How the fuck does this have 99% on rotten tomatoes?
How the fuck does this have 99% on rotten tomatoes?
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99% of critics that reviewed it thought it was a good movie.
How in their right mind did these people think this was a good movie?
Does that guy have to be blazed to cry?
Based Armond.
it's almost like 1 in 100 people might not think it's good and that there are millions of people
It's almost like you're a faggot.
Because this based black man stopped it from getting 100
Because it's cleverer than you think it is.
I just hope his next film is a different genre of horror, and not a direct sequel. Bring back Tealeaf and his friend as the main characters.
I think it was done pretty well, but it couldn't get past its inherent race-baityness.
>Because it's cleverer than you think it is.
how so?
It has about as much subtlety as a rapist.
It /was/ about race-baityness, after all.
Because its good.
I'm surprised it has an average of 8.3 though. I'd give it a solid 7/10 though. Pretty funny, good cinematography, fairly unique idea, good qt, etc. It has flaws, but it was enjoyable.
There are actually billions of people.
It has some subtlety. It's about how something can look completely innocent and be a signal that you're in danger, and how hard it is to actually talk about those signs with people who don't see them. The twist was that it wasn't racism at all.
You know what it reminded me of? Barry Lyndon.
politics, you fucking imbeciles and literally NOTHING else
you don't have to be a tinfoil hat Sup Forums nazi larper to notice and admit these things, can we all just fucking get real
>show a movie that critiques tumblrinas
>Sup Forums hates it because its popular
So it's about paranoid schizophrenia?
The Tomato meter isn't an indicator of quality. A film could get straight "C's" and be 100%. A 100% on Rotten Tomatoes is not equivalent to a 10/10
you are a stupid motherfucker
I like you user.
its good
youre a virgin
cause youre retarded
You idiot, that's the critics' score. There are not millions of film critics.
Or racism. Or being the mark in a con.
Definitely. Where do you think we are?
the plot twist is retarded
you know the fucking (((reason))) now stop asking
>blacks are hamfistedly forced into white movies for muh diversity
>Sup Forums gets mad
>black director puts black actors in a movie for and about black people
>Sup Forums still gets mad
Same reason shit like Doctor Strange can get a 90% with an avg. rating of 7.5/10
It was a really good movie.
>what is context
(((I wonder)))
Are you asking?
>movie is literally about white people wanting to be black and stealing their watermelanin
>message is about how the greatest sin in human history ever committed was being too friendly
Why cant they make a movie that doesnt revolve around "muh white ppl"
A black person makes a movie a being black, what a surprise
How come black people don't have any imagination Sup Forums?
If there was a million critics, 10,000 critics would think it's bad
I'm kind of looking forward to Black Panther because it doesn't seem to revolve around racial conflict between whites and blacks. I'm sick of this shit.
Actually understanding cinema?
Not being a cynical ironic memer?
Watch the movie. It was actually more original than anything in theaters lately.
It was directed by a shitty comedian.
Critics mean nothing to me. The only thing I even consider taking seriously on RT is the audience score.
The obvious is that RT is a shill site and you can't trust the reviews since they're massaged. You can likely toss in any medium to large youtuber as well. Common sense.
the critics are scared to look racist or somebody is being paid to censor the bad reviews
whatever it is, 99% score is not a natural thing and it is undeserved
It's clear that pewdiepie was being promoted by YouTube beyond his real popularity to get those ad clicks.
Youtube promotes quite a few things regardless of popularity. TYT is a good example. Totes agree there.
>Or racism.
These days, racism is just 'existing while white'.
Really? Do you find that people believe you when you say it, or do you find that people don't want to talk about it?
Because they understand filmmaking and aren't just watching movies for da dank meems bro
There's also hundreds of people. Just more hundreds than millions or billions.
Yeah and he managed to do an incredible job for it being his first movie.
Jordan Peele made a movie in which a white family is racist because they mention how much they like Obama to a black guy. Meanwhile, the black protagonist unironically approaches the only other black guy at a party because he can't relate to all the white people around him, and Jordan Peele doesn't think twice about that.
It's easy to call out 'racism' when you exclude yourself from consideration completely.
>arguing with holes
>Sup Forums got mad because it got and extra 20% because 'white guilt'
>when you stupid fucks make shit posters like Sup Forums right
It was an okay movie and better than most at the time of release but it was no where near as good or as clever as critics made it out to be. Hell, it wasn't even the best body swap this year.
I think you know (((why)))
Being a white critic and giving a movie about colored persons a bad score would make one a pariah in this day and age.
its a good film and peele smartly made a film that is impossible to criticise without being called a racist
But WERE they racist? They didn't seem all that racist to me. They were happy enough to BECOME black, it seems. The film was pretty clear that Tealeaf was being a bit racist in assuming it WAS racism, and this prevented him from responding to the real threat.
>“For while when we had a black president, we were living in this post-racial lie,” he added. “The idea of, ‘We’re past it – we’re past it all!’ For me, and for many people out there – as all black people know – there’s racism. I experience it on an everyday basis. This movie was meant to reveal that there’s this monster of racism lurking underneath some of these seemingly innocent conversations and situations.”
So were they racist? I say no. What say you?
??? I'm confuzed. Is it this?
Racism only applies to white males.
The white male is the new Jew of the 1930's. It's socially acceptable and even virtuous to hate them and blame them for all of societies ills.
It's a mix of American ignorance, white guilt and modern times happening in the american society.
80% of the userbase on that shit site is literally dumb tasteless americunts, no wonder at the end of the year you always end up with blockbuster trash and fucking capeshit in the top 10
Blacks should go back to Africa if America is so racist
Yes because they were liberals
All I can say is that the people who dislike Get Out have an interpretation more in line with Jordan Peele's than you do.
this kek, nobody fucking cared about this cringefest with terrible acting outside of the US.
Get Out honestly feels like an anti-Semitic propaganda film, all that's different is that the noble white Aryan is now a noble black man and the kikes have become white people.
>Yes because they were liberals
Okay. I disagree that knowing someone is liberal is enough to know they are racist.
>All I can say is that the people who dislike Get Out have an interpretation more in line with Jordan Peele's than you do.
I disagree. Peele was saying racism can exist without anyone being racist in particular.
Like in Barry Lyndon, any noble was classist even if they were otherwise good people, even if they were certain they weren't classist.
>Blacks should go back to Africa if America is so racist
And if white people stop liking it they can go back to Europe.
>Peele was saying racism can exist without anyone being racist in particular.
Yes, and he as a black millionaire is a victim of it on a daily basis. One of the most privileged people in America feels oppressed by all those filthy middle class white masses, and you're defending his victimhood complex because he's black.
Really, how should anyone decent take this?
>white people should go back to a Muslim continent if they want to be around white people
He is. He is privileged in the ways rich people are privileged, not in the ways white people are privileged. He has black privilege, but most people wouldn't trade white privilege for that.
Would you go black if you could? The racists in this film would.
>white people
It's not about going back where you came from, but being around similar people?
Then all Americans better stay in America.
>Would you go black if you could? The racists in this film would.
Jesus, this is some pathetic attempt at shaming me into your worldview, bitch. Yes, I would much rather be black in America right now. Nations where a race is privileged don't publicly obsess about that race's privileges.
In 1930 Germany, there was nothing but public dialogue about the privileges of the Jews. By the way, you're a racist if you lived in 1930s Germany and you don't want to be Jewish.
>It's another episode of 50% whitelet can't into banter
Every fucking time lmao
>who's going to clean your toilets
Its true though just look at all the racist shit liberals said when trump wanted a wall not that republicans were any better
>In 1930 Germany, there was nothing but public dialogue about the privileges of the Jews. By the way, you're a racist if you lived in 1930s Germany and you don't want to be Jewish.
Would German elites in 1935 choose to become Jewish?
No, but they'd make a film about how an Aryan trusted a Jewish family and they all turned out to be enacting horrific experiments on other Aryans.
They might. Would they be onto the same thing Peele is talking about in this film?
About how the kikes are hiding their wickedness under a facade of smiles and awkward pleasantry? I dunno, I don't think so, that sounds pretty racist to me.
Blame whitey for all your problems. Basically pol is right
It seemed to me more how leftists are just as racist as far right people, just using blacks etc. to gain political ground for themselves. Quite literally using their bodies to profit for themselves.
This film would make you think every Jew was like the villains?
Jordan Peele certainly seems to believe that enough white people are like the villains in this movie to the point that he's a victim of their racism on a daily basis. So yes, my analysis of the film's intentions would probably line up with the director's pretty well.
just check Fences or Moonlight for example, high ratings for mediocre flicks too
Get Out is an attenuated comedy sketch in which serious concerns are debased.‐ National Review
So the level of racism they exhibited indicated they were villainous in this racism, their villainy wasn't based on their desire to hijack younger bodies to live longer?
You have a way out there reading, and I'm honestly surprised to discover it's common.
>You have a way out there reading
Apparently the director's words about what his own film is about is a 'way out there reading'.
I can understand why people like it so much.
It had an interesting concept, a really well-written main character, and good pacing. On the other hand, it was really predictable, not that scary, and some of the foreshadowing wasn't subtle at all.
I'm far too drunk to keep up with the argument the two of you are having, but I've thought before that the kind of racism white people are experiencing today is at LEAST slightly analogous to Nazi anti-Semitism.
They weren't stereotypically racist, they represented that liberal center-left racism that revolves around fetishising black people and balck culture because it's cool while still using them as a means to an end
He's absolutely not saying that the guy was captured by a group of racists. They were exactly as racist as any old money family meeting an off-race boyf or girlf for the first time. THAT was the point.
In that poorer white people are blamed for the actions of richer white people, even though poorer white people are just as screwed over by those actions. Yes, I'd say there are similarities.
You are absolutely right, and I am neither of these two people who are arguing. I also feel like discussion about race don't belong in Sup Forums threads.
I'm also drunk. Whiskey sours. What are you having?
That's exactly it. Why might a non-racist person decide to kidnap only black kids? Because they're less likely to be caught. They don't think black people are inferior, or that there would be some awful result if they had political or economic power, but for now why not take advantage of the racism?
Homemade wine