Did you guys like this movie?

This would rate on about my top 5 movies of all time

Discuss pls

Hated the book so I didn't watch the movie

Sad shit schlock
Viggo is the only quality of this thrash

This was a weird case where it captured but book perfectly but I for some reason didn't like it all that much.

is this korean flick remake?

Steps to watching The Road
>watch movie
>drink liquor

Because there's no substance to it, it is basically torture porn

made me cry like a little bitch

annoying bitch ass little kid the whole movie

>Wife would rather kill herself than live with you
What did she mean by this

Captured the book very well.

I only noticed 2 scenes in the book that weren't in the movie.

Why would anyone watch this movie more than once?

>Captured the book very well.

It was faithful to the feeling of the book. A significant part of the book's impact comes from McCarthy's sparse, bleak prose and it's difficult to get that feeling on film. The movie doesn't entirely accomplish it, but it comes close, and it does so in a way that clearly shows that the people involved were at least familiar with the source material.

It's a good movie. But, as another user pointed out, it's so bleak (with only small pin-points of light, centered almost entirely around the Father's love for his Son) that it's a difficult movie to watch once, let alone re-watch.

That's not a negative in my opinion, by the way. It's just a really rough ride.

the movie would be alot better if it was a girl and not a boy

just play TLOU

no thanks

Great movie. Close to being a masterpiece.

>tfw viggo will never fight and die for you

A girl gave me head in a movie theatre for the first time during this

Great movie but one I associate with an ex so I can't watch it ever again.
