How shit is it going to be?
How shit is it going to be?
he's using his gun to look like a dick lmao
I haven't watched a single daniel craig bond movie.
Sam Mendes? Again? But Spectre was ass
Casino Royale is pretty good
Didn't he start hating the series himself?
They should bring back Pierce Brosnan and just steal the Logan formula.
>old grizzled disheartened Bond
>dies at the end and ends the fucking franchise
Only for Eva Green.
CR is great.
First was great 3rd was ok.
Craig is a terrible bond
i just don't get the appeal
muh ebin secret spy womanizer
sounds like I'd be bored halfway through
Remember that time when you finished that really satisfying shit and then turned around and saw that there was no toilet paper?
That's literally every bond movie ever
Craig is a good Bond. The directors are shit.
He's shit
At this point they're only Bond movies in name
I hope this is the plot
Pierce Brosnan is only 5'6"... he seemed a perfectly good Bond
pierce brosnan is 6'
he was 6'1" peak
Opinion discarded. Biased source. Brosnan lies about his height on the regular.
Craig is literally the only actors to play Bond who is under 6ft
I rewatched Spectre the other day and it wasn't as bad as I remember. The whole final third is fucking awful, but if it had just been Craig and Seydoux being in love in Morocco or w/e it would have been alright.
My only other gripe is that they gave Craig a fucking gaaaaaay outfit at one stage, with like driving gloves, a queer ass coat, and these extra large sunglasses.
>Pierce Brosnan
How come he was so bad?
Brosnan was the best Bond user
>god tier
More like snooze tier
He was the best Bond, user. Pity he only had one good Bond film though
t. Bondlet
Serious answer? Pretty shit, and I liked Spectre decently enough. They've written themselves into a corner and now they either have to pull a OHMSS or keep the girlfriend somehow. The problem is they pulled the "Bond is getting old" card two movies ago and now he's just bumbling into plots. Craig will probably be out after this one so they'll kill the love interest, he'll kill Blofeld then maybe retire. What sucks is that it's so boxed in we can't have a great "007 Goes on a Mission" movie without him going rogue or underground or some shit
He was okay, his films were the dodgy part Goldeneye aside.
Was he autistic?
Top 007 Tier
>Dr. No
>From Russia With Love
>The Spy Who Loved Me
>Licence To Kill
>Casino Royale (2006)
Good Tier
>You Only Live Twice
>Live and Let Die
>The Living Daylights
Mediocre/Average Tier
>Man With the Golden Gun
>For Your Eyes Only
>World is Not Enough
>Quantum of Solace
Camp/Fun but Shit Tier
>Diamonds are Forever
>View to A Kill
Just Shit Tier
>Tomorrow Never Dies
Die Another Day Tier
>Die Another Day
It was actually reverse flash but okay
>Just Shit Tier
>Tomorrow Never Dies
More like Just Shit Taste
>Le jewish critic ratings
daniel craig always hated james bond the character because he's a gun-hating liberal faggot
>people aren't even rating Spectre
I knew it was bad but damn did people really hate it that much?
For me it's because I haven't seen it yet.
I can forgive Sir Roger Moore for everything because of the Spy Who Loved Me.
Even Goldeneye never really clicked with me. I think most people just have nostalgia for it because of the N64 game.
that's a top 5 bond movie. i love how coldly he kills the fuck outta the villain
>I think most people just have nostalgia for it because of the N64 game
Definitely, but it's still a good film.
Rankings Craigs films with theme song
>Casino Royale
Film: 9/10
Theme: 9/10
Film: 1/10
Theme: 0/10
Film: 5/10
Theme: 2/10
Film: 1/10
Theme: -1/10
I've never played Goldeneye, but the movie itself is quite good. It has that mid-90s comfy charm to it. I'd say it's one of the better Bond films.
The plane escape scene in the beginning was stupid as fuck though
He's just holding his gun at his side ritalin child.
Remember when Bond films were fun and not realistic?
Casino Royale and Quantum have nothing to do with being a spy or a womanizer.
I loved it and it's one of my favourite bond movies but it was quite a close adaption of the book and they're out of books to adapt.
yea, but it looks like a gag dick joke lmao
I've seen all of them. The first one I saw was Goldeneye. It's still my favorite. How come the other Brosnan movies were so fucking awful?
as a kid though that was the greatest opening scene i'd ever seen
I remember when they weren't grimdark edgy serious Bourne-eqsue flicks and Bond was an emotional beta.
All James Bond films are a bit silly but it went full Mexican soap opera
They should used Mexico more in the story
>muh casino royale is perfect
>muh skyfall is shit
>muh ignoring the other 2 decent films
You guys are fucking LOSERS.
I liked Skyfall though
so yeah um excuse me but umm fuck you sorry not sorry
Skyfall's good. Spectre isn't.
hey now, Martin Campbell did a great job with Casino Royale.
I didn't even hate Spectre or Quantum. I just thought they could have been a better.
>tfw only person that liked Spectre
Skyfall is one of the most retarded movies in the franchise
>"we're gonna go somewhere where WE have the upper hand"
>goes to an old house in the middle of nowhere where they can be completely surrounded and hit with an attack helicopter
my fucking dick
Skyfall the GOAT
Go rewatch Quantum you fucking nerds it's really not bad.
This. Best bond villain too.
Garbage. The guy is 50 and looks old as fuck now.
Bond has seen some shit.
Casino Royale is the best Bond movie ever made.
You mean Die Another Day, faggot
What was
Skyfall is good fags should be forcibly relocated to reddit
>why are you filming all my scenes first sam?
Cool Samurai Jack angry text image macro my friend I will now take myself back to rebbit because of it!
Nope, I mean Casino Royale. It's the best Bond movie ever made.
What about best bond girl ?
>Craig is by far the best Bond
Why do so many people believe this? Mainly normies but even podcasts like James Bonding stick to this
It's overrated. Goldeneye and all Sean connery bonds (except never say never again are better)
The scenes in Italy and Austria (I think it was Austria) are cool but it's full blown retarded for most of the film.
The process wasn't by any means a loss, though Skyfall is going to age well. Casino Royale everybody already loves. People will forget about QOS and Spectre if Bond25 is really good,
but if it's bad everyone will say "muh it's just like the others, all shit!!!!".
Eva Green for sure. Followed closely by Izabella Scorupco.
Pam Bouvier
>How come he was so bad?
excuse me?
I'll only watch it if Based Bautista is back
I love her lazy eye.
I would fucking love to hang out with Bautista. Seems highly intelligent, passionate about film, and very thoughtful in the interviews I've read.
Yep pretty much this
Will Sam Mendes direct again?
Because he is.
Each leading man has had strengths and weaknesses in their interpretations of James Bond over the years. Craig just does it all well.
They all do debonair well, every Bond has had their arsenal of comebacks and quips, but looking back some of the dialog is just fucking bad, looking at you Roger Moore.
Craig is the only guy that makes me believe he could fuck me up.
The only actor to capture the fact that James Bond is NOT a good person.
Except Spectre was excellent.
Love this meme only good thing from this shit movie
Spectre was the only Craig Bond movie that was actually bad, so I'm not too pessimistic.
>he has a 3ds
haha fuckin dork