ITT: hugely overrated movies.
ITT: hugely overrated movies
agreed. nothing happens: the movie
>People think a good movie is good
Fuck this board.
>Critics say movie is great
>It's actually bad-to-ok at best
>>It's actually bad-to-ok at best
doesn't apply to Sicario
I fucking hate Superheroes and that's all Hollywood makes anymore it's fucking garbage. Like realistically how many fucking Spider-Mans are there going to be in my lifetime?
Most Jim Carey movies, may just be personal preference but i cant stand him
No country for old men
Fight club
V for vendetta
And pretty much half the movies shilled on here
12 years a Slav was way better.
Sicario sucked for the most part. FBI was a bunch of crybabies. Couple funny scenes where beaners got fucked up. 3/10
Inception, Prisoners, Leon The Professional
Yes it does. It was an enjoyable operator flick with Deakins' cinematography, but the writing was laughable
I actually, though I do not think Tarkovsky is bad or overrated as a whole
NCFOM is really solid, I think it deserves the praise
I had to wait until four movies had been listed in this thread before we made it to this?
Blade Runner
Never understood the hype. Literally every other major 70s/80s era science fiction movie is better.
Why do you think it's overrated? Show your work.
Denis Villeneuve is one of the best directors working. I'd watch anything by him.
>Literally every other major 70s/80s era science fiction movie is better.
give some examples
>Muh sad ending
It was mindless. The writing was terrible. It is Villeneuve's best because it is still enjoyable, but he is painfully average and only stands out because of the heaps of shit around him. Prisoners was terrible
jeez thanks for the spoiler
I just realized the contradiction of my statement. He is painfully mediocre. He is competent and therefor stands out, but his films bring absolutely nothing to the table
You sound like your trying really hard to defend an opinion you acquired second-hand.
I wouldn't waste my time doing that on an anonymous board, stop kidding yourself. Several years ago I watched Prisoners with high expectations and not only found them not met, but found myself utterly bored. It was not a good experience. I found the acting to be over the top, the writing, again, weak, and the moral quandaries uncompelling and unoriginal. The movie had nothing to say so instead it bloated itself with needless symbolism and attempts at emotion. I'm sure you'll disagree, many have before, but to say Villeneuve is one of the best working today is preposterous. He makes competent, hollow movies, that impress people because they either haven't seen better or have been numbed by the barrage of awful movies that have been coming out
But have you seen transformers?
Saved as pasta
I get called out for defending a second hand opinion, but these plebeian memesters can't even form an opinion of their own do defend themselves getting btfo
Just because Drive has a cult following means it by no means is overrated, most people didn't understand it at all.
>It is Villeneuve's best
Enemy is his best followed by Incendies.
Found the Trump supporter
Not overrated. Hear from everywhere that its an ok to good movie.
Agree on V, Drive, and Fight Club. But No Country For Old Men? How dare you.
>Here let me pull out a thesaurus to trick people into thinking I'm smart and have coherent arguments
Fucking hate this movie and every single celeb and weeb that elevated it to 'too good to criticize openly' status.
I feel the same but This was one of the only super hero movies I didn't mind and i think that's because it wasn't obviously geared towards 5 year olds
THIS along with all Innaruta wankery
what don't you like about it user?
Are you a Ghibli weeb?
Because if you are, I'm not going to entertain an actual response.
No I'm not
No Country for Old Men (hipster shit)
Lawrence of Arabia (gayest protagonist I've ever seen on screen)
Blade Runner (style over substance)
Unforgiven (good but not THAT good)
Empire Strikes Back (everyone forgets about the depressing, cliffhanger ending)
John Wick 1 (a never-ending supply of Russian goons charging into melee range of a pistol wielding assassin, no final bad guy in an action movie also)
wrong opinions
Sicario is great, I can understand not liking it but it's objectively a good film
Not that user and not a weeb. Tell me what you hated about it please.
burrp i turned myself into an advanced lifeform,
literally proto-rick and morty
Holy fuck how do you burger anons live with these creatures?
That's the point of being on Sup Forums, lad. Acquire opinions about movies so that you can argue about them without having to watch them.
absolute reddit taste right here
The only borderline thesaurus word in that post is "quandary". Maybe you should finish middle school before posting here, retard.
>John Wick 1 (a never-ending supply of Russian goons charging into melee range of a pistol wielding assassin, no final bad guy in an action movie also)
The whole point was that it's retarded, over the top action but visually pleasing and entertaining. You're basically like the ahmeds bitching how 300 was not historically accurate and the persians didn't really employ 8ft mutants with crab hands to execute people
Didn't watch >fat nigger lol
So fucking shit
This was good you pleb
Drive is kino
This was good, end yourself
Gamergate redditor please leave
This. Complete fucking dogshit. It's worse than an episode of Naruto, only with expensive animation. Anime is shit for the most part. Princess Mononoke and Nausicaa Valley of the Wind were at least watchable.
Drive was very bad. It literally only gets praise here, by retards who think Ryan Gosling is cool and want to be like him. He's the link between autism and Clint Eastwood, unfortunately, if you don't have autism, the film can offer you nothing but embarrassing acting, cringeworthy dialogue, an extremely common plot, uninteresting action, and pretty cinematography. Fucking horrid movie.
>tfw its been like 4 years since driveposting and Sup Forums has been overtaken by reddit niggers and Sup Forums cretins
here's my list:
Jurassic Park
Kubo and the Two Strings
Monsters, Inc.
The Hurt Locker
Children of Men
District 9
Blade Runner
sin city
john wick
kingsman the secret service
havent seen
v good
v v good
havent seen
one of my favourite films. there is literally no flaw to it.
>It literally only gets praise here,
pic related
>By retards who think Ryan Gosling is cool and want to be like him
>he doesn't think the goose is cool
>he doesn't want to be like the goose
Use fucking quotes next time you stupid fuck
more like hugely underrated
Exactly, you have literally no concept of how to behave like a man, so you think Ryan Gosling is cool. It's like a child wanting to be a power ranger. Scratch that, it's like a child wanting to be a, different, slightly older child that he thinks is cool and thinking that's the pinnacle of human behavior.
Anything that's popular or unanimously praised is shit. This fucking thread is fucking garbage. This is why Sup Forums is such has a bad rep. You all never really discuss film, instead you just jerk each other off for internet points "kino taste". Fucking pathetic.
this post is not kino
>not skimming past retarded posts without a second thought
Sort yourself out
unironically this.
and pic related
and ever 3+ hour movies Sup Forums"patricians" meme as 'best films of all time'
100% truth
Still very good though
Get the fuck off my board pls
You know, I might have agreed with you on some of these but your reasoning is so fucking retarded that I won't for fear of ever being associated with someone as dumb as you.
>posting RT screenshots
The absolute fucking state of this board
Sicario had some good visuals, but that's about all it had going for it. The plot could have worked, but they made it too implausible for a movie trying to do what "Trafick" did 20 years ago, and what "Narcos" has been doing the last three years. But it was too slow to be a decent acton flick.
This was a good movie, almost a film.
Bryan Cranston was in "Drive"?
Christopher Nolan: The Thread
This so much. This cartoon is NOT great! Do you hear me? NOT!
not overrated
The worst films for being overrated are clearly all these huge modern capeshit blockbusters.
They have very high scores and are praised by all sorts of dipshits, but they are objectively shitty movies in almost every regard.
>babby's first anime, 1990s style
Don't hate it, just don't see why it has such a reputation as a !!!MASTERPIECE!1!!
It's an updated Japanese fable. SFW.
>yfw you realise he never had a reason to hate it other than contrarianism
>posts anime clip of guy doing that disgusting Nip noodle slurping shit
Weeb 100% confirmation. Opinion discarded.
>posts capeshit
You're one to talk, user.
hey, fuck you! it was moving
Yes he was
Capekino, actually...
Zack Snyder's movies are basically live action anime