Go to Greece on holiday

>go to Greece on holiday
>see this notice in toilet

What the fuck am I meant to do with my shitty paper?

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Spend it, it's the new local currency

Is there a bin nearby?

No idea. Never understood why you can't put toilet paper in A FUCKING TOILET.


there is an emty basket next to it , ur pumps arnt strong enough to pull paper


bin it

had to do the same thing in India and most of China


bad plumbing system, paper would clog it



The pipess are complete garbage low debit and cannot handle toilet paper, we have proper ones here so you can flush western dissident body parts

I put shitty paper in the bin? Isn't that going to make my apartment stink?

On a side note I now appreciate what makes Greeks so lazy. It's impossible to function in this heat.

>he thought Greece was a first-world country

Holy shit Greeks have gone Mexican tier




debnts, grapeleafnigger

If there is a window check if there's a bin outside of there, some do it like that so it doesn't stink inside.

t. had experiences with old greek weak plumbing


Are you that fucking stupid and unable to see that the bin next to the toiler seat? There's no way you won't find the bin there

god damn how will the t*rkroach rapebabies ever recover

kek'd fpbp

well done

in white countries the only bin in the bathroom is for garbage, poopaper in loo you t*rkroach rapebaby


I saw the bin it's just fucking disgusting to put shitpaper in a bin and not flush it away

You're meant to take it literally and place your paper into the toilet, not throw, so you're less likely to miss

Wet wipes and such I understand as those don't dissolve, but how is it that the pipes are able to handle turds but not tp?


I don't know how bad plumbing should be in that case. Toilet paper fucking dissolves in water, so I usually just ignore those messages in hotels. If plumbing can handle my shit - it can handle the paper.

I'm only here for 6 nights. Would I block the pipes up within 6 days if I just flush it anyway or would it be the apartment owners problem in the future long after I've left?

I would say not worth the risk, the note is there for a reason and think of how embarrassed you'll be if you have to fess up

Dude, if you're airbnb and it's someone's apartment just be respectful and do things the way they're supposed to be done. Don't be a monkey and fuck shit up.

Also, make sure to hit up Gazi (neighborhood) for the nightlife since you're in Athens.

>implying you're supposed to poo in the loo in Debtland.

Be glad you did not have to shit in a hole in the ground like I had to do in my trip in Malaysia.

Wtf is wrong with you people?

I'm just gonna wash my ass in the shower after every shit

And thanks I'll be sure to check it out

Absolutely savage

Shower after you shit. Wiping your bum bum too much risk hemorrhoids, senpai.

>Be glad you did not have to shit in a hole in the ground like I had to do in my trip in Malaysia.

I had to dig my own shit holes and squat in the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia (4-day trekking). Those were the best shits I've ever taken in my life, quite frankly.

The reason why we don't do it here in Brazil is because the pipes are to tight, then if you throw the paper into the toilet, all that shit might get stuck there.


you monkeys just fling half of it anyways



Flush it anyway, what the fuck are they gonna do about it huh?

>The pipess are complete garbage low debit and cannot handle toilet paper, we have proper ones here so you can flush western dissident body parts

of course your pipes are nice. you only got indoor plumbing in the 1950s.

Maybe you should install normal size pipes, and use normal toilet paper that easily breaks down inside a septic system.

Just a thought.

i just flushed it anyway, my shits are rarely ever messy so my sheet per shit ratio is like 4/1. if ur a titanium turder and use like 10 sheets per browny then id probably use the bin to be sure

>using the porcelain Jew


Recovery: impossible

This is now a Greece humiliation thread

The first reply is the greatest reply.

Actually burst out laughing, god fucking damnit.

There is usually a bin for it. This is common in old-towns with ancient sewage systems which can't candle TP.
Or places that have been built on the cheap.

We do use normal toilet papers, but to fix the pipes, you usually would have to make a mess breaking the floor of your home and a lot of people don't wanna put up with the trouble/money.

too savage


You throw it in the bin so that the pipelines (maybe old ones) don't get stuck. And of course not, it does not make your apartment or your toilet smell shitty.

>not installing a poop and TP grinder in the toilet pipe

Grecian engineering folks

Canadian bantz


>can't even flush tp

Please don't call yourself european anymore, we are ashamed

nigga I never saw more "turkish" toilets than in southern spain.

Considering you shit the weight of a small child every 3 hours.

You'll clog it up anyway.

I've never seen a turkish toilet in spain, even when I was in seville, so I call fucking bullshit

even if you saw a couple, andalusia is africa anyway

Fucking kek

>literal moors having "turkish" toilets


go fuck a moose with ahmed leafy

>US bantz
>number 1 savage


Really? What the fuck...

the plumbing in your area is shit tier, throw it in the bin the cleaning lady will throw it in the trash bin later

it might be able to handle your paper, but it won't be able to handle everyone's papers, follow the rule faggot

Beyond digusting. It's a major health hazard.

This is actually true. But if you build your house right with quality plumbing, there is no risk of fucking up the pipes.

Its just that most brazillian houses have shitty pvc plumbing.

Brilliant leaf bants

>Its just that most brazillian houses have shitty pvc plumbing.
I cant even wrap my head arround this. Who thinks this is a good idea?
....and then I remembered my City wants to change to pvc plumbing too.

Third world countries have shit plumbing that gets clogged with toilet paper

>tapwater is drinkable and extremely pure
>toilet has a bidee
>toilet paper goes into toilet

if your country fails at any of these, you are living in a 3rd world shithole

omg i thought it was a joke when we stayed in ibieza europe is grose

how do you know he's american?

I wonder why those are not commonplace here.
Guess you don't really need it when the plumbing can handle people wiping and wiping until their ass is clean.

You faggots got pwned by the French, you have no room to mock anyone.

It's common in all smalls island in Europe