>He slept, he stole, he was rude to the customers. Still, there goes the best damned employee a convenience store ever had.
He slept, he stole, he was rude to the customers. Still...
Other urls found in this thread:
Sneed thread?
Please can we have just one thread without Sneed posting?
>He fucked, he fucked, he was rude to the farmers. Still, there goes the best damned employee a Seed and Feed store ever had.
Sure, and that thread is on Sup Forums. Or reddit.
Just report and ignore, it works.
Sneed's Feed and Seed
He's not even trying to hide that his shitposting is to try to get Simpsons threads to "leave Sup Forums" or something.
You know you could just not click on them instead of spending three years of your life pushing a failed meme
>He fucked, he sucked, he was rude to the customers. Still, there goes the best damned owner a feed and seed store ever had.
That was one of the episodes that mad me angry. Lisa should have been responsible for her sax. She didn't give her dad enough info to even get the right item. It wasn't his fault.
>You've changed Sup Forums you used to be cool
>I can't believe I ate the whole thing
>three years
dat simpsoncuck delusion
Why would a farming supply store have a bin of gummy bears next to tobacco seeds?
LOUSY MOTHER*beeping* *more beeping*ING CHEESE
Gummy bears are feed.
No I wasn't.
Go watch Big Bang Theory you drooling mongoloid.
The spammer autist is extremely butthurt right now after getting bitchslapped around by mods all day so he's desperately trying to help his bruised ego.
>nu-Sup Forumseddit praising mods
are non-Sneed Simpsons threads fully reddit at this point?
>The spammer autist
You mean the one who spams every Simpsons/Sneed thread with the same image?
>reddit thinks that because they cried to their precious mods enough to get some sneedposts deleted sneedposting is now dead forever
we haven't even begun to sneed
>implying there's only one sneedposter
You haven't been on Sup Forums long enough to remember comfy simpson threads, so I wouldn't go around calling other people reddit...
I assume there's two people per thread.
The one who spams and the one who also spams anti-spam.
Literally no other people.
Just the two.
That's it.
Lisa has the hair and dress style of Hillary
Are they hinting at Hillary 2020?
I remember people circlejerking over how Simpsons used to be good and now sucks and posting the same screencaps from S5 over and over again. Good riddance.
It's inevitable that there will be a hillary v trump rematch
Farming supply stores sell stuff like defective gummy bears and irregular oreos to be used as cheap animal feed.
Exactly, you haven't been here long enough.
So two terms of Trump confirmed?
I think they hinted at Hilary already being president by saying Lisa was the first straight female president
Have we defeated the janies again?
>good riddance
>literally just had two bump limit threads of classic Simpsons with none of your failed meme
Your asshurt amuses me.
>getting this mad because of schneeed
lol what are you the self-appointed board police? just hide the threads if their existence bothers you so much
Back to your Rock and Marty threads.
what is a lime rickey?
>haha I spelled the name of the show wrong I bet I trolled you hehe :)
kys fag
>48 posts
>18 IPs
I sure do miss that inanimate carbon rod.
No just auto-correct, faggot ;)
They're getting banned slowly user.
Sticking together is what good shitposters do.
he also threw a hilariously autistic shitfit for like 5 hours earlier because all his shitposts were getting deleted
said shitfit was also deleted
I would pay good money to see a screencap of that.
ip's on mobile are always different. This thread is no more than 10 people
Aren't those the same place though?
I'm 98% sure the main sneed poster is a mobilefag that switches flight mode on and off to evade the bans he gets.
He is. That's why he only ever posts once from an IP, over and over.
why do you keep saying "he" as if only one person is posting it?
The two classic Simpsons threads. Observe the huge number of trash cans next to posts, they're all his.
Jesus! Does that pathetic bastard really have nothing better to do?
Because the classic simpsons user is one insecure user throwing his dirty laundry onto others
He's trying to "get rid" of Simpsons threads from Sup Forums. He just retarded enough to think if he spams long enough, that will happen.
Yeah i was reading that thread last night. He's such a mong. I can't believe the fucking newfags who think they're contributing to an epic new meme. At least it makes them easy to spot.
NOT defending that autist, but technically /simps/ threads should be on Sup Forums
Even though Sup Forums is slow and a shithole
Simpsons threads have been a staple of Sup Forums since the board started, and will be until Sup Forums gets sucked into the turbines after beavers steal its pants.
You are that autist. We can tell from your IP.
Fuck off simpsons is classic Sup Forums
>Sup Forums gets sucked
And sucked by Chuck
It always surprises me how amiable Sup Forums is with American Dad. It's a pretty consistently watchable show but it was never really one of the big icons of animation.
there is not one sneed poster you dumbass
you cannot see people's IP on Sup Forums especially Sup Forums
You're the same person. You're not doing a very good job of hiding it.
Kinda pathetic how he thinks no one knows about this.
Frinkiac is a godsend
90s born queer give it up.
It is.
I've been here forever, and every time there's a sperg spamming, he lasts maybe 5 months before wearing shit out and moving on. Board police wannabes last 2 weeks tops. Make a bot, dump $50 in captcha fill outs and fuck off already.
How desperate can one person be to force a shitty meme?
What did they mean by this?
Hop over to Sup Forums, you'll see.
>Dear Lisa, as write this, I am very sad. Our president has been overthrown... and replaced by the benevolent General Krull! All hail Krull, and his glorious new regime! Sincerely, little girl.
You guessed it.
I got a Wiggum
moe wants girls to suck and fuck him
>clicked random
>wasn't disappointed
Favorite movie reference in the Simpsons?
Figured it had to be, I've never seen anyone else do the obsessed thing on here.
To everyone else, he's literally not going to stop, ever.
Smithers does an impression of _____?
>when you walk into a Simpsons thread
>/asp/ is taking over
Oh dear Lord.
Also frinkiac random is saving this thread