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Hydewarsfree for trur fans fag
I am... forgotten...
remember when mde was good
at least we still have our pureboy. Incorruptible.
get a job baby bitch
Hyde is a hack who ripped off Tim and Eric, Eric Andre, etc.
I don't see anything from Eric Andre, but I do see some clear influence from T&E. But he's admitted countless times that he was a big fan of Awesome Show and hopes that, if anything, it's an homage when that influence shines through and not seen as stealing.
A good example is that deleted scene of the flight simulator, the sound effects et al were very T&Eish.
what are the implications of this scene? Is world peace just a dream? which parts are real?
fuck off you triggered snowflake
Sammy we love you but this e-begging has got to go
You cant grow old living off patreon
So here you go its your shot
Fat feel fail you not
World peace may be the only opportunity that you got
>Fat feel fail you not
post a clip of literally anything sam has done that copies tim and eric and post the clip he is copying from
then maybe i'll believe you
is dis slipknot
>still spewing Sup Forums buzzwords
user sweetie...
i'd love to be a fly in sam's head seeing what's going on.
he's probably approaching insanity with all the regret.
>I sacrificed my career for the presidential election meme which everyone has moved on from
>I could have had season 2 airing after Rick and Morty by now
>I could have gotten legit acting gigs
>I could have been invited on JRE
sam has more money than you
is the video game going to be an rpgmaker shovelware or maybe a visual novel? hope not but anything else seems way too complex for two guys to pull of since sam is just an ideas guy
It's not legal tender, mind you, but being idolized by dozens of Pepepedes is much better than any material wealth... or a show... or health insurance, for that matter.
I remember when this tard shilled on Sup Forums. I remember when all his old shitty vids had less than 100 views.
it's like you don't start out successful
hi Sam. if you have so much money, why are you asking me for handouts?
it's not our fault you got a liberal arts degree instead of studying something useful. go get a McJob like 99% of your fans that aren't on NEETbux.
tfw he was right ;_;
what's it all mean, what's he saying when he says it?
yeah, it's already confirmed it's a visual novel
it's just Another Day in Hell in game form, so if you have the book there's no reason to buy it when it comes out
>half of his fanbase uses reddit
>one of the users who goes on there is actually thinking about converting to christianity, not for the sake of connecting to god, but larping against religions he doesn't like
the alt right is unholy, they want to replace religion and faith with race worship and prancing in the forest with rainbow flags (milo)
Where the fuck is Nick?
Sup Forums literally didn't even exist when MDE picked up steam
iirc originally the scifi theme was the hub of the show and used to transition to all the skits which are what lead to the dystopia the world is in. i think this is the originally demo pilot for the show, which explains why it sticks to this concept and looks unfinished ish. i reckon they scrapped it because it wouldnt stretch out for a season or several
Baby bitch? It's sad that your comedic senses are so dull that you cannot grasp his genius. All the best comedians have some inner struggle they use to channel their material. In Sam's case, it's his repressed homosexuality.
Tell me, would a straight comedian come up with a hilarious bit like this?
And have so much inner turmoil that he uses transsexuals as an outlet to deal with his gay demons?
If only you could comprehend how much he suffers for his art, just to make people laugh. It's the least you could do you ungrateful cunt.
He has a wife and a really nice house. He did the smart thing. Charls and Sam weren't meant for this world.
Am I wrong in thinking that the paywall is a piss take?
are sam and charls not friends anymore?
>user sweetie...
>still spewing Sup Forums buzzwords
he didn't say he copied them, he said he sees clear influence. I think you meant to quote
they still are, charls was on a few hydewars episodes after wp was canceled
>mfw Sup Forums actually watched this garbage because he like liked trump and thought they were "sticking it" to liberals
So now that the dust has settled, are you ready to admit that you only pretended to like this retard because of maga?
Yeah, so what. What's your point?
He said there are supposedly 8 new episodes behind the paywall or something
hello shills
:( feels like years ago now
'sup, sam.