How do you want your remake senpai?

How do you want your remake senpai?

Other urls found in this thread:


Aren't they supposed to be krauts anyway

Fucking end it all

everyone in the original looks like a frozen plastic doll, so senpai probably wants it visually superior

It's normal for gundam to be remastered

Where is the classical music? Where's the fluffy 80s hair? Why do I hear the sound of dicks being sucked every time the new voice actors speak? What the fuck women ruin everything.

As long as we get a blu ray release of the original I don't really care

WTF is wrong with our timeline?
Even the japs caught Hollywood's reboot cancer.

I know you're trolling, but you should probably delet this out of respect.

Honestly I think it looks fine, my problem is

Like really? You couldn't spend the extra dosh on one of the biggest and most famous series ever?

what the fuck

>replace swarthy greek hair with myspace blogger trope
Ah, the great Japanese empire, so powerful and superior

oh well could be worse

if it was an american remake yang would be a black female

and reinhard would be transgendered

Why is Sup Forums mad about this again?

fujoshit, flood of normies to Sup Forums

I don't want it. Logh was garbage and is the anime that finally sold me on the idea that japs can't tell a good story for shit.

as long as i can get a kircheis figure that isn't chibi i'll be happy. i won't watch an logh remake regardless. it literally can't be better than the original.

It is a lot of dosh they saved and the result looks better than the original.

Digital is so boring and flat. It has killed anime.

Kuroko no Space Jam

>flood of normies to Sup Forums
If there's any board that deserves it, it's Sup Forums, bunch of cunts.

>Saved a lot of dosh
>looks better than the original

It looks like shit. All the character designs suck.

so we went from individuals with clear facial differences to a bunch of lelouchs with different colored hair

bravo modern anime

Considering the animation in the original was legitimately bad by industry standards (see: typical for japanese animation). Yeah, it does and your opinipns are wrong.

Alright tell me which anime Sup Forums bullied you about liking.


>this is the look of a 30 ear old alcoholic Chinese man
Yang legit looks younger than Reinhard.

i guess this is the time to remind everyone that the original books were REALLY awful and this is just going back to that


every time
They've already got you covered.

They bullied me for not liking LotGH

Nah fuck that. Even static hand-drawn looks better than PS2 CGI. There is no reason to watch anime these days when they so shamelessly ditch the whole appeal of anime - the hand-drawn animation.

Also you are way too harsh on LoGH battle scenes. Go look at the Battle of Vermillion. It still looks good.

You kind of deserve it then. LoGH is the most basic pleb filter.

All the ones on the right look like plastic garbage and I don't give 2 shits about anime.

Go back.

i only know two of these and they were both unironically good

Go fuck yourself

t. Moeshit eater

>There is no reason to watch anime
I agree entirely.

Anime is complete shit.

And take off your nostalgia goggles

This feels like a newgrounds image for some reason

Absolutely brutal. Imagine a scene like this in western sci fi when a ship is destroyed.

The ones I've seen on that list are legitimately good.

Now post the fat woman boobies from the history video please.

seems like typical Sup Forums bait.

How about you take off your cynical hatefag goggles?This is good animation. Factually!

How did Sup Forums stop the Sup Forums cancer from taking over?

Thank god I'm not a faggot


>one battle scene is an entire over 100 episode show

Anime has shit animation in general user and the quality on this show jumped around a lot.

By killing the board.

A worthy price to pay according to some. Sup Forums should've been more like Sup Forums. This is the best board on Sup Forums minus the Marvel shills doing company wars.

>someone got bullied by Sup Forums so hard that he's taking out his impotent rage on this thread instead of going up to his bullies and standing up to them
Holy shit

why do people still put eva on these? nobody likes it and everybody stopped ironically liking it ages ago

Give me a rundown on this guy


>Monster is elitism.
What did my ex girlfriend mean by this when she bought me that to try and get me into anime?

People only put Monster on a petal stool because they're so used to seeing superpowered faggots slamming into each other in their cartoons that anything more down to earth seems mature and sophisticated.

There's literally nothing wrong with superpowered faggots slamming into each other in cartoons.

Monster is shit and completely falls apart within the first 30 episodes. Objectively good my fucking ass

please save us from Sup Forums, Sup Forums
even our janitor is one of them

get raped by gamergate, bitch!

And lotgh has a 3rd act that drags, at least two entirely unnecessary plotlines and destroys the heroes journey replacing him with an uncharismatic wet blanket. Except for one its characters are shallow cut outs. Honestly it's only praised because its consumers are man children that are used to even shittier products.

I'm really tired of you Sup Forums refugees coming to shit up our board with your pathetic japanese cartoons. Even GotG is beyter than your shit.

Reminder the rise of Sup Forumsedditors coming over to Sup Forums as a result of Bane memes has led to a shift in taste on Sup Forums

99% of the anime threads here are made by Sup Forumsedditors who only watch LE EPIC MANIME shonen trash and are too scared to post on Sup Forums because no one wants to talk about the same 5 old classic anime that only entry level newfaggots know about. Then they cry about Sup Forums having shit taste and proceed to buy their next avengers movie ticket.

Sup Forums has actually done a fantastic job at keeping out you Sup Forumseddit scum and so all you faggots come crying here because no one wanted to accommodate your newfaggotry.

Also you all treat Sup Forums as a place to ask for recommendations when was made to deal with garbage threads like these that aren't actually discussing anything. This thread should be deleted but since Sup Forums mods are garbage it won't.

Sounds like you should go back to Sup Forums if you like it there so much.

if you're putting twice as much effort into your post than you get back in replies you're a shit troll

Anne of Green Gables is better than LOGH.

who the fuck talks about movies here lmao

It's shitty pasta. He does it in every anime related thread.

Well, yeah.

True. Sup Forumseddit came here to spew their shit. This was their place where they could say nigger, smear shit on the wall and not get banned. They get off on smearing shit on the wall, waiting for the home owner to come home and laughing when the owner freaks out. Why would they discuss movies here? They discuss movies on reddit, their home. Sup Forums is for memes and memes only. Sup Forums to them was a place famous for being shit, so they came here to shit.

>Japan makes shows based on Western novels for children
>mature works with complex characters and simple, but interesting plot
>Japan makes shows based on their own novels/video games/comic books
>infantile or pretentious trash with sexualized characters and convoluted plot
What did they mean by this?

>Japan makes shows based on Western novels for children
>mature works with complex characters and simple, but interesting plot

Name ONE(1).

>Why is Sup Forums mad about this again?
Please, allow me to explain.

>New LoGH Production Staff:
Series Director: Shunsuke Tada (storyboarder and episode director on Kuroko's Basketball)
Head Scriptwriter: Noboru Takagi (scriptwriter on Kuroko's Basketball)
Character Designer: Yoko Kikuchi (character designer and chief animation director on Kuroko's Basketball)
Character Designer: Iwao Teraoka (storyboarder on Kuroko's Basketball)
Character Designer: Katsura Tsushima (episode animation director on Kuroko's Basketball)
Chief Animation Director: Takayuki Goto (chief animation director on Kuroko's Basketball)

It's literally Space Jam.


Why did they make everyone look like edgy faggots?
In the old LotGH all the male characters actually looked like men.

It's gonna be a slam dunk

top kek you couldnt making more shit up if you tried

Why do you see mein Fraulein Hildegardo in the wrong uniform yet somehow believe that you are viewing a real image and not an edit?


In nu-anime ?!
Well, imagine my surprise!

user I hate anime as much as the next guy but LotGH was different.
Instead of melodramatic romance we had small discussions of political philosophy, actuallly good looking space battles even if they looked dodgy and cheesy here and there and also the art direction was fucking great where you could actually see a difference between a guy and a girl.


If I remember correctly there were times in the old anime that she wore the black uniform.
Also I hope this is an edit else it would look shitty.

literally me

>Zu jeder Zeit, an jedem Ort, bleibt das Tun der Menschen das gleiche
>In every time, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same
A democratic republican lawyer professor and FPA veteran was teaching a propaganda class on Yang Wen-Li, known rebel.

Yellow Subs: "Before class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Yang and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Reinhard von Müsel!"

At this moment, a visiting brave, patriotic, pro-monarchy Imperial Armed Forces admiral who had recaptured Iserlohn Fortress 15 times and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decisions made by Herr Kakka stood and held up a bust of Arle Heinessen.

"What is the greatest known form of government?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite Phezzanily and smugly replied "A republican democracy, as created by the Heinessen in your hands."

"Wrong" said the admiral, as he crushed the bust into dust. "It’s been 500 years since Rudolf von Goldenbaum founded our Ginga Teikoku. If your system was worthwhile, as you say, then we wouldn't have defeated you so effortlessly in the Battle of Shiva."

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his frag and copy of the Riberty Berr. He stormed out of the room crying those liberal El Facil tears.

Mahler played as the students applauded and all registered Imperial Reconciliation that day and accepted baby Alexander as their lord and sovereign. A dog named "Paul von Oberstein" leaped into the admiral's arms, ate some chicken and did literally nothing wrong. The Imperial Pledge was read several times, and Silberberch's ghost showed up and enacted a flat tax rate across the galaxy. If only Kircheis had been there...

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died in a Terraist attack and was tossed into Hel for all eternity while the legendary galactic heroes look down from Valhalla.



>hfw he finds out that either he's shooting blanks or his wife is barren


>A dog named "Paul von Oberstein" leaped into the admiral's arms, ate some chicken and did literally nothing wrong
This part kills me every time

literally /ourguy/

haha yea my family and I have this conversation, little do they know I am helping someone become god emperor of a nazi space empire so I just don't have time for women

Its still work his parents didnt do anything wrong.











>Riberty Berr

shitskin detected

>all that sameface
>they even ruined Oberstein
we're doomed

>Oberstein did unironically nothing wrong

The whole series I expected him to betray someone.

i like the new iserlohn
