Conan Invites Himself To Gal Gadot's Apartment
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how much did "they" pay him to go to Israel?
Jews of a feather
does that head shape mean shes dumber?
she's the descendant of the famous zippy the pinhead
What do you think is in her apartment lads?
>doesn't react to the cameras at all
She's got great axilla, just fantastic
shes actually deformed
>"they" keep trying to pretend she is attractive
make it stop
He is not the chosen people
What are some horrible actresses being shoved down our throats?
Jews and their bar codes
Are you implying Conan is jewish? Are you an idiot?
qt :3
thats why he wasn't invited
she was literally shilled on here all summer long
What a darling
whats up with her headshape
>All these Gal hate threads popping back up all of a sudden
You guys mad that she won? lmao
what the fuck
why is she so autistic
3 years is sudden, idiot?
>she won?
Such acting
Much emotion
Duh. It's about money.
Gal's a /k/ommando? She's alright in my book now.
Well she served in the IDF
Who has the webm of her eyefucking her co-star then catching herself?
You can pinpoint the very second she remembers she's married
nonwhite people, with the exception of east asians, tend to have sloped foreheads
I'm a poo and people make fun of my massive vertical forehead
>she is married
>Chris Pine is gay
Greatest love story never told
>He doesn't know about the Boston Irish-Catholic Jews
Is this your first day?
indians are caucasoid, so I think they have flat foreheads too
why do they all look alike
>white people
pick which one you're saying because these mean different things
Pakis are white now?
This fake skit shit is so stupid.
thats where your wrong kiddo
post her pusy gap
chris pine always looks like shit to me, with his giant ass cranium and monster eyebrows
What a fucking shabbos.
what the fuck is wrong with her skull?
I thought Israel sterilized Ethiopean Jews?
Anglo and American human interactions are all fake as fuck because they're simply apathetic, they don't care about each other and only think of new ways to make money and have other people fail.
gal is a failed attempt to clone herschlag
chris pine is a failed attempt to clone chris evans
why do so many people have such poor reading comprehension
why are you such a fucking retard?
underrated post
TIL i'm white
Conan seems like he is just going through the motions of his awkward, creepy schtick. He should drop the show and return to writing
Just because we don't kiss every 3rd stranger on the street like the Frogs do.
>30 second commercial
not fucking worth it, jeez has YT become shit
>Gal Gadot
>Lena Dunham
>Scarlett Johansson
>Amy Schumer
I (((wonder why))) they keep getting cast as heroes.
He actually went to Palestine and showed the walls and refugees. It wasn't all kosher.
>not using adblock or at least one that works
you deserve to watch every ad in existence
Does he look like Beavis on purpose?
>this little triggered trumplet
triple kecks
Why would you include Scarlett in that list?
She's a goddess
where does gal rank among conan's waifus?
Despite looking like it, she's not actually mirin'
The context is that the interviewer asked a tough question and Gal went "Uh... Why don't you answer this one Chris?"
She's making a "troll face"
duuuude look at that forehead!
>mfw palestinians who fight with literal suicide bombers have a problem with donald trump's """hate"""
>She's a goddess
was, she is too old now
i new she was hairy!
>mfw double-chinned neckbeards talk to me about headshape
>tfw you instantly recognized the body
Caucasoid isn't white. white is Caucasoid.
Did she oper8 or was she a pog?
Wow rude.
She was a part of an all female elite taskforce that stealthily inserted itself into Palestinian held territory in order to steal the virginity of Palestinian freedom fighters
>with his giant ass cranium and monster eyebrows
kek, I never noticed it until now
No women operate in the IDF. Although they are allowed to join infantry, their battalions are specifically placed away from any conflict zones because you just know that any Israeli female caught by muslims would be gangraped and the video would be posted on the internet.
>"most" qualifier allows for a baseless claim riddled with exceptions to be immune from contradiction
Most people are smarter than your donkey brained ass.