Which Stand Up comedian has the best TV Show?

Which Stand Up comedian has the best TV Show?

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Bill Hicks was the last good stand up comedian, probably the only one.

Uhhh, alive maybe. Pic related is GOAT

nice meme

no one cases when idubbbz says nigger

Larry David, he use to do standup right?

>Bill Hicks

not really he had one good special he was much funnier on the radio

The difference is that the first four don't use the word as an insult, and the second two did. I still don't care, but I understand why people got angry at the second two and not the first four.

I do wonder why Michael Richards was never really forgiven for what he did, while Elvis Costello called Ray Charles and James Brown niggers and most people don't even know that now.

QT is worse. He uses it because he thinks its ok when he does it.


>said n word many many times

>said it one time

He had 3 good specials, but yes his radio bits were better. That said his radio bits are better than most stand up specials today.

His characters use it in the movies he writes. I don't think I've ever heard him say the word out of character.

Tarantino is an honorary black man.

>he had one good special
Which one?

Tarantino belives that he is a black man. This is related to childhood insecurities about his mother having a sexual preference for African-American men. He felt that his mother would not love him enough due to being white, so in order to compete for her affections, he started identifying with black culture so much that he eventually began thinking of himself as black.

Foot fetishism is not, in fact, a "black male thing". It is directly tied to subservience. Men feel arousal at sexualizing the literal lowest part of a woman, which is generally regarded as dirty, smelly and unsexy. This is because foot fetishists feel inferior, not worthy of the breast or the vagina, and must gain arousal from the only part of the woman they are "entitled to".

Tarantino feels unworthy of his mother's love, hence the foot fetish, and projects himself as black to compensate for this. Unconsciously he believes that his identifying as black will spark sexual desire in her, which he interprets as matronly love.


T. Tarantino

Anyone else frustrated seeing Ethans piggy face up on the same list as fucking Cosmo Kramer?

didn't read a word of this

>Foot fetishism is not, in fact, a "black male thing". It is directly tied to subservience. Men feel arousal at sexualizing the literal lowest part of a woman, which is generally regarded as dirty, smelly and unsexy. This is because foot fetishists feel inferior, not worthy of the breast or the vagina, and must gain arousal from the only part of the woman they are "entitled to".
>Tarantino feels unworthy of his mother's love, hence the foot fetish, and projects himself as black to compensate for this. Unconsciously he believes that his identifying as black will spark sexual desire in her, which he interprets as matronly love.

Feet just look nice.

Holy shit

He casted himself as a racist guy in Pulp Fiction that says nigger. I think in Django Unchained as well.

Bitter sexist who has fanbase of bitter teenagers. Just like Bill Burr, except Bill Burr is funny and actually acknowledges he's stupid at times.

all stand up comedians TV shows sucks. It's all about archived O&A with Burr, Louis, Patrice, Jim Norton, Nick DiPallo, Bob Kelley, Jay Mohr etc.

I'm going with my gut here and just say you're a straight white man.

No. I get tired of the Patrice worship when he wasn't that funny, just bitter. He hated women to a point where it wasn't funny. Just uncomfortable.

Oh you poor pussy whipped white boy. When was he ever wrong.

what kind of faggot doesn't like Patrice, he's one of the funniest motherfuckers to ever be in the business. Basically every contemporary comedian thinks he was exceptional, and some of his pals like bill burr practically deify the guy they think he was so funny. His woman hate was one of his most hilarious bits, you must be a real vapid cunt not to get it.

Alex Jones is not funny


So this is how Tarantino became a film genius.

I know the last good TV show by a stand up comedian...


H3H3 dude said nigger before?

>Pewdiepie is cool now because he is edgy and racist

Sup Forums has bought this hook line and sinker.

Good post.


you don't get to the point he's at without knowing how to play to a crowd, he knows the only people that would be totally offended by him saying nigger and making Jew jokes aren't even watching him


There's clearly a bit of a difference here.

its all about context you dumbfuck
the last 2 used it in a blatantly racist way

ok nigger faggot

Doug Stanhope is the best stand up comedian of the past 25 years.

Louis CK had the best TV show though.

Who the fuck is that 2nd to last

Idubbbz is the ultimate internet alpha. He does not give a fuck

>Ethan says "nigger faggot" over and over again
>Ethan, not joking, says women love being raped

>Ethan lectures Pewdiepie about saying "nigger" because its going too far

I like him, but hes being a cunt

I wish I could find that interview with sam jackson where he literally says "quentin thinks he's black"


his mental healthcare/Gabriel Giffords bit killed me

>that interview where Jamie fox and Samuel Jackson are clearly uncomfortable with Tarantino's forced ebonics

>didn't read a word of this
said the person who read it entirely

Not a stand up comic, but Larry David.

It's almost as though the last two used Nigger in a specifically deleterious and reactionary fashion because it was the word they associated with Bad and Disgusting People.

I agree with both of these.

Stanhope was great on Louie as well.

correct answer

jesus christ what a pussy. would you care to actually refute the things that he used to say?

>search "tough crowd"
>0 results

>search "tough crowd"
>1 result

I honestly feel like Kramer did nothing wrong. So the story goes that this group of 20 black and Latino dudes come in and they basically won't stop talking won't stop being loud and then when Kramer finnally snaps and says something they act all offended and hurt. I mean really the audacity of these guys is fucking unbelievable. Also all the people standing up and leaving in some big protest because Kramer said a naughty word and was mean to a bunch of assholes is hilarious. I can't believe the number of people that were even hand offended by this shit even tho they weren't even at the show.

Dude, when the first thing you do when you snap is head straight for calling a group of strangers Niggers, you're probably a racist fuck. Which, you know, fair play especially for older people like Kramer over there, but you can't expect people to just be cool with that shit. Like if you're in traffic and a dude cuts you off and you shout "This fucking NIGGER over here, fuck you and fuck your mother!" that shit is just on the tip of your tongue.

We don't want the first thing that came to his mind was the video starts halfway through his response. If someone in an argument with a black dude and they call him a nigger that person isn't racist there just trying to say something mean. Sure Kramer as a comedian should have come up with something better but to get offended by what he said is just ridiculous. You got to admit it, if you were at that stand up show and you heard fucking Kramer calling a group of obxonious black dudes a bunch of niggers you would be laughing your ass off.

*we don't know what the first thing that came to is mind was
That's what I meant