them to him and he'll never watch or mention them
Watched his playthrough of life is strange 2, cracked me up
I've watched his stuff almost since the beginning, and it got a lot better when he brought his friend Mark on as an editor.
But him and Mark broke up or became enemies or something. He hasn't put out that much content since that became official, but I wonder if the video style will take a hit.
I always wonder about people who complain about a game but buy it's sequel and play it a few days after it comes out
Well, if you made videos where you played it and shit all over it and people liked it, why wouldn't you do that with the sequel? Presumably the cost would even out.
Yeah I agree
It's just I don't like people supporting something that they don't like
I like those little moments where he displays his sexual dysfunction. Like in the Jupiter Ascending review where the lizard man comes on screen and he notes that he would literally like to fuck him. It really adds a lot to the review.
He's a total bitch for airing his dirty laundry with all that Mark shit. A professional would handle it silently and simply say that they had a falling out. But he describes literally every detail of their arguments and fishes for sympathy.
Didn't he criticize the our lord and kino-making-machine Daddy Derek Savge guy for the same thing?
What mark shit? link?
>be dog
>get fucked
what did he mean by this?
Well he gave Rick and Morty a 10/10 and has repeatedly said that love is just a chemical reaction in ur brain
He's too autistic to have an actual opinion on any movie
>Ruh rohhhhh
Did he really need to elaborate on all that shit in his youtube comments? Why couldn't he just say "things weren't working out"?
I am utterly shocked that a man with a materialist worldview is able to rationalize bestiality and anything else he feels inclined to do.
Too lazy to find a link but basically
>Mark becomes a lazy POS and doesn't do the job Adam paid him for
>Adam keeps being stupid and giving him money
>Mark keeps wasting the money on bullshit and ignoring deadlines
>Adam has enough and fires him
>their friendship is essentially over
>Adam literally cannot shut up about it and is still throwing shitfits to this day
He lacks self awareness desu
And this is why you don't hire your friends.
Stop spamming your shitty channel in here, dogfucker. Nobody here wants to watch your videos.
In his defense, everyone liked Mark and people were really confused when he was gone.
His justification for prefering new movies to old films is hilarious. Like he has to defend his opinion of shitty movies by saying "MUH BETTER TECHNOLOGY, IT'S OBJECTIVELY BETTER LOL". The fucking autistic manchild needs HD color movies with lots of action. CAN'T BE BORING OR ELSE IT'S BAD
Fuck do I miss his adum and murk: pokemon
Reminder that there's nothing wrong with euthanizing garbage like you.
>that time he guested on Funhaus, barely said a word and was talked over by chads every time he tried
They're like a bunch of high school girls. Why couldn't he just say
>hey buddy, I've noticed you can't do the work right now, I'm gonna find another editor so you could take the time off and come back when you're ready to give your 100%
Instead it's like Big Brother or some shit.
That's what these threads are all about, drama about youtube sewage nobody sane gives two shits about. They're never about movies or TV.
Can someone explain the dog fucking I thought he was a horse furry or something
This. It's also hilarious that he missed the point of Room 237 as much as he did. How does he expect to be taken seriously as a critic if he thinks that movie is a sincere presentation about the "true meaning" behind The Shining?
It was awkward.
Well, he's gay and canadian and that must be a tough life, constantly wanting to be a snarky queen but also fighting the national predisposition to be mean in a polite way.
Why does he keep that disgusting haircut? He'd look 100 times better with shorter hair.
>tries to be as objective as possible
>literally has never given a bad review to a film made by somebody he knows or someone who has made a movie he liked (besides Shymalan).
>doesnt think technological limitations are something to consider when being objective
>gets way too caught up in symbolism and is just as prone to those horrible IGN tier "movie explained" type videos
>thinks he is so smart but almost all of his reviews are trashing easy targets
>even then, its taken him more than a month to get out his part two of Amusement
He isnt the worst reviewer on youtube, but he needs to take a look in the god damn mirror once in awhile. A few months back someone posted a reddit thread where the true film group blasted him and called him out on all his hypocricy and he responded like you would expect a spoiled child to.
imo his trash taste in art house films is more offensive than his degenerate fetishes
I love the part where he spent 20 minutes exploring the significance of the font type used in an alarm clock only to admit that he was wrong in the very next video.
Got any caps of that?
Mediocre and the definition of overrated.
He only looks like a patrician compared to other film youtubers, otherwise he's fairly pleb.
His analysis seems either purposely rushed (probably why he puts out loads of quickies) or just weak. Ralph is better, though he's too lenient on some things and isn't digging into thematic analysis.
Typical Sup Forums contrarion taken to the extreme
unfortunately no. The original post was deleted but i think Adams response is still up.
They basically called him out on actively hurting the community of online film discussion because of his totally delusional view on what objectivity is and he pretty just called everyone stupid.
I think there was another time he got called out for taking so long and taking money from patrons who pay with the expectation of a monthly upload, and he actually had the audacity to claim that no other film reviewer did research and analysis on films as in depth as he did.
Meanwhile RLM, Nerdwriter, and Ralph The Movie Maker and many others (love them or hate them) put out far better quality much more consistently. I mean for fucks sake Chris Stuckmann does those "hilariocity" reviews which are basically the same thing as a YMS review and he puts them out much faster with the same type of "analysis" and jokes.
I remember a story he told once about when he was streaming a game and either Rich Evans or Jack was viewing with the PreRec account, but Adam didn't believe it was then so he shit on them and harasses them until they left, and then later he found out it was their real twitch account.
And then at some point RLM followed him on twitter and then unfollowed him and he spent days freaking out about it wondering if he did something wrong.
Are there pictures of him with short hair?
what an asshole.
I miss Mark ;_;
Me too, he was my favorite part of the channel.
I sometimes find his humor to be funny but his actual opinions on film are terrible. It's fun to laugh at and nitpick bad movies and the walking deads meandering episodes but his opinions are pretty bad.
Dude, consensual human-animal sex!
This, I don't watch his regular reviews because I don't respect his opinion, but I'll gladly watch thirty minutes of him sperging out over some schlocky trash
>love is just a chemical reaction in ur brain
Is this comment the warning sign that someone is a Reddit-tier faggot?
What causes the chemical reaction, you fucking morons.
I hear he has a really ruff sex life
Did someone say bestiality thread?
I wonder if his mom knows that hes a dog fucker
>ctrl f "dog"
>13 matches
He also shits on Cinemasins for doing the exact same thing, or as he calls it "they just go to the imdb goofs page and list things from there"
he said he hated lucas hedges performance in manchester by the sea which is so fucking stupid like wtf
he never said that shit, someone posted it on Sup Forums and everyone believed it
>I know it's heresy but I don't really like to watch that many old movies. There's an obvious lack of quality on a technical level due to the primitive technology. Yeah sure, there's no doubt that Eisenstein and Bergman are very influential but in my opinion, their movies don't hold up. The people that tend to praise the films of Kurosawa and Welles are usually either pretending to be infatuated with them to give off the look that they're cinephiles or just take influence into account when it comes to cinema. I personally like to take an objective approach to film criticism and not take into account influence and other subjective variables
Literally how can someone be this much of a philistine?
>there are people actually listen to this pleb's opinions on film
This is even worse than being a dogfucker.
Anyone who proudly disregards 2/3rds of film history because "hurr it's too old" and tries to insist everyone who likes Kurosawa and Welles is just pretending should be laughed out of the room in any film discussion
What do you think of his favourite films?
>The people that tend to praise the films of Kurosawa and Welles are usually either pretending to be infatuated with them to give off the look that they're cinephiles
Jesus fucking christ this level of projection is off limit.
there, I just saved you precious hours in your life
What are you talking about
I mostly watch him as background noise when I'm doing something else. I like his Top 10 lists because it's nice to have recommendations for recent films I probably wouldn't have discovered otherwise. I'll watch him rip on something terrible like Megan Is Missing or Cool Cat or whatever because it's sufficiently distracting. I don't even care that he's a dogfucker.
But his actual serious opinions on film are goddamn terrible.
I'm tired of seeing this dogfucker's faggot face on the catalog. At least post another picture.
He said that he will continue the pokemon series with another of his friends
and rlm is just now catching him in subs
fuck this dog fucker
i started watching hos vids because of Mark and i didnt really watch any video he wasnt in, sux he's gone
>Sup Forums doesnt have a legitimate arguement so instead of actually watching good forum films they just say he is pretentious or a dog fucker.
He is hit and miss and EXTREMELY SLOW but he sees far more movies than 99% of this board. Even when people criticize him for not seeing old movies they fail to acknowledge that he spends most his time watching a shit load of modern ones whether low budget foreign animated or documentaries.
He actually has pretty good taste based on what i have seen.
Room 237 was shit.
Stopped watching him when I learned he was a furry
His videos are garbage but at least he fucks dogs.
Fuck that I HATED that unfunny fag
Anyone whose favorite film is the Holy Mountain isn't a real person.
>He actually has pretty good taste based on what i have seen.
Have you seen his top 100? I'm sorry dude but i can't believe the whole "he has good taste in films" thing when he has Lion King, Memento, Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill 1 & 2 higher than 2001, No Country for Old Men, Paths of Glory and Brazil. He probably has seen more films than the average Sup Forums poster here, but his reviews are a joke.
you're a gay furry
How many video reviews have you done?