>Return Of The Jedi almost had a completely different ending. George Lucas toyed with the idea that after Luke witnesses Yoda's death, he puts his blanket on, proclaims “Now I am the Yoda” and morphs into him.
Return Of The Jedi almost had a completely different ending...
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Couldn't have been worse that what actually happened in that over rated piece of shit movie.
10/10 ending, would've been kino. He shouldn't have changed it.
What would return of the jedi have been like if david lynch had directed it when he was asked?
Have you seen Dune? Pretty much like that
Lucas' genius is unappreciated in its own time.
Imagine if Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back were the only movies in the series. How perfect things would be.
Do you think SW prequels story would've been altered if they renamed Darth Maul to Darth Icky?
>Luke, did I ever tell you about how I let my master Qui-Gon Jinn die because I forgot to use the force speed to run past red-colored shields protecting a hole on Naboo? Darth Maul stabbed him with his dual-bladed lightsaber while I watched and screamed in pain and agony. I was a bad friend.
fuck the prequels
probably ran out of force points because hes a filthy low level padawan
Lucas had a ton of shitty ideas for the original series that didn't make it. When people stopped telling him no we saw the results in the prequels.
*holding back disgust and anger*
based autist
Who had the higher ground here?
Obi-Wan had the moral high ground
>force speed
what? that shit was in the prquels?
kenobi had the high ground, from a certain point of view
Yep, here's the webm showing the proof.
Seriously though, why didn't ObiWan use this technique to save his master?
And what was the point of the massive hole and its shields in the first place?
>Return Of The Jedi almost had a completely different ending. George Lucas toyed with the idea that after Luke witnesses Yoda's death, he puts his blanket on, proclaims “Now I am the Yoda” and morphs into him.
user, did you watch TFA? That's literally what happened, Luke exiled himself in a moist planet and speaks to rocks alone all day wearing a mysterious hooded cape
Fucking kek
In the beginning of TPM, Obi Wan and Qui Gon are gassed. Then the droids attack them they kill the droids and then another rolling spherical droid comes after them. Obi Wan yells "Master! Destroyers!" and they both blur out of the screen. This is the only instance of this "force ability" I remember off the top of my head
10/10, I'd buy you a beer
This. Sup Forums closed the case in this years ago.