How will this affect her career?

How will this affect her career?

ganna be an ugly baby

Me on the right

Baby vclothes line, baby food line, plus all the other exlusives she can sell. It's gonna be great.

What career?

That was quick


theres something so wrong about this family, so so wrong

reminder that all the women in that family are considered "white" in the US

At least he has a normal name. Saw some nuRapper with a name like Tyson Dollar Sign the other day.


WHAT career?

right, compared to normal names such as ice cube, Ice T, Ol' Dirty bastard..ty $ sign is pretty normal..

It will be a tough adjustment to maintain a career and family as a single mom.

You fucked up bad nigga
Didnt you see how kanye ended up my nigga wtf

stop speaking like that you cunt

>one loves ice cubes
>one loved iced tea
>one was a legit old dirty bastard

eh, Kanye and Kim's kids look pretty adorable desu

I don't get what the problem is. She is clearly not white why do people care if she sleeps with niggers?

>she has a bigger jaw than him

Kylie is white though? Both Kris and Bruce Jenner are full white. Only the Kardashian's father was Armenian.

kim is half middle eastern and that mixes better with blacks, kylie is an ugly white girl and the guy is way nastier than kanye, this things gonna be gross most likely

women love black men...I don't see that's how news. It's like reporting that water is wet.

Man this ain't good I want Travis to lead a good life. This family is crazy stay away la flame

>Kylie is white though

Ugly nigga with ugly girl. This baby gonna be ugly

She is pretty white. She just LARPs as latina since it's the hot shit rn

>brown eyes
i don't think so

>black hair brown eyes
yeah, not white.

they would sell matrix fluids if they could

For you

>to be white you must either have light hair or light eyes
>two people carrying recessive genes can have a child who you would consider white, but whose parents you would not consider white
