Your shit show is over

Your shit show is over.

Clearly CBS is paying people not to watch the show.


The only reason I knew it had moved is because I use Trakt to keep track of my shit

I watch it on Hulu as I'm sure a lot of people do. I really don't understand why they still track ratings.

Are they? How can I get in on this?

TV is dead.
Discovery will still fail, though.
Orville has a future, if they don't give up because of outdated Neilsen ratings.

This IS Fox we're talking about.

>show moves to Thursday
>most people unaware
>miss show because waiting for Sunday
>media spins it as show suffering because they have a massive hate boner for Orville

Really activates my almonds. It's almost as bad as that time games journalists were caught conspiring against gamers, or that time some people uncovered a pedophile ring amd suddenly the term 'Fake News' was invented. Really jogs my neurons. I wonder what other things in the past were fabricated...


>FOX kills its own show by moving it to an off day
who would have thought?

It really is doomed

This. I'm already not watching it for free, might as well get paid.

good. I want this piece of shit fucking dead.

>I wonder what other things in the past were fabricated...

Everything is subjective, there's no definite reality.

I love trek, and this show is so bad

Classic Fox.

HAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA Orville "I actually liked it" shills BTFO eternally

>it's a Sup Forumsedditor episode

In all seriousnsess. Will this kill the show?

Doesnt Farlane have some leverage?

>inb4 all the blame is the move to Thursday's not that it's an awful show.
Don't even try it shills

i actually liked it

fox just has a grudge against seth

He used all his leverage with Fox getting the show made in the first place. They're not going to finance an expensive sci fi show if it's not delivering the ratings they want. Also factor in the cost of the paid Orville shills and it makes even more sense to cut it.

>I wonder what other things in the past were fabricated...
remember when they told you only state-owned media can be propaganda?



>"I actually liked it"

Ratings determine how much the network can charge for ad time.

>it's a sci-fi show
>on fox

Postmodernist hack

why doesn't he kick in some of his own blood money to keep it going if he loves it so much?

Reminder this is a labor of love on his behalf. Macfarlane officially on suicide watch.

Firefly was shit.Accept it.

Ask him.

lmfao kill yourself you brainwashed little faggot

And after Fox cancels it, they'll sit on the rights for ten years to keep anyone else from getting it.

lol honestly this
happens every fucking time


Never heard of it until now. How is it?

>labor of love
>casts himself as the lead ensuring it's terrible


do you have any idea how many dads walked out during yesterday's ep?

space trannys of all things

Yeah, that's what I thought...

Why would anyone want the rights to a trek ripoff?

TNG. DS9. VOYAGER. Ran each for over 6 seasons.

This IS Fox's golden child we're talking about

That's something you ease into and you do it in a much more nuanced way.

His just due for his role in 9/11

>>show moves to Thursday
>>most people unaware

They can only hold your hands so much. The Orville's FB & Twitter accounts were heavily promoting the move and I believe it was mentioned during Sunday's broadcast as well. Pay attention.

>miss show because waiting for Sunday

So stream it on Fox's service or Hulu you prat. They also look heavily at next-day streams.

Not created by Fox user.

It's S.O.P. for Fox to camp on the rights of anything they cancel that has even a moderate potential to move elsewhere.
Another network might actually turn it around and make money off it, can't have that.

Wait a couple of weeks guys Star Trek Discovery will be out on CBS All Access. Like the Orville but with fewer sexist jokes peace out

if digits Seth just HAS to sing on an episode

just makes it all the more painful, knowing his show flopped because he couldn't carry a lead role while imitating his childhood heroes from star trek.

Reminder CBS moved Star Trek TOS from an evening timeslot (for kids) to Fridays at 10pm in season 3 so 90% of the audience was either sleeping or out getting a malt shake with the boys at the diner on friday night

Fuck they're tring to kill the show

And what a stinker to move to Thursday with.

I felt like it was assaulting me the whole episode. It made no sense for all the humans to have opinions on how another species does its thang. And even went to alien court over it.

The Moclans did the right thing, in the end. Even with the tinkly sad music.

My PVR didn't pick it up because the record all in series on this day setting didn't readjust.

I suspect this will be a one-week blip for many others like me.

desu the worst part isn't seth. i hate that libtard faggot, but i kind of found his emulation of jim endearing

Almost all the threads and everyone in it were shills dude. The show was absolute trash

i wanna put it in the security officer, but that boxing scene was shit tier

They were so blatant with it too. And people try to say shills don't come here, fucking idiots.

I saw it advertise at the bottom of the episode 2 rip

Sad thing is the show could be great if they played it straight.

what did you expect when it features macfarlane

>orville rotten tomatoes thread
>everyone in the thread revels in its bad reviews
>orville live thread
>everyone having fun and enjoying themselves
>orville ratings thread
>everyone gloats about how bad it is and is going to fail


If they played it straight then it would just be a blatant mediocre Star Trek rip-off. At least with some humor they can claim it's a mediocre parody.

TVTime is superior.

If digits not only will this come true but a female character will say he has a lovely singing voice.

Does TVTime integrate seamlessly with Quasar/Kodi? Can I say to my phone "play the next episode of America's Next Top Model", have it consult its own database, which is based off Kodi's database, which is a mirror of Quasar's database, which is constantly updated with my watched episode status and/or time elapsed on any given episode, then have it send a command to Kodi to open a .strm link for the appropriate episode with Quasar and present me with a list of torrents for that episode? No, so FUCK OFF.

>This IS Fox we're talking about.
The show is fucked ;-; it was fun while it lasted senpaitachi

>paid Orville shills
Why is it anytime some anons enjoy a show shitters have to screech about muh paid shills?
I fucking wish i was getting paid just for liking this show.

>not libfag
You don't belong here

Because there's no way anyone with a modicum of taste would like this show. Plus they all use the same script.
"I actually liked it."

This should have been on Netflix or similar digital release. It's a niche show that has no chance to compete on network television, and also it would be better if they could swear.

>fox just has a grudge against seth

you're thinking of Fox News, fox is degenerate af

People that actually think paid shills come to this god for saken website to advertise to a couple hundred fat poor neckbeards have got to be the stupidest mother fuckers on earth.

How could anyone think they would waste their time? I could see people shilling their own small projects or websites, but you honestly think Fox Corp is paying pajeets 2 cents a post to come HERE??

If so you are dumber than a bag of hammers.

>b-but I though it was good. I-I actually liked it!!!
Get fucked plebs. Your shit show is garbage.

Anybody who thinks Fox is paying people to come here and promote the Orville is an idiot.
Obviously CBS is paying people to come here and start that rumor.

Every thread on Sup Forums is full of people who think all the games are fixed too. Whoever wins it's fixed in their favor. Something about Sup Forums makes people retarded.

He's an executive producer on this. He is on all his shows.

nice reddit spacing, shill


Ya fuck I get worried I am going to end up like these fucks (or maybe I already have) after ~10 years here.

What am I shilling for? The fact that this site doesn't have enough of a userbase to shill? The fact that this site is fucking blocked by every decent firewall in corporate america as porn and hate speech?

Fuck I spit out my water on that one actually nice.

Thank God

The budget must be basically 0 for this shit

>this site doesn't have enough of a userbase to shill?
I doubt the presence of trek shills as much as you, but it's not because of a lack of userbase. This place actually gets a shitload of traffic.

>people get paid to shitpost on Sup Forums
and here I am doing it for free

There's a possibility that FOX could move this to FXX, so don't worry for Season 2 yet.

This show isn't going to last. I imagine the people who watch this trash enjoy gotham, post season 2 of the walking dead and DC movies.

>shitload of traffic.
Compared to my myspace page maybe but you are overestimating it. Even during the fappening I bet it is a tiny fraction of more mainstream message boards. This shit is probably run on the chinks $300 Lenovo with a DSL connection from CenturyLink.

>enjoy gotham, post season 2 of the walking dead and DC movies
lol I haven't seen Gotham but I love TWD and DC movie. I also like the Orville so far.

literally tumbler the show, good riddence

>Compared to my myspace page maybe but you are overestimating it.
>This shit is probably run on the chinks $300 Lenovo with a DSL connection from CenturyLink.
Continue being ignorant if you want newfag, but you're wrong on every single level.

Gotham season premiere was lower, and that's an established show. That said, competition on thursdays will increase so Orville needs to steady at these numbers else it will be cancelled.

You CBS shills are seriously that obvious to spot.
You're not turning anyone into hating this show, literally NO ONE.
Take your ball and go home.

The sad part is I don't even think this is a troll. People are really just this dumb.
Humanity was a mistake

>to advertise to a couple hundred fat poor neckbeards
It aren't fat poor neckbeards who are browsing this board.
The only people to browse Sup Forums are Jewish movie studio executives calling each other kikes. And William Shatner.


Orville loser fans BTFO.

kys so you can be dead like this show!

Go to bed Zoe

>there is no definite reality

What is gravity?

>Orville shills denying the laws of physics to save their shit show

Nice try seth,

>cbs shills easy to spot
>shill constantly shit posting "wahhhh!cbs!"

Typical tricks, shlomo!

You're obviously new based on your atrocious spacing and ignorance on the real paid shilling that goes on here. Lurk another 6-9 months more before you post again.