Hiro approved board discussion thread

Lets discuss how Sup Forums can improve.
I'll start:
Threads about the attractiveness of actors / actresses belong on other boards

delete Sup Forums

>Hiro approved board discussion
Not on the rules page.


Boards should have at least two meta threads.

I wish pedobot posted more tee bee aché

splitting the board is the only option left
its 100% just like Sup Forums before they got split into Sup Forums and /vg/

not really. this board's problem is off-topic shitposting; not league of legends and StarCraft generals being made so quickly they make it impossible to have other threads.

I believe worksafe porn threads should be allowed. That's the only time people ever get along here.

Split Sup Forums into Sup Forums, /film/, and /cel/. Split Sup Forums into Sup Forums, /wa/ (western animation), and /cape/ (cape genre in all formats).

>splitting the board is the only option left
>two places for autists to shitpost about le bane xDDD
kill yourself

>what is capeshit
>what is game of thrones


Not just Sup Forums but Sup Forums overall can improve by preventing phoneposting, and if you want to phonepost you gotta buy a Sup Forums phonepass that costs more than normal pass, so these dumbasses stop posting crap and renewing their ips to bump their own threads.

Make it happen hiroyuki you japanese faggot, get rich and clean the house, its win win.

>generals happening
>dub threads not even pretending to be related
>full off-topic shitposting
>threads 404 after 30 minutes without anyone spamming and even mods deleting any slightly off-topic thread
So yes just like them

>Threads about the attractiveness of actors / actresses belong on other boards
>says nothing about exhorting stormtrooper race baiting or political posts in general

At least the actor/actress posts are related to the board

What killed Sup Forums? /got/ killed Sup Forums.

Kelly C made it to the front page of reddit and from then on, screencaps of us were all over reddit. When something of ours hit their front page, millions of normies were seeing it. They loved us, and other boards. Sup Forums and Sup Forums just so happen to be the most accessible boards.

What a coincidence that in the next few years, a bunch of retarded anons campaign to get Sup Forums moderated. Feet? omg ur weird lol. Banned. Pedos? Banned. Oval? Gone. Actress discussion? omg waifuists are weird. Banned. Movie discussion? Ignored. They begged for moderation. For anything not forced memes to be purged.

Reddit came here to spew their shit. This was their place where they could say nigger, smear shit on the wall and not get banned. They get off on smearing shit on the wall, waiting for the home owner to come home and laughing when the owner freaks out. Why would they discuss movies here? They discuss movies on reddit, their home. Sup Forums is for memes and memes only. Sup Forums to them was a place famous for being shit, so they came here to shit.

Once the teenage reddit mexican /got/faggots realized you could create any meme by spamming it for months, this place died its final death. They couldn't get enough.

If you ever propagated one of the following memes you are part of the problem and should kill yourself. JUST, Sheev, kino, pest-posting, Sneed, *blocks*, and all spammed memes. Bane was the only good one. Everything after was a pale imitation.

There is no going back. I would torture any of you teenage reddit memers to death if I could. I hate you all.

You should go back to Sup Forumseddit

>wwn go back to pre-BLACKED porn threads
>wwn see anons discuss porn in a civil way with the based rocco siffredi guy, the "asains with pornstars" guy, and the /r9k/-tier porn is bad for you guy

Generals are allowed even if they're stupid. You don't seem to understand that active Sup Forums threads were being pruned even with plenty of posters because of SC2 and LoL generals. Sup Forums threads don't have that issue. Capeshit is allowed on the board whether you like it or not, although I do think mods need to do a much better job controlling how many threads about something are made when it airs. 50 GoT threads at a time isn't unheard of.

and the problems from Sup Forums just stay?

>dub threads not even pretending to be related

Don't ever give me a (you) again

Less moderation. Censorship is cancer. Who gives a shit if people whine about "blabhlablah". Whiners whine. That's what they do.

I like Sup Forums and /vp/ more than this place.

They really should have just made /esp/ instead of /vg/

Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums asked for this when he was asking for suggestions but he ignored it

We need more autistic anons like (you)

It's just pasta. I don't see how that is autistic?

The board is honestly fine if you just ban all the shitposting

This is easily one of the worst boards on the site. Even the meme boards and containment boards have less shitposting than this thread

No point in splitting the board just so we can have more on topic shitposting

gib /film/ bord pls

Sup Forums too fast talk bout mobies

Make /cel/
Increase post timers
turn on the robot
add 5 pages to the board
enable sound with webm's

>turn on the robot
kill yourself

>people thinking you can save this board after whats been confirmed
Did you all miss the fact that the janitor we had during got7s release stopped moderating the board as soon as it finished?
this guy was on 24/7 and even deleting frogshit threads. And now? hes GONE

>too fast
A thread dies after an hour of inactivity.
How is that slow?
You have an entire hour to keep discussion going.

>And now? hes GONE
i dont know user, lately seems like the janny's been on the job lately.

>based rocco siffredi
He's a fucking legend

/film/ is basically Sup Forums's version of /vr/. If you take away listing threads, films that are in theaters, and meme movies, you have about 5% of the board. Actual film discussion gets drowned out. It's a topic that requires a slower board.

That's not long when only 5% of the board have seen Barry Lyndon, the greatest film ever conceived.

>How is that slow?
Jesus christ user you only go to Sup Forums and Sup Forums don't you?
Threads used to hang on for days with a handful of bumps. Giving different people a chance to see it and contribute to the discussion. Or not.
This board turning into a fast one is when it went overboard with the cancer.
Slower boards are better boards unless you're literally a meme spamming retard, and there are already boards for your kind.

>after an hour of inactivity
Yeah like 2 years ago
Threads vanish after 30 minutes these days unless its at the middle of the night

>tfw even comfy night time Sup Forums is gone

We used to talk about old movies, independent films, foreign stuff, and just random shit without making listing threads or bait back in '06-'10 when the board was slow enough to do that.

It's gotten harder and harder and now it's literally impossible. /film/ isn't wanted, it's necessary because there isn't a single place on this website any longer where someone who wants to talk about film can go and expect to find people who want to talk about film.

Less than that these days.

/film/ NOW


I'm disappointed with the current nazi moderation of sneedposting.

you can thank Sup Forums for that