Erdogan signals he is prepared to launch joint Turkish-US invasion of ISIS capital Raqqa.

>“From now on, we have to show that we exist in the region. We do not have an option to step back at this point,”
>“Obama particularly wants to do something together [with us] about Raqqa. We have told him that this is not a problem for us.”
>Turkey has suggested the high-ranking soldiers of both parties could come together and discuss the issue, and “then what is necessary will be done,” he said.

>Speaking Tuesday to journalists accompanying him on a return flight after the G20 summit, President Erdoğan said that U.S. President Barack Obama communicated his desire to see the two countries cooperate to free Raqqa of DAESH occupation and that Turkey was welcome to embark on such an endeavor, proposing that military officials from both sides discuss the details.

Turkish sources:

I want to fuck Anzu's face

Stop posting that ugly fake roach whore


Jelly greek detected


You know it's a boy, right?

she's a woman!

should i make a gofundme for collecting enough money to go to turkey an rape anzu? pics and vids will be delivered afterwards.

NO! Anzu is pure, innocent angel.