White School Posters ONLY

You can only post on this thread if your class at school was completely White

Bonus edition: Your entire school was completely White

My school of 1600 pupils had 1 guy from East Timor and a guy with a Nigerian mother. That is all.

>sending your child to a non-White school
Remember: ONLY post on this thread if your parents cared about you

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We had the token Vietnamese and a few Portuguese, Italians and Serbians besides that it was 100% white.

Posting. My school didn't get any nonwhites except for a half black adopted kid and a chinese girl. When my little brother went a few muslim students came. I was long gone at that time and he was about to leave. Muslims were iin younger years tho so he didnt have any in class either.

I switched schools almost every year, so we're just going to talk about my senior year here (all others except two when I went to a public school were the same though). I went to an international school (usually did) where the kids of soldiers and diplomats go, my class was completely white and consisted of 8 students. School was mixed obviously, but everyone except the niggers (with two exceptions) were well educated and good people. Niggers were terrible and entitled cunts using drugs and causing trouble, like stabbing a guy for 5 bucks owed lunch money....

primary and 2/3rds of middle school was completely 100% white, the entire school not just my classes
then last year of middle school 4 kenyan nigger transferred in
then I went to highschool in the city and it was like 30% brown

>tfw my school was 100% non white

What's the point of a white person if they vote cuck or cuckservative? They're not really white then are they. They may as well be smeared with boot polish and be a big nigger.

tfw all your little faggoty private school peers are niggers. It's bad enough as a public school guy myself.

At least we didn't pay $15k-$30k a year to learn mostly drivel that most people forget most of.

I guess I'm allowed to post because I went to an all white primary school. I did end up in a comprehensive secondary school that was pushing 70% non-white, though. You won't be surprised that I didn't learn a fucking thing the entire time I was there. Constant class disruptions, fights, pathetic teachers who would let the nogs get away with anything.

At least the white friends I made there were all redpilled too as a result.

>out of 120 students in myyear only 10 were white
>had to fight pakis every day just because i was white
>niggers threatened to stab me for being white

and liberals wonder why i hate muslims and niggers