Name a more iconic crossover. I'll wait
Name a more iconic crossover. I'll wait
Flintstones Jetsons
loved this cross over. very lovecraftian and kafkaesque
Dubs and my post
Lovecraft Kafka
Nice knowing ya
The Jimmy/ Timmy Power Hour
Those Disney Channel crossovers
A washed up unfunny show crossed with its copycat?
Fuck it, it's a Friday night and my friends are all busy. I'm gonna go finally watch this shit.
is this the first blacked scene
reminder, sneed poster is an underage indian spammer from /asp/
I honestly thought this was pretty good. I didn't think it was fantastic but I laughed fairly hard at it. the Futurama crossover was better
It was mildly funny seeing Lisa's optimism slowly eroded by Meg
sneed and chuck
Just watched it. Honestly thought it was better than most zombie Simpsons episodes. I'm pretty shocked. I actually laughed hard at the dishwasher and vacuum comics.