Is this a good watch or is it too long?

Is this a good watch or is it too long?

it's kinda boring.

If you're expecting le classy men show then you'll probably be disappointed. It is great though.

>le being a man is about conforming to an antiquated stereotype of upper-middle class men from the 60s-80s

>liquor and women
didn't Don only become happy when he gave all that shit up?

Yeah it's one of the best TV shows of the last 30 years.

Don didn't really become happy.

yeah now you can be a man even when you're dressed like a fucking bum jerking off to tranny porn and watching capeshit garbage.
fuck gender steretypes and forced gender roles!
i will not stand for this FASCISM

Yeah, but you shouldn't expect manchildren to understand that. Characters that represent the negative aspects of hyper-masculinity end up being mary sue self-inserts in the eyes of immature boys.

I bet you a fat nerd who never gets laid made that picture too.

I dont need to(and will not) dedicate my life to trying to make women happy, fuck that. I'll do whatever the fuck I want.

>dressed like a fucking bum
Sure buddy, "real men" (tm) keep up with the latest fashion trends and dress how some aspect of society wants them to dress. Free expression and/or dressing for comfort/function is super faggy right?
>jerking off to tranny porn
Projecting much?
>watching capeshit garbage.
Projecting much?
>i will not stand for this FASCISM
I sure as shit won't, my grandfather would be ashamed of me if I did.

>Tfw a qt wants to order sushi, drink IPAs, cuddle in home clothes, and watch Cowboy Bebop instead

God forbid somebody decides to be themselves over being what you think they should be. I mean, as long as they're not trying to be annoying SJW cunts trying to get the world to conform to their views, I don't see any problem with it.

i detest people who dress for looks over function
no, i will not put your shit in my pocket, if your clothes lack storage space you should fire your fucking tailor or whatever it is you get your useless fabric sheets from

>something something fantasy about a rich dude in a suit impressing her by buying an expensive meal at an expensive restaurant and fucking her later

In real life most young women still have student mentality and are totally with you if you want to save money by looking for a cheap restaurant.

better than a good watch. I was so into it I watched it in a week and a half.

>bring home 9/10 cutie from work
>Play Snipperclips on the Switch
>Watch Guardians of the Galaxy
>Fuck later that night

Suck it Don.

I was picturing a chubbyfat fedora wearing CS/Business student.

Does this involve dragging someone's balls by a claw hammer?

Embarrassing post