What did Bill Nye mean by this?
What did Bill Nye mean by this?
If that's the case how come I can't legally fuck a loli?
You will, just wait 15 years
Because you're mentally handicapped and your genes have been legally classified as an STD.
seed and feed how you want
it's your goddamn right
I like the part where she tells me to sit on a dick
Me too. Very progressive. Really "sticks" it to those shitlord Christian bigots, ey?
>not the webm
Why are Sup Forumstards so obsessed with this guy ?
What does Sup Forums have to do with this thread?
He said something triggering apparently
They're quite delicate
>Have sex with your children
2016 election
I've seen a screenshot with him saying that whites should stop reproducing, or pay some dollars when they reproduce, paying some fine.
Was that true? Never really checked it, I refuse to believe he actually said it.
I prefer Phil Frye the science guy:
But he is not an american conservative
He is obviously liberal
Its a cool little segment
There is actually quite a movement demanding the right for men to have sex with children. Paedophilia is a sexual orientation.
>Turn your sons into daughters
>That's not going to be a problem...is it?
i've seen this post with this exact picture like 50 times
yeah its from his new show
*BTFO ur arguments*
Trick question. Lolis don't exist in 3d and you can legally get one on a dakimakura.
>pump white children full of estrogen and make sweet love to them
He sold himself out and now argues against scientific law to sate liberals.
Very impressive
quads confirm
a face only a mother could love
>tfw forced into interracial/species(?) icecream orgy again
>recognizing blatant propaganda is being delicate
>being concerned about what those in power are indoctrinating our children with is being delicate
>being against normalizing mental illness is being delicate
>opposing those who want to force feed the public lies is being delicate
How fucking dare you. You are the fucking definition of complacency
>reddit "comedy"
>the absolute STATE of your post
He's right, you are delicate
holy shit you are delicate
Vote democrat. Dress your boy up in short skirts. Pay your carbon tax.
Castrate your children.
Do it now.
Bloom really phoned it in wiht those lyrics huh?
>le 2 sided coin meme
>le radical centrist meme
>Bagels with lox... with lots of schmear
Are lox and schmear food, or something? I can honeslty say that I've never heard of these before in my life
Lox is a Jew way if putting sheared salmon with cream cheese on a bagel. Schmear is just a Jew term for 'spreading around' in this sense. No, they're not even hiding it anymore.
Probably some jewish thing
I'm still confused about the ice cream segment, can someone explain it to me?
People are all born as different flavors of ice cream, except for vanilla, which could change into other ice cream flavors through force of will? What is the moral lesson?
a corrupt or underhanded inducement; a bribe.
a smear or spread.
>schmear is a word that both relates to bribery and bagels
it's like the ultimate semite word. hehehe.
schmear is schmier in german and smear in english
Because sex is a wonderful natural thing, unless it happens to a child in which case it's a horrible traumatizing thing.
It means conversion therapy is evil evil EVIL wrong wrong WRONG
...unless it's you who are being converted from your boring cis and straight sexuality, white boy.
imagine caring about a series of flashing lights on a pane of glass
Because he's like a strawman that Sup Forums invents, except he's an actual real person
Wow, I had no idea. The food itself sounds nice, to be fair. Too bad it's "their" food though.
Oh, that makes sense.
Stop shilling your videos, Hbomberguy.
So are we going to talk about how this episode had an Emmy nomination for outstanding writing in a nonfiction program?
It's about rewriting history.
Winning an Emmy means nothing except that you got a reward for pushing Jew propaganda. Emmys have nothing to do with talent, just agenda-pushing.
but you already knew that
I'm well aware the Emmys (and really award shows in general) are bullshit, I just thought it was pretty blatant that they'ed give likely the worst and most obvious propaganda they've ever produced a nod, rather than sweeping it under the rug and pretending it never happened.
>those production values
well at least, there's Erik (Internet Comment Etiquette) who proves that funny liberal youtuber is not an oxymoron:
I may not agree with everything Erik says but, by god, at least he's actually funny about it much of the time (i've never cracked even a smile watching any of hbomberguy's videos and it is painfully fucking obvious when his videos have those 'hurr here is where you're supposed to laugh. i'm so funny guvnah' parts) and he doesn't act even one quarter as self important as hbomberguy does. fuck that rapist shielder
Why are you so obsessed with Sup Forums?
that's the next step in the slippery slope of degeneracy. Hold tight bro.
Why only men, shitlord?
>confining individuals by means of nominating gender
Umm, sweetie, it's actually you who is the shitlord. Okay? thanks
>Sup Forumstard
Hillary lost, you don't have to be here anymore.
gotta stop letting Sup Forums live in your head rent-free my boy
He meant "I'm a sorry, shit bag sellout who didn't have the courage to kill myself 20 years ago for pretending to be a scientist"
he thought he was jumping on a cultural bandwagon, but i think this scene in particular brought to a lot of peoples attention that maybe its time we reel in our unrestricted social acceptance
I hate Bill Nye because he's not a legitimate scientist, just a celebrity impersonating one. He alone does more damage to the field of science by giving the general population an unrealistic expectation of what real life scientists do, similar to how the Food Network ruined the Catering industry.
Celebrating that Trump won over Hillary is like cheering because you ran over by a truck instead of getting cancer. I'm not even an enlightened 3deep6u centrist
He ruined scientists.
Nobody believe them anymore.
It's either a bot or a template post
He was a never a scientist. "Science guy" is just a meme
Because women can already do it
It's first world country citizens, and they were just sorta discussing it. Like most things with this show, it's blown out of proportion and misinterpreted, then repeated by idiots
Don't you have a petition to sign there, Sargon?
Erik's barrage of insults at No bullshit is one of my favorite things ever
>obtain masters degree in engineering
>lecture people on genetics, sex, history and race
Dont worry that comes after trannies are normalized give it a few years.
And this was on a science show?
Sometimes I wonder if isis aren't the good guys?
Just like this post triggered you.
>not knowing that isis, iran, and north korea are the last beacons of purity and righteousness against the evil empire of western degeneracy
>in current year
But bill nye is pseudo science.
Yes, and it was nominated for an Emmy
And people still wonder why the internet especially YouTube is being dominated by the new right
I like how the computer isn't even on
As a kid we used to say “bill nye your moms a guy” to parody the tv show intro, but now bill nye is saying that your mom can be a guy...
That's exactly the right message
>imagine caring about a series of flashing lights on a pane of glass
>he says while on Sup Forums
Dr Who general eagerly awaits you
Imagine the alternative, a red-pilled Bill Nye.
Wrong. First comes incest, then beastiality, *then* pedophilia.
Jews would lose their shit and shut him down. He definitely wouldn't get 2 seasons of his own show on Netflix
>le Sup Forums boogie man
fuck off
>Bill Nye
Shit he's trying acclimate people for when he comes out as a pedo isn't he?
1-Vanilla ice always trying to keep us colored flavors down! FLAVOR WAR NOW!
2-You're not straight unless you been in a gay orgy and realized you're not into getting fucked in the ass.
Those are the two possible interpretations i got
Nerd culture should be destroyed
whatever he meant, you people are STILL crying about it
Why not just do it virtually?
I don't understand.
Is that feelguy trying to fuck the loli without undressing her first?
Bill confuses me, he wants people to be pedo, but he wants white people to stop having children.
Where is he going to even get the children for the pedos?