Now that the dust has settled, what did everyone think of this kino?
Now that the dust has settled, what did everyone think of this kino?
>It comes at night
>Except there is no it
>dude "it" refers to dreams xD
Wh at the fuck is mean "AT NIGHT?"
Thought it was pretty good but i was hoping for a creature feature based on the title. Good title but for the wrong movie.
it was reserved and well-acted but overall quite mediocre. totally unoriginal concept. i think people have a lot of respect for the film simply because it's refreshing when compared to other horror films
I'm sick and fucking tired of psychological thrillers masquerading as horror just because of the setting and context, if I wanted to see an hour and a half of watching paint dry I'd just do that instead
What killed the dog and why was it in the house? Why was the only remotely exciting thing in the entire movie left completely open-ended?
Trayvon did both
Just finished it about 15 minutes ago. Mediocre at best but still enjoyable. Way too many cabin fever dreams from the kid but at least they are justifiable with what was happening in the scenes beforehand. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, though, unless they're fans of slow burner thrillers/paranoia films.
Will and his family weren't infected. The only reason they wanted to leave the house is because the whole dog and door incident made them suspect that Travis was infected. The reason the kid was crying was because they were leaving and as we all know kids, they don't like to leave the comfy and fun places.
Also it's fair to assume that Travis may have been infected from the start of the movie. Yes the characters mentioned symptoms showing after one day, but how would they know there isn't an incubation period? They don't. Grandpa could have been sick for weeks before his symptoms even showed.
Hollow, boring sadism is this film's bread and butter. It shows us people in awful situations doing awful things to each other for absolutely no thematic reason. It's garbage.
Another thing is that this is a generic, endingless horror movie dressed up in a pretty A24 style, with a irrelevant and deceptive movie title and trailer. It's a fucked up money-dip meant to catch retards who watch art films with their brains turned off, possibly for cred and a lift to the perception of their own intelligence. Lame nu-male, fake-art, cynical bullshit.
Dude. If you want to try and think about this film and what it meant you, you are wasting your time. This film operated on a surface-level read with just as much reward as thinking about it in any non-superficial way.
fucking garbage
read some kike's movie review on the WSJ, which praised the film. got meme'd into watching this garbage. fucking jew rat, he should hang
There is no plausible explanation for all the events in the film. Nobody can come up with a theory that explains everything.
garbage. i remember seeing this and the audience laughing and booing when it finished.
Legitimately this was the most offensive movie I have seen all year, and a significant personal disappointment.
jesus christ just fucking kill yourself
boring. underwhelming from start to finish. tried to be 2deep but was so poorly made that the ending fell flat and it just left an empty space, a literal waste of time.
what are you blathering about you idiot? isn't reading into things, he's giving you the basic, logical interpretation of what happened
Hipster "horror" garbage.
>you idiot
damn you're so defensive. I am saying thinking about this film at all is not worth it, to any slight or extreme degree. You get as much out of this film if you consider it face-value, as you would for writing a dissertation on it.
Now fuck off you damn brainlet.
btw, way to fuck up the format of your post DUMB SHIT ;)
bump this shit