Kiersey Clemons' Iris West CUT From 'Justice League' By Joss Whedon

>Reports that Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor was cut from Justice League first surfaced last month and were later confirmed by leaks from a recent test screening by WB. Now, that same test screening has resulted in a second leak hitting the net, that Kiersey Clemons' Iris West has also been cut from the film. Could WB be looking to recast the role?


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Joss "I'll write you a quip if you suck my dick" whedon

In B4 someone calls Whedon racist for cutting a black actress's (probable) one scene.

So WB would allow Whedon to cut glorified cameos, but forced Snyder to include those same characters to help setup future standalone movies?

You know, I respect that making a movie is a complicated process, but goddamn is this movie's production a three ring circus.

What makes you imagine WB forced Snyder to include them?


holy shit what the fuck this is like 5 in a row

Why does 'diversity' in Hollywood mean "Replace white person with black person"

When's the Shaka Zulu remake with Ryan Gosling



Joss "fuck art, here's fart (jokes)" Whedon

Fuck I would destroy that girl.

Kiersey confirmed not a cock sucker

She's a rug muncher.

I bet his inner ginger was more powerful than his marxists beliefs.

Someone has to stop Joss before he ruins Batgirl too

god help us there's actually people on Sup Forums that like Reddit Whedon

Joss "don't be a slouch, get on my couch" Whedon needs to go back to fucking Disney NOW

>Reports that Joss Whedon is cutting a bunch of unnecessary subplots from typically bloated Snyder movie

Maybe I will give this a watch.

Why? What stands out about her?

they're shills

Everyone make sure to call @joss racist on twitter

>still saying shills
>i don't want people to take me seriously

He avoided any cinematic universe crap in MoS, which came out after Avengers was already a thing. He was going to do a sequel to MoS but was forceed to do BvS to kickstar the DCEU.

They asked of him to provide teasers for Justice League in BvS, so it seems he was asked to do the same thing during production for JL.

nypa faggot

Nothing, he's just pretending so that people think the DCEU has hot girls. I mean, it does but this nigress is not one of them. Even the Flash tv show has a more attractive black girl.

She's a wholesome qt with an average face and adorable body. What's not to love?

>inb4 black

So that's why BvS was so terrible? Snyder didn't want to do it?

>what stands out
>nothing lol what's not to love?

I don't even know what that means, go cuck yourself.

Actually..I find the girl from flash to be utterly repulsive.

MoS had Wayne Enterprises and Aquaman references

Well, he probably wanted to once he was proposed the idea but he clearly wanted it to be more of a Dark Knight Returns adaptation as opposed to a Dawn of Justice kind of situation.

Justice League is a fucking disaster.

>actually being this new

>same as cameos and other cinematic universe crap

It's a matter of taste user. I find girls like this to be cute. Don't stress yourself over it so much.

>It's a matter of taste user
In your case, it's a matter of no taste.

Wait Whedon is making more shows?


Where's your source on any of this?
I've seen a lot of revisionist history about this shit now, because memeing that the movies are 2deep didn't work, now all you cucks are focusing on the man himself.

Stop samefagging, cunt. You had already replied with a picture of that monkey.

What do you think samefagging means?



Try making more sense in your next post, I don't even know what you are trying to say.

Lol wrong
Snyder was the one who proposed having Batman in a MoS sequel.
MosS has references to Batman, Green Lantern and Aquaman. They're just more subtle, but why the fuck would Snyder not show the family and friends of the main characters in JL?

Are you retarded?

>he doesnt know what samefagging is


Snyder walked away from Justice League after his daughter committed suicide. DC brought in Whedon to finish the project. Whedon ordered some reshoots and is cutting a bunch of subplots and characters.

You, like others I've noticed, have essentially "everything that's a flaw in MoS/BvS is something Synder was against!" I've seen people say this about the flaws in Wonder Woman, also.

So, what's your source on him not wanting to do shared universe shit? What's your source on him wanting being against the stupidity in BvS?

You did say "probably" but you don't know the man, so such a statement must be based on something.

They were going to cast her as black?

So you are saying Snyder is the sole reason why the movie was shit?

That is usually a good sign that that it will be trainwreck. I have never heard of a movie where it would help.

Cultural appropriators BTFO

My source? Well, if you really want to know the source, my source is.... MY ASS! *shits diarrhea all over your face*


>after his daughter committed suicide.
Several months after, like long enough that maybe it wasn't the principal reason and instead was a convenient excuse to help everyone save face.

Not him, but the director should take the lion's share of blame for a bad movie, yes. Especially since he was the ringmaster of all this nonsense for like 5 or 6 years.

>buttblasted nigger lover

Is Deathstroke cut out too? Wasn't he supposed to be working for Luthor?

>implying you wouldn't be a depressed wreck months after your kid commits seppuku

>P= Personal
how does this apply in this situation Joss you fucking bald creep

Luthor is cut so yes.

>how does this apply in this situation
>help me in my epic raid for the win

wasn't she like a sexy adopted asian child? maybe he was banging her

Free from the influence of his wife, could Joss slowly be taking the Red Pill?

Jesus christ, this movie gets worse and worse.

Is somebody screencapping this shit? This thread is like the WW edits and how a WB employee said it was gonna be a mess and yet Sup Forums was wrong again

Goyer and Terrio are mostly responsible for the hammy dialogue and gaping plot holes. Snyder's greatest contribution is always his inability to get a decent performance out of proven actors and his "this'll make a bitchin' trailer!" approach to visuals.

>Is somebody screencapping this shit?
Why would they?

she's a disgusting nigger


Point the plot holes in the movies, please.

Yes, thank GOD.
Who thought it would be a good idea to cast a sitcom himbo beefcake as Deathstroke, a ruthlessly calculating mercenary?

>s-stop liking what I don't like

And some how I'm the triggered one? kek

Have some more black girls to trigger you further.

There's a difference between unfounded rumors to rile up bants and actual production troubles with director swaps 4 or 5 months before release and entire subplots and characters getting dropped when the film was supposedly 90% finished before Snyder left.

They originally said Whedon was just going to lighten up the dialogue, but now it's looking like it's a totally different movie.

>He avoided any cinematic universe crap in MoS
Noland was the one that did that

Not always. Sometimes a production is just cursed, sometimes the producers and studio are the problem.
Star Trek V always comes to mind. Granted Shatner isn't exactly known as a great director, but literally everything that could go wrong on a shoot, did. It was such a train wreck behind the scenes that its a fucking miracle the movie got made.
Alien 3 is another one where the studio was changing the script daily, while they were in production. They would finish building a set only to be told that they were cutting that part from the movie, trying to push around a young david fincher in his first role.
So yeah, the director has a lot of responsibility for the finished project, but he's still got a flawed system to work in, and people he answers too.

Why did pa kent think it was worth dying to keep his 6'4 linebacker son from saving him? Why would any onlooker think that was strange?

Why did Doomsday die after the kryptonite spear wasn't even inside his chest anymore, and the kryptonite was further away from vital organs?

Why did Lex Luthor give the individual members of the Justice League their logos?

Because the DC cinematic universe was not planned

Well, there's a lot more examples of movies being bad simply because the director sucked. Also, Watchmen was meh, MoS was lame, and BvS was a hilarious mess.

2 might be a coincidence, but 2 and a half is a pattern.

Because Pete's mom was already trying to turn Clark into a miracle child and because Pa thought Clark wasn't mature enough to handle the weight of the world if he did indeed happened to be exposed during the tornado.

Because can kryptonite really fuck kryptonians.

Because Lex was planning do something with them. Remember his meta-human thesis?

Sounds like JL was turning into a another bloated, meandering mess so they brought in Joss to tighten it up and keep it on point.

For years Joss hid among the sheep, ingratiating himself among their herd. Now he has shed his wool and arisen as the wolf he is.

Based Joss the Boss. He learned their secrets and will now destroy them.

That's your subjective opinion.

>Because Pete's mom was already trying to turn Clark into a miracle child and because Pa thought Clark wasn't mature enough to handle the weight of the world if he did indeed happened to be exposed during the tornado.
That was like ten years earlier and also when Clark was a child. In the "Stop, Invincible Son" scene, he's Henry Cavill, he looks like he could lift a car as is, without super powers, let alone smaller man.
>Because can kryptonite really fuck kryptonians.
So he probably should've kept it inside Doomzod's chest cavity where it would kill him faster without the need to impale himself upon a bone spur and thus """die""" for the purpose of drama.
>Because Lex was planning do something with them. Remember his meta-human thesis?
You mean his utter hatred of freakish non-humans? To what end would he "use" them? Snyder planned for him to hire Deathstroke to some end, and Deathstroke of course is a normal man, similar to KGBeast whom he also used as a thug in BvS. He seems to prefer normal, yet extremely capable soldiers. He did also trick Batman, another normal man, into nearly killing another superhuman monster, which didn't work, resulting him creating his own monster.

Anyways, that has nothing to do with giving the Flash a stylish logo for no reason.

Clark was 18 or something during the tornado scene and was acting like a little shit. Clark wasn't mature enough to handle the pressure if the worst happened.

Because Superman went for the kill.

Lex didn't hate meta-humans. Pay attention. He wanted to control them. He wanted to lord over them. Why do you think he created Doomsday? Why do you think he contacted Steppenwolf?

>He did also trick Batman, another normal man, into nearly killing another superhuman monster, which didn't work, resulting him creating his own monster.

He was going to create Doosmday either way, since he didn't had any faith on Batman succeeding.


Based Joss "suck my white dick, or you aint in my flick" Whedon does it again

>Why did pa kent think it was worth dying to keep his 6'4 linebacker son from saving him? Why would any onlooker think that was strange?
This whole sequence is just fucking nonsense. And I don't even mean in a thematic way or getting the characters, but in basic logic and character motivation.
>Goes out to save a dog
Listen. I love doggos and animals of all kinds (except for chickens, shifty little cock suckers, fuck every single one ever), but its just a bad decision to risk your life like that especially since
>The car door was open, and the dog was fine.
As we see in the scene, basic instinctual awareness of danger is a trail of most animals, and the dog jumps out of the vehicle the moment it realizes its not safe anymore.
>If you absolutely have to risk your life to safe the dog, maybe don't send the frail old man
Clarke is a teen/young adult, even hiding his power level, he should be able to sprint those 200 meters, grab the dog, yank it the fuck out of the vehicle, and then run back within 30 seconds.
>but you said risking your life for a dog is a bad idea
It is. But invincible son is invincible. Even if he got hit by the tornado he'd be fine.
>But then everyone would now he was invincible son
Not really. Tornado's have been known to do weird fucking things like that all the time. While it can drive a straw into a tree trunk, it's also picked up people and things, carried them a not insignificant distance, and deposited them relatively safely. Weird shit happens, and people would believe that sooner than they would believe this little nigger could fly and was invincible.
It's just so fucking dumb on every level. Superman was supposed to be raised by honest simple folk from middle america. Instead they make Costner Kent out to be a sadistic fucking weirdo who's been systematically abusing Clark emotionally and mentally since he showed up from outer space as a baby.

>Clark was 18 or something during the tornado scene and was acting like a little shit. Clark wasn't mature enough to handle the pressure if the worst happened.
What pressure? It's a son built like a brick shithouse carrying his smaller father to safety. There's nothing strange or extraordinary about this. Stop acting as if this would somehow 'give away' that he's a superman.
>Because Superman went for the kill.
The kill based on proximity to kryptonite, which killed the monster while be further away than it was seconds before, a distance increased for no reason as a logical detriment, and at the cost of his own life.
>Lex didn't hate meta-humans. Pay attention. He wanted to control them. He wanted to lord over them.
No, he was already lording over humans, the fact that there were beings greater than humans was offensive to him. There's literally a scene where he spergs out in public about it because Clark is 10 feet away.
>Why do you think he created Doomsday?
To make the movie worse.
>Why do you think he contacted Steppenwolf?
To set up the sequel.

>Superman was supposed to be raised by honest simple folk from middle america. Instead they make Costner Kent out to be a sadistic fucking weirdo who's been systematically abusing Clark emotionally and mentally since he showed up from outer space as a baby.

You're fucking retarded.

I just mean in general. This is Sup Forums, you can't deny me my right to be pedantic.
I don't think snyder is an worthless director because I like his dawn of the dead remake, and 300 is a really slick movie that generated nearly a decade of copy cat movies. I just think he didn't spend enough time in the bush leagues before he gets handed these bigger and bigger projects. Its just like JJ, there's a splinter of a genuine director in there somewhere, but they weren't forced to be hungry working directors that perfected their craft.

>it worked for gosling
she should try sony then, I heard amy loves pretty boys and girls

Reminder that this is the guy that was cast as Deathstroke and Joss did us all a favor by cutting him.

Yes, but JJ doesn't have a cult of delusional fuckers and memelords on this board constantly saying he's a genius making modern masterpieces and then throwing hissyfits when you point out flaws in their theories and logic.

No not on this board where it's meaningless and harmless and good for some keks once in a while. Instead JJ's got the much more dangerous normie audience. The kind of stupid assholes that give hollywood money.