Is there a more annoying fanbase?

Is there a more annoying fanbase?

>watch this in high school and absolutely love it
>rewatch in college and it isn't nearly as fun

David Lynch's fanbase has become insufferable in the past few years.

coworkers and roommates over-hyped the fuck out of that series.

>start episode 1, excited/intrigued to see if is actually a good series set in space w/ heavy interstellar travel component.
>after 1 episode, realize its a show about a childish douche who captains a ship carrying a bunch of losers...okay can handle that
>after 2nd episode, realize its a show about cowboys who sit on a spaceship made with AMCE grade CG.
>characters suck, story sucks, cowboys are boring af
>stop watching after that, only curious about Serenity's 7.9 on IMDB and how far off it is.

God that show was fucking retarded.

Doctor Who

Rick and Morty.
Harry Potter.

There are more. But those came to mind immediately. It's such a shame when something I enjoy gets coopted by Normie's that don't shut the fuck up about it. I enjoy Rick and Morty, Firefly and Deadpool but I don't need to mention it every 0.6 milliseconds. Honestly I weep when things I enjoy become part of pop culture. It's where fandom goes to die.


Got, Walking Dead

supernatural fan base

Rick and Morty
Bojack Horseman
Game of Thrones
Simpsons, lately

Pretty much everything in this thread has awful fanbases. I'll add Buffy to the list. The whole tv tropes thing started because of Buffy.

Currently?... Orville.

They all think it's the Second Coming of Firefly because they are lonely, miserable, and pathetic.

>the past few years.
Nah, just for the past year or so (with the build up to The Return).

Had a similar experience but I wasn't able to pass the first episode before dropping it.


No, but there's no more annoying hate-base.

Anything that has a large female following is usually pandering trash. The fans of pandering trash are the worst types of "people" imaginable.

DCucks spamming BvS threads are more annoying.

Trekkies desu, weapons-grade autism right there

Same thing happened to me. I think you have to be young and liberal to fully appreciate Firefly.

>t. Vedderfag still mad that Judyposters were right


I'm trying to watch this now. Some of the liberal pandering shit is definitely annoying. I almost gave up when all the characters got triggered so hard by the gynecologist joke that the captain told the guy to leave the table. What the fuck that joke must be like 5000 years old in universe. But some of the writing is surprising enough that it's enjoyable half the time. Would you guys say it generally gets more or less pandering?

The movie is the final echelon

The movie is worth watching for
>I'm unarmed

>start watching Supernatural when it first started
>my brother, my friends and I loved it
>figured it'd do great in the young male demo with bros broing it up listening to dad rock and killing monsters
>mfw 99% of the fanbase ends up being Winchest tumblr Superwholock weirdos
>mfw the last of the boys to be watching it by season 6


Science bitch!

Refn/Elle fags
DCU fags
reddit show (Rick n Marty, The orvelle, Farscape etc) fags

Yeah, there is

They originally advertised Supernatural as basically Buffy for bros (They always put that "No chick flick moments" line in the promos) but of course the fujos had to infest it.

how is the Dark Matter return/moving/crowfunding goes?

Don't get why current Joss views being applied. This underlying theme was personal freedom against a totalitarian leftist government. The crew was capitalist as fuck mercenaries drawn together by common hatred of being ruled upon.

ITT drama queens

pic related (You)

it may get a mini series of 4-8 episodes

this. the show's lack of continuity attracts the very worst aspies, who seem to think the rest of the world needs to know which Doctor is their favorite, and why.

Marvelcucks who seem to think we need nine films about Squirrel Girl.

i once made a casual comment about Deadpool to an autistic coworker and he got angry, quoted his personal view of Deadpool Canon and concluded ".. and that's a FACT."

"No, it's myth, invented to entertain teenage boys. None of it is fact."

He came close to punching me, which would have been rather sad, because he was about the same height as Harlan Ellison.

GoT, Walking Dead, Twin Peaks, Rick and Morty