What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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pleb filter deluxe


Too many predators which resulted in them having to be reduced in strength. Would've been better with just one. "Predators" did multiple predators in an acceptable way. In AvP they were just fodder. The "SURPRISE PRED-ALIEN" ending was unnecessary. It was the type of thing that belongs in a Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street movie. It wasn't awful, it was just more tedious than a movie like that should be. I'd rate it better than The Force Awakens for example. AvP is at least somewhat memorable.

Nothing. If you wanted to see two cool looking monsters kill each other and a bunch of red shirts in PG-13 gore with a thin layer of sci-fi lore on top, no other movie came close. Regardless of the quality of the movie, the viewer got exactly what was advertised.

Star Wars living in your head rent free

fuck off I mean sure it could have been a lot worse but it could have been a lot better as well

its ok

only marginally better than the sequel but thats because you literally cant see shit in that one despite all the monster suits being godtier

they're only good villains when they're used sparsely.

They didn't have a character that can carry a movie like Freddy in Jason v. Freddy

nothing thats why it got a shit sequel,

but if i had to nitpick

peter weyland being there and dying needlessly

the main actress was stuck there

the predators having a ancient aliens backstory rather than...

you know what it was a good movie and id watch it again.

Came out at the wrong time, probably would have been hard R and had a better plot/setting if it came out today
Then again based on what we know about the new Predator movie maybe not

The predator were too weak and the movie was so dark you couldnt tell what was happening half the time just like pacific rim

It was PG-13.

It was a perfect movie.

>PG13 (really really bad move)
>predator costumes looked cheap and inauthentic
>aliens killed predators way too easily
>called AVP but barely any AVP
>didn't strike the right tone
>most of the characters sucked

They didn't make the movie that this game was actually adapting, was gonna be directed by Roland Emmarich who was making some action kino at the time.


Nothing. Its better than Alien 3, 4 and Covenant

No space marines.

It screwed up the lore of predators and aliens. It took one of the most elite commando squads around just to hang with a single predator, then it went to a cop being able to take one down, then this shit. People gave up on what could have been a fun franchise.

It wasn't freddy vs. Jason

Most of the first half was completely pointless, >here are some characters
>now they are dead
>let's start the movie

Surprisingly little.

PG13, Peter Weyland for no reason, 2 predators jobbing it up to 1 alien and an uninteresting female lead or supporting characters.

Shitting on absolutely based source material

it take place in present rather than the alien universe like the video game and it rather dry

imagine they made a movie based on this setting/game.

The interconnecting stories were poetry and pretty advanced for a 2001 game.

>The first time you saw a praetorian coming at you online

That game was fucking bonkers

>Play Marine campaign
>Section where you have to escort a vehicle through an abandoned base
>Beep Beep Beep
>Xenomorps are approaching
>Low on hp
>Only source of light is the flash light
>I get prepared
>They jump at me from the dark
> Miniheart attack
This was the only time I've stopped playing a game because it was too scary for me