are we in the golden age of animation
Are we in the golden age of animation
God the white space isn't even the cringiest part of that image
The golden age was '84-'07 and it had very little to do with the west.
Why can't western cartoons be aesthetically pleasing?
I wonder what the secret is...
because western culture associates aesthetically pleasing drawings with "for kids only"
most westerners lack the stamina for working 20 hours a day
Every single redhead ive seen has been overweight
Why the FUCK are thin girls not the norm?????
Repressed pedophelia.
Oh it's not repressed, I'm just being considerate to the transplants littering this board.
Give up on 3DPD, user.
never seen it, never seen it, meh
Live somewhere that is not America.
Success of the Shitsons ruined Western animation forever.
I would but europe is getting assraped by muslims right now. And russia seems like a bad idea
mob psycho 100 is way better than any of this shit
Mob's literally made by the same dude as OPM.
Focus on dialogue over visuals. They have to get episodes out more quickly.
Anime is weekly the same as western animation. Western animation tends to skip weeks, even.
western animation puts a lot of effort into lip synching, which anime doesn't give the slightest shit about
Western animation is generally more fluid with less stills. Characters move around more.
Waste of time. Maybe that's why there's never anything good. Too scared of all of the mouth drawing and vocal sync autism they'll have to do for no reason.
99% of anime is garbage. Most Japanese writers cannot into pacing and dialogue.
>western animation isn't aesthetically pleasing because it focuses on dialogue over visuals due to time constraints
>they have time constraints because they are too busy making their animation fluid and aesthetically pleasing
Well, which is it?
"dialogue" as in lip synching
Name five series that you've watched. Surely your opinion is educated.
>Japanese writers cannot into dialogue
Do you speak Japanese?
So their animation is less aesthetically pleasing because they are too busy making mouth movements aesthetically pleasing?
What's the left side one?
stop getting animation and art direction mixed up and acting like you're smart
But lip syncing is literally animation. What are you talking about, then, if not lip syncing? You guys are all over the place.
One Punch Man. It's fun.
Don't put bojack next to reddit.
Why are all current western cartoons so flat? Even simple cartoons like Johnny Bravo looked better than what is shown today
Mob Psycho
FMA Brotherhood
Tokyo Ghoul
Sword Art
Angel Beats
Kill la Kill
Pyscho Pass
Most of these were recommended to me and most were complete shit. Bojack alone is better than most of these.
Bojack is reddit. There was a thread recently where they were linking to reddit posts and multiple people were talking about them like it wasn't a problem.
"aesthetically pleasing" was referring to art direction, not animation
>lemme google popular anime: the list
>muh epic feels
>not reddit
Pick one
All but three of those are designed for child/teenage male audiences, no wonder you're confused. Balls deep in shounen.
You're looking for 80s-90s OVAs, seinen, josei, adult parody, and moe is the end game where a majority of the adult male-oriented material is but it's hard to penetrate.
Why don't you recommend some shows user?
Well that's silly. Why does character design have to be bad for lip syncing to be good? Seems a little bit non sequitor.
This is everything I've seen since HS.
I'm not a weeb so I'm not sure what you want me to say. I stick to mainstream stuff.
What epic feels? The show is not reddit tier. Are you a pleb or something? What's next, Nathan for you is also reddit? kys yourself already.
Is it? I was gonna watch it but then I read that it wasn't as good as OPM and I was sort of disappointed by OPM
LoGH, Berserk, the original Arslan Senki, Gunbuster, Ys, Gunnm, Utena, Grimgar, and Onihei aren't bad places to start for some of the manlier stuff. Non Non Biyori, Nichijou, Ichigo Mashimaro, Kill Me Baby are good things if you're willing to break into the moe barrier(where lots of the good material is). Watching Gakkougurashi's first episode would probably be fun. Kiss x Sis might blow your mind in a completely different way. I dunno, go watch stuff.
Not him but it's the second show I think of when someone says "reddit: the show"
I don't think you'll like Mob if you disliked OPM but there are some Mob fanboys who will insist otherwise of course.
Oh and MD Geist is probably my favorite OVA but it might be too Dangerous for you. Pleb filter.
Then you are missing out. It is honestly the closest thing to arrested development in terms of running gags and stupid puns.
This is what I'm curious about, too. Since the early 2000s western animation has mostly "looked like Flash" - which it also WAS, obviously - but why does it STILL look like that? It's almost like nothing has progressed in the past 15 years.
Maybe anime just isn't for you? There's no need to finish series, if they don't appeal to you in the first place.
I know it's reddit because of how much I cringed through it's increasing insufferability and pseudointellectualism through one and a half seasons before never touching it again.
BoJack is absolutely reddit m8.
>puns and wordplay are the show's bread and butter
>liberal pandering
>big dramatic moments
>popular on reddit
It's still pretty good tho
>moe barrier
>where the good material is
Jesus christ fuck off back to Sup Forums you cancerous shit taste retard.
>recommending Kissxsis
Don't post in a rec thread with your bottom of the barrel garbage again
I said it's hard to penetrate because it's hard to penetrate. It's the best material, though. Watch Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou if you're too cool for moe.
Unironically hating on KxS means you're gay.
Because of
>Sakuga (作画) is a term used in anime to describe moments in a show or movie when the quality of the animation improves drastically.
Anime is a mix of 85% nice still drawings with mouth flapping and 15% going all out with detailed animation. Western animation is more focused on making everything cohesive so they spread their budget out evenly so nothing ever looks amazing but it never looks bad either.
Post your recs, if you're so great!
No and we won't ever be until the west mainly America realizes not everything has to be a fucking animated sitcom.
While you are correct, there's still (at least) one piece missing: why does anime often get to use detailed background images, photorealistic even, when they never feature in western animation? I refuse to believe that it's just a stylisting choice, because detailed backgrounds would make western animation look so much more better, without affecting the production costs much.
I didn't really dislike it. It's just that people hyped the shit out of it. The first few episodes were great when it was satirizing anime tropes but then halfway through it sort of just became what it was satirizing. Also because it was a comedy and the main character is literally invincible I never really got engaged in it emotionally.
The writers are obviously liberal, but they do not ponder. Just look at the sextina episode. They are clearly showing how hollywoo just latches on to liberal issues like abortion to seem all inspirational. They know how fake hollywood is. Liberals in Hollywood don't know shit about anything other than to latch onto causes they know will get them attention.
There are thousands of aspiring nip animators and artists in a much more competitive environment who are passionate about the medium. It's why their pay is so low, they're easily replaceable. We don't have that in the west.
I only saw the first three seasons, but it definitely didn't come across as a "we're making fun of both sides" thing on the political issues. Plus the showrunner said Season 5 would be dedicated to fighting Trump, though that was like 6 months ago.
That is also true, but it still just doesn't add up in my mind. Even a single painter could tackle the background art needed for key scenes of a show, yet we NEVER see so much attention to detail in western animation, as is a regular sight in anime.
It's a parody through to the end, though it has some decent feels moments with characters that aren't walking punchlines. Not really something I blame people at all for disliking, though, I just think it had decent jokes and fun fights.
It's weird discussing anime outside of the Sup Forums bubble, people hyping OPM sounds so alien to me.
I really think it is just a style choice. They want the a backgrounds to match the character art. Can you imagine The Simpsons with painted anime style backgrounds? Not all shows do it that way though. Bojack and Archer have photo realistic backgrounds at times
>characters that aren't walking punchlines
Right, I'm not saying that they are conservative. I'm saying that they at least realize that the movie industry is dominated by phony people that only hold views that will make them likeable. Take Mr. PeanutButter, he is definitely someone that does not think about the ethics of what he does. He only goes with the flow. The flow in Hollywood just happens to be about being a liberal.
I have normie friends with Saitama images in their Facebook. It got pretty popular with the Dragon Ball Z/Attack on Titan/Toonami crowd
I like the show and get what you're saying but making fun of the fake Hollywood political machine is like self deprecating Jewish writer humor 101. Its not really anything new.
That's definitely true. The liberals on the show get a lot of shit for their phoniness. But on the actual issues, the show's opinion seems pretty clear.
>Bill Cosby was definitively made into a rapist on the show.
>Todd being asexuality was played incredibly seriously.
>Its argued that veterans shouldn't be considered heroes (and there was backlash on this, but BoJack was definitely supposed to be seen as the reasonable party here.)
>In the abortion episode, I don't even think they gave lip service to the side that thinks it's wrong.
They make fun of liberal personalities and conservative political positions.
It's a number of factors. Stylistic choice, budget and availability of talent. Japan also tends to do lower frame rate for most of their cuts), unless it's an action scene or something that demands that sweet sakuga. They sacrifice smoothness of motion for more detail.
American studios prefer to do the smoother animation throughout at the expense of detail. Also, there is no ubiquitous style, unless you're WB, so your source material or art director could just have a preference for something that's super simple looking. Then there's the fact that nobody is really willing to pay top dollar for animation to look good anymore, or if they are, it's built around vocal talent or digital puppeteering like Archer.
>American studios prefer to do the smoother animation throughout at the expense of detail.
Which are these 'American studios' ? Is anything animated in the US these days ?
>Bento Box
>Humoring the Fates
>Warner Brothers
>Shadow Machine
>Starburns Industries
They exist. Some use foreign inbetweeners or more, like Bento Box. Others are 100% made in America
I just want to watch somethinh like king of the hill or bojack horseman. Jap cartoons like that arent translated so no. Im not going to watch highschooler anime again.
i found OPM to be forgettable and really liked Mob Psycho, but i am not a big anime fan. I watched less than 20 anime titles in my entire life probably.
I call nonsense on Warner and Disney (I have no idea what the others are), they've been outsourcing animation for ages.
Not even the Simpsons is animated in the US, it's southkorea along with practically everything else (I guess South Park is the exception, since a 10 year old can animate an episode of that in an afternoon).
Warner and Disney do keyframes, backgrounds and other work, but yeah, lot of it is outsourced to other countries. Some is actually outsourced to American studios like Humoring the Fates.
As for the others, did you play Sonic Mania or at least see the intro video? Yotta, an American studio, did a lot of it.
Archer? American studio.
Rick and Morty? Originally Starburns.
Bojack? Shadow Machine.
Actually, a number of Adult Swim shows were Starburns. They MIGHT use foreigners for inbetweens and stuff, but they are based in the US and do a considerable amount of the animation in house.
Bob's Burgers is a different story, where Bento Box is based in North Hollywood, but they have an office in Korea for most of the production.
Point being, there are American studios doing a lot of work. Some of them are on the same level as Japanese studios, who use Korean or Thai inbetween artists to save on cost. Check the credits of any given anime now and you'll see some very not-Japanese names in there. So if you still considering them to be Japanese studios, you gotta give the same leeway to the American ones doing exactly the same thing.