No Kingsman thread? I've just seen it, and was pretty disappointed. So much wasted potential. First movie set my expectation too high it seems
No Kingsman thread? I've just seen it, and was pretty disappointed. So much wasted potential...
i couldnt make it past the first pub scene in the first movie. too reddit for my taste
Yeah, wasn't as good as the first. I think that has a a lot to do with expectations however. It was still an entertaing popcorn flick though.
I just feel like they fucked up the scenes selection, some thing appeared too random, and some completly obsolete
What was reddit about it in your oppinion? Serious question
I think it was good but a bit too long.They've added too many action sequences, which made the whole plot disjointed, not that i didnt like the action sequences but they were a bit too much although they were excellent.First movie was a lot better though
Could have done without most of the significant character deaths, the Tilde subplot, and some of the Elton John, but the action sequences (specifically the car chase at the beginning, and the final showdowns) were unadulterated kino and belonged in a better movie.
The weirdest scene for me was the fingering thing
Opening was top tier tho
Press F to pay respects
Fuck you Vaughn
no roxy no watch
Oh, and I almost forgot
Why the fuck is he wearing ugly ass jackets in all the posters and trailers?
I don't want to see that shit.
Same. I wonder if Sophie was disappointed when she read the script.
I preferred it to the first one. But they could have trimmed the movie down like with Tilde and Ginger Ale's sub plots. Using the grinder twice and pretty much doing a bar fight again was kind of lazy. Whisky's betrayal was dumb. Tequilla and Champagne were not utilized enough. And they didnt really explain what Statesmen was doing while Samuel L. Jackson was about to kill billions of people outside of rescuing Harry.
I think the president was more of a caricature of Ted Cruz tbqhwy
post yfw you let the junkies die Sup Forums
It wasn't as great as the first one but I don't understand why critics were divided on the film.
Whiskey > Scotch
Saw it last night. Standard popcorn flick, good for a matinee.
But wtf, my showing had little kids that kept on talking. Dude didn't want to be there. Fuck those parents, didn't believe the meme but it was a black dude and a ratchet looking white chick. Brought 3 kids with them, one was a baby wtf.
>Roxy dies
Vaughn you absolute madman
Trump didn't reach a full year of presidency yet, i think? The production process probably takes a lot longer. so yeah, just a generic stab toward conservatives it seems
Orange is 33 in gematria. He is a member of the sore arse club.
le epic gentlesir
I kind of liked the villain choice, pretty unorthodox
So what are the Church Massacre/Anal moments in this one?
Marking a gal with the tracking device by fingering her
Is reddit into classic fashion? I always associated them with le epic nerdy t-shirts and hipster beards.
>incoming missile
>"Oh shit"
>last words of Roxy
Fucking kek. Vaughn whaddya doin'? Also,
>that drift scene at the beginning
-a guy gets ground into hamburger and eaten
-main dude fingerblasts a girl and the camera zooms into her huge cgi vagina
With great continuity, eggsy gets covered in shit, after which kinky ~ tries to kiss him
>Post better spy films
>"Or we could just fuck"
>drops clothes
>practically a skeleton w/ small tits
I woulda nope-d out as well. Bitch probably had AIDs or something.
first one was a pleasant surprise
this one kind of over-promised compared to what it was actually like (people were expecting more scenes with channing tatum, etc.)
>we need to put seppos in it for the seppo audience
You can already find the articles about "is the president in Kingsman a caricature of Trump"
1. He didnt do anything illegal
2. He was OUR guy
same here. i gave it a try again a few months later and once you get past the reddit pub scene the movie is pretty good
and why did she have the golden circle tramp stamp? it didn't seem like she was an agent or anything. did the dude make her get it? did he bring her to the villain's town to use the tattoo machine? why would julianne moore be OK with that when she was so paranoid about letting people in? why was it on her ass? did she have to sit in the tattoo chair upside down or something
the list of spy films that are worse than kingsman is probably pretty short
>main dude fingerblasts a girl and the camera zooms into her huge cgi vagina
>kingsmen is reddit because of costume design
you alright boyo?
No, I'm drunk and the weather here is shit. Like, autumn in england shit
That's not a proper spy movie. Fuck you, movie posters, you've cheated me for the last time.
dude dead Christians lmao
This time I'll do the fingering
they can just bring her back in the next one, it's not like any of this shit matters
this scene was kino
For a functioning psychopath she really didnt think her plan through... but thats the problem with being crazy i guess.
>did she have to sit in the tattoo chair upside down or something
is that how you think people get tramp stamps now? They just lay down on the table-chair face down
I loved her shtick. The whole 70's style, especially with the ruins scenery was really cool. But as a character, Poppy was just really boring and didn't have enough charisma. Wish her robot hairdresser did more.
On that note, did anyone else think the affects of her toxin were lame as fuck? I expected it to be something really absurd or spectacular but manic dancing, paralysis, and then the blood was just boring. I assume the dancing stage must have meant to be some connection to Poppy's idealized 70's style, but they never really did anything with it. They could have had some sort of action scene in a club with the afflicted people dancing or something. Or a scene in which the caged druggies end up looking like cage dancers.
wasn't it a machine that did it automatically, though? i don't think the logistics here really add up
and her plan wasn't that terrible, she just didn't expect that the president would also turn out to be a dumb psychopath
He did nothing wrong.
Remember the pre-election polls? Nobody expected Trump to win either
Why was he the only one who kept voting against Halle Berry becoming a field agent?
Based Mustache Man
because he was a dick
that's it
But the first one was also shit...
What if it was a solid, proper shit, and the new one is just a loose diarrea
Yup, based Oberyn
Best guess is that he didn't want to see what happened to his dead girlfriend happen to her.
The first one didnt get the tone right. Over the top for the sake of being over the top doesnt mix well with dramatic elements.
>after taking down 2 of the largest drug cartels, Javier Pena retires from the DEA to fight a super secret evil drug organization after losing his wife to a firefight between drug users
He just can't get away from the drugs.
I remember the robot holding the gold tattooing pen, but i might be wrong. Also, maybe men get tattoos on the collar and women get em on the tail and the machine reconfigers accordingly.
Lastly, what part of "we dont negotiate with terrorists" dont you get?
Yeah, it had nothing to do with him being a gentleman not wanting to see a woman he cares about be in danger
the first movie was a failure and the second is obviously even more so
The first movie was garbage though
drumpf wanted to legalize weed but sessions stopped him
>they didnt really explain what Statesmen was doing while Samuel L. Jackson was about to kill billions
Maybe the previous President, who was working with Valentine, was able to keep them in the dark/neutralized.
>that trigger discipline
fuck dude
>all this marketing with the orange tuxedo
>he wears it in one scene
Saw it last night. Kind of a disappointment from the original.
>way too long for an action movie (2 and a half fucking hours!)
>Elton John doing fighting moves was the dumbest thing I've ever seen this year
>Channing Tatum's character was greatly under-used
>villain's motive is even stupider than the previous one (hurrr legalize drugs so I can finally get the recognition I've been starving for as a business CEO or else I'll kill everyone that uses drugs)
Action scenes were good as always, but the substance is really lacking which is greatly exaggerated by the fact that they tried to make an hour 45 minute movie into a 2 and a half hour movie.
mfw when they didn't
whats with all the blacks in the TV commercials for it?
>>Channing Tatum's character was greatly under-used
this. The other guy wasn't even on the posters.
This. Use that Gel in this film and make her part cyborg.
>cyborg Roxy
My dick would fucking explode
>implying she is dead
It's clear she had an idea the missile was coming, easily could pull a 'Hey I got into a bunker last minute' thing for the next movie
so verdict guys? worth the watch or not? I enjoyed the first
I just saw it
It's worth a watch, I has it really fun moments
I hope the next one is a more personal story
How exactly did Harry survive?
It's a fucking eyesore.
You want to know why this movie is bombing and nobody is talking about it?
It's because people keep seeing adverts for it but nobody ever even heard of the first one
Statesman reached him not long after he was shot, recognised he was a agent but didnt know who.
Statesman has this gel pack thing that was developed because their own agents yep getting headshot because Murica. It rebuilds the brain.
Harry lost his memory and it took Eggsy to wake him up.
Literally nanomachines.
Solid mindless action flick. Has a bunch of glaringly obvious flaws, but if you enjoyed the first, you'll probably enjoy this one.
>mfw everyone says 1st one was better
>mfw I never saw the first but will do it now
>mfw I enjoyed the mindless shenanigans in the second one so I'll definitely enjoy the first
I hadn't even seen any trailers or anything so Pascal Pena was a genuine surprise for me. I love that guy. He's great.
Exactly my thoughts
Merlin's death was kino
I saw the first one on tv a week ago and thought it was pretty good
His singing was amazing. Actually discovered the name of a song whose tune I knew for like 5 years. Feels good.
helps that it was in every other movie to come out this year
So why the fuck was the Golden Circle targeting Kingsman at the start?
Like if they never made a move against them, they never would've even known they were there until the announcement
Not the "Country Road" one, the "Annie's Song" one. It was playing in that bar when Eggsy was getting martinis.
oh, my bad. yeah, that was a good scene
Why did it disappoint? It seemed so good from trailers
The Kingsman were the only secret organization they knew of, thanks to Charlie. They wanted to eliminate them to ensure no one could possibly catch on and stop them. Which is honestly a pretty good idea since the Kigsman could have possibly found out their plans before the announcement, or worked to stop them after the announcement. The problem is that they assumed just bombing each of the houses would absolutely stop all Kingsman agents from interfering. Honestly I'm surprised Eggsy was the only one who happened to be away from home at the time.
They killed off Roxy for no reason
Brought Harry back for no reason
Obligatory "Someone's the traitor"
Killed off Merlin (literally best scene in the movie)
Most of the best parts are in the trailers, and the trailers make some things seem more prominent than they are. For example, most of the Statesmen are barely in the movie.