How do I get the intuition to understand Xavier, Sup Forums?
How do I get the intuition to understand Xavier, Sup Forums?
xavier is p much just puns and wiener cum rape haha jokes
read communism "literature" and worship satan
XRA deals with more advanced concepts than R&M, often times strung together in fleeting poetic dialogue and coexisting with shit being thrown at a wall, so that it tends to fly over the heads of people who either have poor comprehension or little philosophical education. It parodies new age philosophy while exploring ontology, and has a lot of linguistic quips that reflect an understanding of relativistic experiences. Relativism is actually the underlying theme of the entire series, as it not only comes up regularly within the plots and dialogue but is revealed in the last scene to be intrinsic to the concept of the main character, who is nothing but a perception. Some single sentences of dialogue seem as though hours were spent writing them, sometimes wrapped up in multiple layers of satire. This is another reason why the show's depth tends to escape many viewers, they are unable to unravel the cryptic and poetic dialogue and understand the philosophical references and social commentary, not to mention being distracted by things that seem random or absurd, and presuming there lies nothing beyond this.
Rick and Morty on the other hand deals with a range of science fiction topics that have already been explored in other series or popular culture, and doesn't touch ontology, epistemology, phenomenology, etc. It's a good show when it doesn't have it's head up it's ass with drama, pop culture, and "omg so true!" humor, but XRA is "smarter".
does it bug anyone else that Xavier looks like a bl*ck?
Sup Forums nu-xavier fans are much worse than reddit rick and morty fans
like a block?
i cringed
That would be the cognitive dissonance pulsing through your mind from running into someone superior to you. You have to hide behind some kind of shoehorned judgment to curb the pain.
That wasn't a cringe, that was your brain contracting so hard it flexed all the muscles in your face
brainlet reaction
>is this freak harassing you? or would you prefer" her ass in you?"
Why do you get mad that you can't interpret something the same way as someone else? This is a sign of an incredibly stupid person, come on man. Do you get fucking mad when someone says they enjoy the sight of tulips and they disagree?
>he didn't get it
>people who only ever watch the first (aka worst) episode
Plebians, all of you.
nu-xavier fans trying to imitate the dialog is the worst
taste the pain
What? Those are just bants. They aren't anywhere near as crafty as XRA dialogue, but still seemed to leave you anally hemorrhaged.
you know you can just say nothing instead of making the 2367854789789th UMAD? XD post. you grow as a person when you can admit to yourself that you have nothing to add to a conversation
The irony
smoke some DUDE WEED
... of you making another reply without gaining any self awareness in the process
You sound like the physical manifestation of some loser's inner-demons.
And you're not different.
>you know you can just walk away, right? Try to grow
>but I need the last word!!!
Colossal fucking faggot
Can't make this shit up
Maybe he should just be the larger man and hang up first
>makes another post to tell me i need the last word
an animeposting "IM 2 SMORT 4 REDDIT AND MEMEY" poster having no self awareness? it's not as strange as you might think, friend
You sound like some total chode's inability to confront the reality of his past actions.'s hard to tell because it's so tiny but it seems to be squeaking some self-contradicting life advice
yes, we've all watched the show that the thread is about
>writing comments that roleplay as your anime reaction maymays
what a normal thing to do. also
>life advice
I don't polycotton to coping tropes, not even my own
So why don't you split
By understanding that R&M's sensiblities come from feeling like a sorry faggot loser about yourself and the fandom follows with it. Xavier's is about keeping an open mind and exploring yourself and the world around you.
Not that R&M is a bad show, but Xavier comes from a healthier viewpoint. The problem is that R&M's fans take the content within the show as law and see it as a sort of bible for how to behave and how to see the world around them. It teaches (the dumb) fans to see nihilism where there doesn't need to be any.
If you want any more (you)s you're going to have to give me something original. You're a boring little speck.
oh fuck, he deleted one of the >'s. i'm gonna have to ascend to a much higher level of euphoria before i stand a chance here
this is you right now
"Healthy" viewpoints are synonymous with uneducated/unintelligent viewpoints. This is because the human mind cares about itself, but nature doesn't. You're in a nightmare even if you're not smart enough/too privileged to understand that yet.
>Xavier's is about keeping an open mind and exploring yourself and the world around you
no it isnt
You couldn't seek your way out of a cardboard bag!
>Thinks nature is something that exists phenomenologically beyond his own perspective
>Thinks intelligent people are unhappy
I bet you think you're smart
>imblying outside forces should stop you from being happy
Xavier is best enjoyed and understood by re-watching, because you will always notice something new from this collage of art.
You also need to not be a fedora, definitely.
(pic unrelated)
so nobody is going to address the fact that those aren't actually xavier quotes?
It's a complicated baiting mechanism for R&M edgelords, let it sit.
then why hasn't it caught any?
>love is just a chemical reaction
>do not get married
>do not raise a family
>supplement the chemical reaction with food, drugs and stupid television.
This series is not only unfunny - it's going to produce a generation of unbearable autists continuing the tradition of George Carlin and The Daily Show.
I've seen it happen before. I'm not OP, I just hang out in XRA threads and rile up brainlets.
They're Nietzsche quotations. R&M fags get buttmad and call them worse than their edge quotes and shit on themselves. It's less common now that it's overwhelmingly hip to hate rick and morty.
I got the feeling something wasn't right about those quotes.
The thing that Xavier does, which Fedora-show doesn't do, is that it takes the piss out of it's own protagonist. Ever notice how Xavier ruins everything he touches, and most of the information coming out of his mouth is verbal diarhea? There's a reason for that, and it's to have you question what Xavier says, and how true his words are.
It also does a good Job of satyrizing all of the happenings in the show, that engaging the audience and asking for them to consider things for themselves. It's self-critical stance also ensures that anyone can enjoy the humor of the show. When it takes a piss out of Christian Science, it also takes a piss out of edgy fedoras like clip related:
It is truly the magnum opus of Adult Swim.
At least they won't have kids.
Intelligent people do tend to be unhappy because their suffering is vastly increased due to not falling for things like astrology, religion, and facebook motivational images. Positivity is a delusion and a result of gullibility and privilege. Anyone who is happy is either lucky or stupid.
>t. brainlet
>When it takes a piss out of Christian Science, it also takes a piss out of edgy fedoras like clip related:
... that's what you got out of that clip? i think you're just projecting your own opinions onto the surrealist bits
>They're Nietzsche quotations
acftually marcel proust
Every single person that uses terms like brainlet is mentally retarded or close to it.
Back to your containment board
Intelligent people are smart enough to find out how to be happy. If you can't figure out how to do something you want to do, that means you're dumb.
t. butthurt brainlet
don't project the fact that you're stupid enough to live your life based on what tv characters say onto other people
>The thing that Xavier does, which Fedora-show doesn't do, is that it takes the piss out of it's own protagonist.
wrong. stopped reading there.
Rick and Morty's most notorious episode, Rick Potion #9, is a gigantic play on Rick's retarded 'science rules' nonsense. His chemistry fuckup crashes the planet, but the love that his daughter and her husband feel in his abscence allow them to pull through.
XRA is great, and Rick and Morty is something else, but you're stupid or you just don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
At least one is Nietzsche, I guess there's more than one author.
Please explain to me what that scene is about, then?
At the very least the show doesn't insult my sensitivities like fedora-show does.
>I'm simply too smart to find happiness
lol explain what anything in that episode was "about".
>my sensibilities
what, are you a meme-christian?
That's a non sequitur, and also just demonstrably false due to the number of geniuses who have spent their lives miserable. Granted, they have all figured out the way to be happy which is severe brain trauma, but were unwilling to through with it. You have very low intelligence, which is why you came to the ridiculous conclusion in your post.
>pretends to be smart
>hides behind strawmans
>talks about non sequitor
>post is full of unfalsifiable claims and ad hom
The irony. Literally has more of a basis than your claim, because at least smart people are known for figuring things out by definition and your claim is based on literal anecdotes.
No such thing as a miserable genius. Most nobel prize winning physicists and famous philosophers were smug fucks.
>positivity is a delusion
So you choose to be an unhappy piece of shit instead of choosing to see the brighter side of things? That's something that weak willed people choose to do.
Is this seriously what you tell yourself to cope with your depression? That you're too smart to be happy?
That is what most depressed people tell themselves after all.
Searching for the subject on google leads to numerous studies which prove smart people tend to be unhappy and have much higher rates of mental illness like depression. You're objectively wrong, this isn't even an argument.
The obvious reason for this is that reality is a fucking nightmare and the more intelligent you are the more awareness you have of this fact. You have more anxieties, you are less likely to have children, you are less likely to be satisfied, etc.
>don't project the fact that you're stupid enough to live your life based on what tv characters say onto other people
This common leftist debate tactic. "YOU ARE THE THING THAT YOU JUST SAID I WAS!"
This is the type of person you're becoming with this line of reasoning:
>jerking himself off over being neurotypical
woah, what an achievement
>That you're too smart to be happy?
that's not what he's arguing, he's just denying idiocy like
>No such thing as a miserable genius.
"Seeing the brighter side of things" literally requires stupidity. 99% of the time "the bright side" is purely delusion. For example, it's impossible for an intelligent person to believe horoscopes are real or that god exists, and you're saying this is equivalent to being weak-willed. You're retarded.
>what, are you a meme-christian
only as much as you are a fedora :^)
it's really funny that you think your opinion weighs enough to make me read some fucking jezebel article about how i'm le totally objectively wrong and mentally insane for being mean to you on the internet
>Unironically thinks there is an objective metric of intelligence
>Unironically thinks depression is a 'mental illness'
>Unironically thinks his perspective is out of his control
>Unironically thinks reality is objectively horrible(compared to fucking what?)
>Thinks he's smart
>I refuse to be happy regardless of the fact that my viewpoint is 100% of the world I percieve around me
One of the pillars of philosophy is the fact that every one of us sees the world through filters as products of our upbringings. It's a matter of choosing to see that your world is viewed from a biased perspective and chamging it to a more positive outlook. Basically, quit being a faggot and put a smile on your face.
It's impossible for an intelligent person to be cognitive realist and yet here you are, making cognitive realist statements.
It's true, though. Unless a genius wants to be miserable, they wouldn't be, because they would be smart enough to figure out how to not be miserable, or by definition they wouldn't be a genius.
>>Unironically thinks there is an objective metric of intelligence
lol so you're now at the point of denying smart people even exist? this is getting fun to watch
>Unironically thinks depression is a 'mental illness'
that is objectively what it is
another person jerking themselves off over "choosing" to be happy. i bet you had to work really hard and have some real mindblowing insights to have the average functioning serotonin output of a healthy human brain
lol do you think science actually works like it does on rick and morty?
Rick & Morty is an anti-nihilism show that brainlets think is nihilistic
Xavier Renegade Angel is a nihilistic show that brainlets think is anti-nihilism
really makes you think
This argument is based on so many false premises and assumptions that you must be retarded
not as hard as this does
>lol so you're now at the point of denying smart people even exist?
No? I just pointed out the fact that there exists no objective metric of intelligence, rendering any studies that attempt to use measured intelligence as data inherently based in subjectivity.
>that is objectively what it is
Not even hard science pretends to be objective, let alone social science which is inductive by definition. You pretend to be intelligent and do not understand the scientific method?
Who hurt you?
No, because rick is a genius but is miserable, inherently contradicting reality.
Use quotations and explain how, or else I could say the same about your post and be equally valid in my reasoning.
>uhh science isn't "objective" therefore my bullshit theories on depression are perfectly valid!
you're mom when she bonced on my dik
You only think nothing matters because if anything matters you'd be obligated to hold yourself to a standard you don't want to. You aren't smart, you're a lazy entitled oaf who'd rather devalue everything than accept the responsibility of anything.
Rick has certainly figured out how to be happy using his genius. He could make himself far less intelligent/erase his memory and become happy.
Well ironically social science is inherently inductive so by definition yes, psychologist "theories" about depression have a gap in logical progression between their bases and their conclusions. Every single one. You are as religious about depression as the people you make fun of for believing in horoscopes and god.
Then there you go, genius leads to happiness.
>You are as religious about depression as the people you make fun of for believing in horoscopes and god.
*tips fedora*
Aren't you literally the guy saying that you're too smart to be happy and you're fedora tipping? It would fit.
does anyone have the human version of this image
>The chad philosopher.
>The virgin nihilist.