Meanwhile on rest home Sup Forums...
Meanwhile on rest home Sup Forums
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What are some Simpsons jokes...that you didn't quite 'get'?
>hey john, did you ever get that feed and seed joke? all these years...
I wish i spent more time complaining about the alt-right on Sup Forums
pass me the crab legs, Edith
God damn Simpsons fags just wont die.
How are rest homes not just jails for elder people?
Looking back he really wasn't that big of a guy
I'm dying
I wish i spent more time bringing race and gender into unrelated topics on Sup Forums
what else are you going to do when they're too senile/frail to function on their own?
They're allowed to leave.
I wish I would just die already instead of sitting here thinking about things that already happened to me
Does someone remembers that movie DRIVE?
That movie was good, they are not making movies like this today
>and then he said " it's a retirement community!"
My god. What will these homes be like when most old folks were user in their twenties?
>you thought old hippies and squares were annoying
>wait until it's user and tripfellows
sounds like the kino zone
remember when we were shitposting instead of living our lives? God times, would not change a thing
>thinking most people our age have ever visited Sup Forums
is it blissful?
they didn't die so good
who wants to try next?
>Hey guys, I didn't took my pills
Do you remember BANE?
>raises finger
>long drawn out cough
The ones who will end up in retirement homes have.
Joke's on you, I'm checking out at 50.
Good luck, I'm going online.
My sides
are aching
>what is that, a scar?
>yes, it's from my triple bypass
You're pretty good
>Nurse, I'm AARP
I'm injecting heroin into my balls every day after 50. If I don't kill myself that way I'm going to commit seppuku using a shotgun for the decapitation on my 60th birthday. I think I'm literally forever alone. The only way I could ever have children is if society collapses and we get a madmax style wasteland where the autism doesn't matter.
Its like a dream
You can live a long and happy life on heroin. Don't throw it all away by starting too early or at too high a dose.
aww poor u :(
do yourself a favor, kill yourself now.
I'm not posting for muh feels. If I gave a single fuck I would change my ways but anime waifus + cunny are too sexy
>puts on oxygen mask
"nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask"
You could just start living as if the autism doesn't matter. Fuck it, who gives a shit anyway?
Autism does matter though, if I live as if I was unaware of it I would come of as an enlightened memer. Right now I live by keeping my mouth shut and it's working fine.
Back in my day it was illegal to marry cunnys!
Well done, Irene, well done
>that one episode of BCS that has a poor and desperate Saul beating the shit out of old people to take their money
jesus, vince
>be me in 2026
>decide to have a kid
>spend 18+ years raising that kid
>it starts to become kinda hard to jog for more than 5 minutes
>hair is graying but it's all good
>15 years later
>takes a little while to get up the stairs now
>piss myself once
>really embarrassing but tell my kids
>few months later bunch of random people in jumpsuits are talking to me like I'm retarded telling me about some retirement community
>get bused to some place outside the city with a bunch of pasty old people
>kids visit every week, than every few weeks, than a couple times of months
>get cancer
Why don't they provide complimentary drugs and dildos then?
Perhaps he was wondering why a son would set a man up in a retirement home before visiting twice a year?
at least by the time we're old we'll be able to live the remainder of our days in virtual reality (i hope)
I'll just be playing with fake VR tiddies until i croak
I imagine they will be basically VR gaming zones with heavily automated cleaning and feeding, except for the severely handicapped.
Sounds pretty good desu, being on the same terms as people my age again. They will have had kids and lived family lives while I have wasted mine, but in the end we'll be the same again. Old, fragile, dying, until we are all gone, and soon forgotten.
That kinda feels good user. One day normies will be just like us again
Someone build a Sup Forums rest home for the elderly anons
Monty Python is hilarious!!!
tfw 90 years old and still too smart for my peers
anyone wanna watch rick and morty wubba dubba lub
Let's watch Matlock