What was his end game?

What was his end game?

to make em laugh

Time being the matter.

How can one man be so perfect?

Probably drugs.


spend his entire life being ironically insane

Get drunk, fuck bitches, beat up liberals and kill commies.

A true American.

this, desu

He should have primaried Nixon in 1976

he was just trying to figure it all out.


Being the best character?

People who think he's an edgelord got it all wrong. Rorschach is the edgelord. The Comedian found himself confronted with a world so horrible all he could do was laugh, but against even his own wishes he still gave a fuck and was a decent man on the inside.

>It's all a joke. Mother forgive me.
BvS and Snyder shitposting aside, if you don't think the Watchman movie is the best (maybe only) good capeshit ever made, you're insane.

Men who shoot the woman they impregnated in the belly are not "decent".

That was his lowest point in the entire series, right as they were causing insane amounts of destruction in Vietnam and while he was working with someone who gave him every reason to doubt and be disgusted with the idea of meaning in the universe. He did it to prove a point, of how horrible Dr. Manhattan was. I don't think The Comedian thought he was a decent man, I think he thought he was a horrible bastard who deserved Hell, but even right up to the end he knew what was happening was wrong. After everything he did and saw and believed, he still had a conscience fighting to get out.

I find BvS the best. Call me insane haha. Batman being psycho feels more impact than a bunch of 1 off Alan Moore characters, y'know?

He just genuinely liked hurting people.

Being thrown out a window.

He won.

Yet society considers women who kill their babies to be just fine.

Telling wacky jokes

yeah what a double standard why can't I gun pregnant women in the stomach really boggles the noggin you fucking retard

>t. Edgelord

I'm not sure there's an argument to be made that the Comedian was a decent person. He was a piece of shit and he was self-aware enough to know it. I think you're right on the money with regards to how he viewed himself, but I don't believe that excuses him.

If I had to sum up my understanding of the character it would be this: he's a man with a conscience who has been confronted with what he believes to be reason after reason to ignore it.

He's largely successful at it. Great character. Awful person.

She almost blinded Eddie. She deserved that bullet. Doctor Manhatten could've stopped her. He couldn've revived her. He could've healed Eddie's face. He could've made her rich. He could've aborted her baby. etc.

>if you don't think the Watchman movie is the best (maybe only) good capeshit

It's a great story but a stupid movie. I hope the HBO series is worth a fuck.

Do non nu-GOT fags still like HBO? I think they're shittier than AMC.

>soo... Richard Nixon. I mean, come on!

hbo makes cash cows, they aren't on the cutting edge of tv anymore

>Caring about a fetus
Times have changed which make this comic age poorly. The fetus isn't worth anything since pro-life debate started. She could of just aborted it. The parasite in her belly has no real value.

Snyder didn't make this movie good.
Alan Moore did...

just a matter of time, I suppose.

I don't like Snyder, but I do appreciate that he used the comic as a story board and didn't try to innovate when it came to the more important scenes.

>I don't like Snyder
Why? His three superhero films are all respectable films in an otherwise bankrupt genre. The last auteur of the genre.

Also his ability to tell a ton of story with smart imagery over a short time is impressive - The Watchmen intro montage and Dr Manhattan's creation. I will never understand the online hate crusade against him. It's absurd how much hate he gets.

Why was he even killed?

He was having second thoughts about Ozymandias' plans, and blabbed about them.

Had to be put down.

Ozymandias is pure evil and the fact that his ideas seem reasonable to some shows how capable of evil all of us are.


hyuck hyuck directors don't matter

I think his two Superman movies are cheap and not really that respectable, both failing to be truly deep films (in a genre like capeshit, where such things don't really fit) or entertaining flicks (both MoS and BvS felt really boring to me, and I'm not alone here)

Watchmen is pretty good though. I think the hate is part a meme, part Marvel fanboys hating and part people genuinely disliking the movies and thinking his approach to the capeshit genre is totally wrong.